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Assassin Dad and His Genius Daughter

Chapter 58 Ma Zheng’s First Victory
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If I had known I was going to lose control, I wouldn't have come here and bet on my life when I could be spending time with my daughter and her mother.

Ren Ye breathed heavily as his head was slowly shrouded by a layer of gray cloud, each breath he exhales emitted a hot fog. He didn't focus on fighting the specter anymore and casually sat down on the ground.

He began to focus on adjusting his breathing posture.

"Leave me some time…"

As for Ma Zheng, he was engaged in a battle with the low-level specter.

He was holding the binoculars and kept track of its movement carefully, he clenched his jaw and tried to aim for the target. Due to a prior lack of training, he was unable to fight one-on-one against it.

Sh*t! Why is it moving too fast? Can't it stay still for one darn second so I could aim?

[Host! Watch its next move!]

Watch its next move? Do you think I am some kind of psychic? I can barely fight! Why don't you come out by yourself and fight it yourself?

As Ma Zheng was cursing the system out, Ma Zheng couldn't help but overheard a soft sigh inside his head. He turned his head around and spoke loudly, "Who was that?"

Before he could react, a gush of strong air shot out of his chest. The ball of powerful air was transparent and left behind after images as Ma Zheng's white suit blew off.

He widened his eyes in shock.

"What just happened?"

The gush of strong air hit the shadow in multiple places, leaving behind a trace as Ma Zheng immediately took out his one and only ability.

[Soul-cleansing Ray]

[Do you wish to activate?]

Ma Zheng proceeded further as light from the ceiling beamed brightly, causing Ma Zheng to involuntarily close his eyes. Even Ren Ye who had his eyes closed couldn't help but tighten his eyes.

The light shattered the glass of the windows almost instantly as the shards sprayed onto the office's ground and fell down from the building, leaving behind a huge hole.

Ren Ye had only stabilized a little of his energy as he quickly opened his eyes and took out his Ice Entrancing Potion, which contained a considerable amount.

He believed the ray was unable to eliminate the traces completely but also had to be frozen.

He opened the lid roughly and swung the bottle against the shrieking specter, the specter was mumbling some words that Ma Zheng and Ren Ye were unable to understand.

'You humans are darned! There is only one race above all! Demons shall bring glory to this darned planet!'

Old Yi was able to discern the meaning as it had been spoken in his language, he rubbed his chin with intrigue, "Interesting. It speaks my language, perhaps I may even know it."

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Ren Ye gazed at the withering specter calmly, "It could even be from your world."

"Indeed. I wonder who is the master of this specter? It couldn't be Ye Zhihao since he was someone who I am certain is unrelated to me."

Ren Ye nodded his head and agreed solemnly.

He sustained slight bruises as it may take a couple of minutes before they heal on their own. The chaotic energy had significantly calmed down quite a bit.

The specter dissipated gradually as it was suffering from the ray and the cold potion, combining two elements into one and becoming a deadly force in eliminating the specter.

The specter withered away and left behind a dust-covered item, the rotting smell inside the room also went away as Ren Ye was finally able to take a breath.

"Perhaps, you needed a window instead of having to kill this specter," Ren Ye remarked after noticing the room had no windows despite the place being covered in glasses.

The room was powered by air conditioners completely.

Ma Zheng was slightly embarrassed as he rubbed his head awkwardly, "Uh, I will make sure to add them later."

Wow! Did you see me fight? I was doing so good just now but this stupid idiot had to ruin my show.

Ma Zheng, inside his head, has become the protagonist of a story but somehow got his spotlight snatched by the hot and handsome villain instead.

[Host was awesome!]

The system gave three thumbs up as it also celebrated his win.

"Here's the binoculars."

Ma Zheng remembered he was still using someone's binoculars and gave them back to Ren Ye. He was quite impressed with its use and wondered how much it costs.

Ren Ye accepted it but was stopped by Ma Zheng's sudden smile.


"There ain't no way I am selling that!" Old Yi sounded out angrily inside his head.

"How much does it cost? Do you know any place that sells this thing?" Ma Zheng noticed the unwilling look on his face and changed the question, he initially wanted to buy this from him directly.

He was even willing to offer 10 million RMB.

Had Ren Ye been able to read his thoughts, he would have tried convincing Old Yi to think otherwise.

"I borrowed this from a friend of mine, it is not for sale."

Ren Ye remembered to add, "He doesn't sell this, he only makes them for himself."

Ma Zheng pursed his lips tightly and nodded his head in disappointment.

Why do I feel like this guy just doesn't want to give me his information…



Suddenly, the weather started raining and lightning struck the building next to his building.


The both of them were soaked due to the open space in his office, Ren Ye scoffed silently as he rushed to find shelter. Ma Zheng cussed the specter for causing this to happen.

"Transfer my documents to another room and have the office fixed as soon as possible."

Ma Zheng ordered his men solemnly as they nodded their heads and followed his orders, they ran to the office with determined looks on their faces.

They were immediately stunned by what they saw inside his office, what just happened here? Did these two have an argument that caused every window to break?

Ren Ye watched silently with an indifferent gaze.

[Ding! Congratulation on successfully fighting a specter for the first time]

[Prior to the fight, Ma Zheng's system had specifically requested us to help Ma Zheng]

[Here's a reward for your commitment]

[You have received 10 million system coins]


[You can now choose to buy weapons and techniques from the system's store]


Ren Ye was stunned, he rubbed his chin carefully.

"I don't even know what to buy yet, I will look for it later on when I have time."

Ren Ye shook his head.

On the other hand, Ma Zheng didn't know his own system had requested Ren Ye to help him at all as he was unaware his system was willing to pay another party a large sum to save him.

"You know, I never thought one day I could have faith in you," Ma Zheng said thoughtfully inwardly.

[Host should be grateful to have a helpful system!]

In front of his screen displayed a smug expression, causing Ma Zheng to curl his lips sarcastically.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

[Now that Host has entered a new stage! It is time for the Host to start cultivating!]


Ma Zheng was attracted by the term as he had only heard of it from his nerd friends, I recall they like reading cultivation s before.

I am not really a huge fan of these things, believing it is a waste of my time spending much of my day reading a 3000s chapters .

In the past, he thought of his friends as people who didn't have anything to do unlike him, who had to study all day and work hard. He somehow understood people needed time away from reality.

Ma Zheng didn't think one day he would be given the chance to be a protagonist, "Is it like those things from the books?"


[We cultivate differently! Don't speak frivolously of our cultivation system!]

The system sent out a list of angry emoticons.


"You don't have to be so defensive about it."

The system immediately sent an extensive network of knowledge into his head as Ma Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

"So it is like that? Isn't it the same though?"

He still insisted it was the same as those things in cultivation s, the system's window suddenly bent.


Ma Zheng was pushed back forcefully on his butt, he winced loudly.


Ren Ye was startled and turned to look at Ma Zheng with a strange gaze, he suddenly frowned.

Was that a gush of air just now? We are inside the building, how come there's such a strong wind?

Old Yi chuckled mischievously, "He is getting punished."

"You know I could do that to you too."


"But your temper is hard to control so I'd just let you do whatever you want."

Ren Ye didn't speak as he lowered his gaze calmly, he immediately got a call from an unknown number.

Although he didn't have her number, he was still able to know whose number it belonged to. He picked up the call after ten rings, he suddenly heard a crisp and childish voice from the other side.


His heart suddenly warmed upon hearing this word, his frown softened and he curled his lips softly.

He spoke out in a hoarse voice, "Hi."