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Alphas Second Chance Mate Sidonie Carlyle

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30


She was shocked when the men around her suddenly dropped dead but she heaved a sigh of relic which made

squatted beside one of them, feeling his pulse and she realized they were dead. | bet she must have been

confused before finally coming to a conclusion gat someone else was with her.

“Is anyone there?” She yelled at the top of her voice. | didn’t show up or say anything but stood there, staring at

her. | wanted to know her next line of action. But who would have thought that she will be persistent?

“Who is there?” She paused, waiting for a response which she got none. “I know you're there and | don’t know

how long you've be even following me, but.... Her knees gave way and she winced in pain, almost falling on the

ground as her steps began to falter.

“You need to take it easy, love” | showed up behind her, having my arms around her waist, steadying her on get

feet to prevent hr from falling. After thinking it through, | decided it won't hurt to show up in front of her.

Perhaps, it was a good tto set things right between us. | really needed her in my life and maybe this chance

was given toby the moon goddesss to make things right.

For a moment, she stood comfortable in my arms, her body leaning on my mascuar chest as she looked at me

intently. Our gaze into each other's eyes was prolonged as if searching for something before | finally cleared my

throat, jolting her back to reality from whatever realm of thoughts she had herself going to.

My throat clear sound worked just like | wanted it to. She rolled her eyes at me, heading forward towards a

particular flower which | couldn’t see from a distance.

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“Thank you,” was the only thing she said before leaving my front. Still limping, she walked ahead, aiming for the

flowers. Just as she bent to uproot the flowers, her legs gave way and | hurried to pick her up before she would

fall on her butt.

Carrying her away from the midst of the flowers, | sat her down on a small heap of rock not far from where she

was earlier. She tried to stand up, but | sat her down with her hands, gently pushing her back. | raised her gown

above her knees to tend to her injury but the sight that greetednearly madelost my mind.

Her leg was all bloodied and not healing. How dare they hurt my mate this way? They had to pay! If possible, I'll

have them killed all over, again and again. To make things worse, the wounds weren't healing or showing any

sign of healing.


Chapter 30

“Shit!” | cursed. Delicately, | pulled a clean cloth from my inner pocket, wiping the blood all around her leg to

make clear the wound.

“Wolfsbane.” | mumbled, more angry. | bent over her leg to suck out the bane venom from her wounds to grant

them chance to heal.

“No. drat.” She held my shoulder, stopping me.

“It’s okay, it’s fine. | assured her with a smile and she letdo my thing. By now, it was already dark but the

moonlight was so bright that it enabled our visibility.

I sucked out the venom, spitting it out on the ground, and the wounds began to heal. But it was slow for my

liking. In order to aid it. | dug my fands into my palms, creating a wound dripping with blood and I allowed the

blood to drop on her wounds which closed up in a minute. They healed faster, putting her out of her pain.

“How did you do that?” So much enthusiasm radiated in her eyes a she shook her legs

for any signs of pain.

“It's a secret.” | said, chuckling as | cleaned the final blood stains off my hand and her leg.

“Anyway, thank you.” She bowed her head a little out of respect for who | am and hurried towards the flowers

she intends to uproot. About three minutes later, she was done and about to leave with a basket on her back full

of the flowers. Surprisingly, | noticed that her nose were now covered but | didn’t know why. Could it be that

she’s covering her face to preventfrom seeing her? | was a bit hurt but I ignored it.

“Sidonnie” | called out to her as she began to walk away. | think she was done with whatever took her there in

the first place. | knew she heardjust right since her steps. faltered when | called her but she didn’t wait. She

didn’t want to seebut | wouldn't let the chance go and | didn’t.

“I am comanding you, Sidonnie Xander, a member of the Moon Shade Pack to stop there this instant.” | ordered,

my voice resonating with complete authority. | never wanted it to result in this but | had no choice. She left me

none and as a last resort, | had to use command for her be a use she'll have no choice but to obey.

The atmosphere carried an undeniable tension as | issued the command, a silent acknowledgment that

disobedience to an Alpha was a boundary rarely tested. No one in his right senses would dare disobey an Alpha’s

command. Not in my pack! As expected, she halted in her tracks with a submissive acknowledgment of my


“Turn around,” | ordered, and she pivoted without hesitation, her head bowed low in

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Chapter 30

deference. The unspoken language of dominance and submission played out in the stillness of the moment.

Taking a seat on the rocks she had occupied earlier, | gestured for her to join me, tapping the spot beside me.

We needed to discuss matters that couldn't wait, even in the face of the looming mysteries of Aridah. Right then,

Aridah could wait as | might not get the chance to discuss things with her again.

“Chere,” | beckoned to her with the authoritative tone of an Alpha ringing in my words. She hesitated at

first, standing rooted in place like an unmoving tree as her gaze was fixated on the ground.

“I'm still ordering you as an Alpha,” | reminded her, and with that, she took slow steps toward me, eventually

settling besideas directed. She gently placed the basket on hr back a few feet away, a symbol of surrender

which earned a smug smile from me.

“Let's talk. | need clear answers. But first, let's start from what you chere for,” | stated, studying her

expressions for any hints of the emotions she might be concealing. The weight of our discussion hung in the air,

and | was determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding her presence in the Mountain of Canth and her

absence in my pack for the past three years.

She stared at me, initially unresponsive as if my words were mere gibberish. It wasn’t. until | reminded her that |

would be addressing her as her Alpha throughout the discussion that a spark of recognition flashed in her eyes.

“Pay your respect,” | declared without restraint, setting the tone for a conversation that would delve into matters

of the past.

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