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Chapter 483 The Result Of Erik's Efforts
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Erik had been back in the ancient underground city for a week, and the time had flown by.

There was no respite, no quiet contemplation. Due to a task that only he could complete, he was constantly moving.

His Plant Master ability was invaluable, and his connection to the earth and its flora was critical to the village's survival.

He began by sowing Auburn Pine seeds. These were not ordinary seeds; they contained the power of life and renewal.

Each seed, nestled in the earth, held the promise of a brighter future. The Auburn Pine was unique because it released energy similar to the sun's.

The once-chilly cavern began to warm as each seed took root and sprouted into saplings.

It was a slow change, a subtle shift in the atmosphere that whispered of transformation.

It was not an easy task. The soil was hard and unyielding. On the other hand, Erik poured his mana and energy into the earth, softening it and making it more receptive to the seeds.

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He used his Plant Master abilities to direct the growth, coaxing the roots deeper and encouraging the stems upward toward the cave ceiling.

If the trees were already large naturally, Erik's power had made them massive. The fruits of Erik's and the farmer's labor became visible over the course of the week. What was once barren rock and soil transformed into a verdant wonder.

Tall Auburn Pines reached for the high cavern ceiling, their radiant glow illuminating the sprawling underground city in soft, warm light.

A plethora of plants took root under their watchful boughs. Verdant fields carpeted the ground, adding color to the cave walls' muted gray.

But Erik's work impacted more than just the city's appearance. It gave it a much-needed boost.

The vegetation he and the others cultivated significantly improved the air quality. The plants breathed life into the stale cave air, transforming it into a fresh, oxygen-rich environment. It was an enormous accomplishment.

He brought life to a place where none was thought to be possible. He transformed an inhospitable cave into a sanctuary, a safe haven for his people.

Erik sowed another seed in the rich soil—the seed of the plant he discovered within the ancient brick house that kept the Thaids away.

The plant was not only useful, but it was also beautiful to look at, creating an otherworldly scene within the city. The conditions became favorable for its growth under the glowing light of the Auburn Pines.

Erik used his Plant Master abilities to help it grow. He cared for it, fed it mana, and encouraged it to grow.

The plant responded to his care, and its growth accelerated under his watchful eye. It spread through the underground city, a silent, unassuming protector against the threat of Thaids.

The city, which was already glowing with the light of the Auburn Pines and the Aclaitrium ore and vibrant with many other plants, gained another layer of safety and beauty.

The residents watched in awe and gratitude as the seemingly ordinary plant covered the walls and floors, creating a natural barrier between them and the Thaids. Once cold and lifeless, their underground city had transformed into a living, breathing entity pulsing with life and energy.

And, thanks to Erik's tireless efforts, it was a haven. They had a safe haven in the earth's core, a place they could call home without fear.I think you should take a look at

Erik gazed at his work, and his heart swelled with pride. He had promised to assist, and he had delivered.

While the young man was observing the city and admiring his and the other's work, a voice called out from behind.

Turning, he saw Vanessa approaching him, her eyes sparkling with an almost infectious energy.

"Erik," she said, her voice slightly echoing in the ample space, "Amos and Samuel are looking for you."

"Why?" he inquired.

"I don't know; they just told me to find you and tell you to come to the village hall." Erik nodded, acknowledging her message.

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He broke the ice with, "By the way, how are you finding our new home?" Her response was unequivocal.

"I think it's amazing, Erik! With the warmth from the Auburn Pines and the sense of community among us, it feels like we're slowly building our home again. It's difficult, yes, but it's also exciting."

Her words were filled with hope and determination. Erik could tell she was ready to live there. They were all like that. They'd come too far and fought too hard to give up now.

Erik set off through the underground city, hearing the low hum of activity around him. The city's inhabitants worked hard to make this vast refuge their home.

He could see small groups gathered around the ancient houses, their hands deftly maneuvering tools as they worked to repair the time-worn structures.

He could hear the rhythmic thud of hammers, the crisp sound of saws cutting through wood, and the low murmur of conversation.

They worked together in unison, their common goal binding them together and strengthening them.

Further down the road, other villagers were cleaning the path of the Acidspitter Arthropods' dead bodies with brooms and shovels.

From the effort they were putting in and the occasional grimace, he could tell that this wouldn't be an easy task.

His path led him toward the ancient military building. The building had been converted into its current use, and its architecture was now used to house the village hall.

As Erik approached the structure, his gaze was drawn to the recently installed door, and he was overcome with awe.

It shone brightly in the light cast by the Auburn Pines, and the Aclaitrium ore's polished surface reflected the light's gentle glow.

As Erik moved closer to the entrance, the only sound that could be heard was the echo of his footsteps.

As he got closer, the sounds of the bustling city receded into the background, and he concentrated all of his attention on the activity that was currently taking place.