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Chapter 564 Preparations
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Chapter 564 Preparations

Since the night Erik discovered Doran's dark secrets, a whole month passed; it flew by in a flash. Each day was a whirlwind of activities, and Erik felt the world around him subtly shifting.

The terrifying images and mind-blowing revelations lingered in the back of his mind. Still, life continued to move forward, and so did he.

Erik has made significant progress toward mastering his brain crystal powers in recent months. He had succeeded in reaching the v level with both Nathaniel's and Hais' abilities, which was an accomplishment that was not simple to achieve at all.

In addition to that, he had taken in the power of the Mistlynx brain crystal power. His control over mana significantly improved compared to when he began and was still in New Alexandria.

Every practice session, each moment of focus, had brought him closer to levels of mastery he previously believed impossible to reach. The increase in power he experienced was terrifying for anyone else, but for him, it was exhilarating.

But accumulating power wasn't, by any means, the only goal of his life. In addition to what he accomplished during this period, he dove headfirst into his work with unyielding enthusiasm.

He tackled all his quests, tasks, and challenges with a dogged determination that was not lost on anyone who witnessed him. The fruits of his labor were monetary rewards and growing respect within the guild.

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Amid this busy period, one thing remained a constant focus for Erik: the data he'd extracted from Doran's lab. Whenever he found a quiet moment, he would dive into the information, compelled to grasp the full scope of Doran's twisted plans. However, the lack of information wasn't enough even for Hais's brain crystal power. What he found was deeply disturbing, but most of what Erik came up with was speculation.

As Erik pored over experiment logs, anatomical sketches, and arcane symbols, a horrifying picture began taking shape in his mind.

Doran's ambitions went beyond greed or a lust for control; they verged on the insane. He was attempting to replicate a process previously only achieved by blacksmiths using Thaids' brain crystals. But Doran wanted to go even further, to venture into uncharted territory.

Erik's heart pounded as he read Doran's personal notes over and over again. The scientist envisioned not just bestowing humans with additional brain crystal powers but implanting them with actual additional brain crystals, complete with the accompanying mana.

The idea was tantalizing: amplified abilities, increased mana, and previously unimaginable levels of power. But such power came at a terrible price.

Erik discovered that the cost was measured in human lives. The abducted individuals weren't random; they were carefully selected test subjects.

Erik felt sick as he read the cold, clinical descriptions of the experiments they endured.

Many had been subjected to excruciating procedures that horrifiedly altered their minds and bodies. Doran's notes were peppered with terms like "failures" and "necessary sacrifices," implying that many didn't survive the experiments.

The young man leaned back, running his fingers through his hair, grappling with the enormity of Doran's twisted vision.

While the concept of humans possessing multiple brain crystals could be revolutionary, the methods used and the ethical lines crossed were the stuff of nightmares.

The abducted weren't just victims; they were unwilling pioneers on the fringe of arcane science, their humanity sacrificed on the altar of Doran's ambition.

As Erik sat there, enveloped by the staggering implications of his discoveries, a chilling thought wormed his mind: What would happen to the world if Doran succeeded?

If a society teeming with humans wielding so much power. What would happen to humanity, to the world, if the Power scales were irrevocably tipped and ethical boundaries were hopelessly muddled?

Erik shivered, fully clutching at the information he had unearthed. Doran's warped dream wasn't just a threat to his victims; it jeopardized the very essence of their world.

The young man knew, in the core of his being, that this technology could be a game-changer.

The vibrant streets of Testrovsc's Rest had always been a wellspring of inspiration for Erik.

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The city's pulse was rhythmic with trade, its lifeblood rich with possibilities. But today felt different. Erik walked purposefully, eyes scanning each storefront as if hunting for treasure.

Flush with earnings from his recent endeavors, Erik was eager to take the reins of his operations. The Lustrous Haulers had been good to him, but they were an expense he was ready to shed.

His goal was straightforward: own a vehicle fleet, hire his crew, and operate an independent venture, a guild. The allure of having complete control over his logistics and finances was too enticing to pass up. More than that, it was another building block in crafting his legacy.

As he meandered through the streets, Erik's imagination took flight. He envisioned a sprawling warehouse, its parking lot filled with gleaming trucks, each bearing his chosen logo. Inside, a hive of activity, with staff orchestrating shipments and mapping out routes.

His daydream was interrupted when he stumbled upon an empty lot between two bustling businesses. It was a sizable space flanked by accessible roads on either side.

Erik saw the untapped potential, a blank slate awaiting his transformative touch. He jotted down the address, planning to inquire further.

Further along, he discovered an auto dealership showcasing a variety of commercial vehicles. A wave of excitement washed over him as he examined the options.

Engaging with the dealer, he discussed specs, prices, and custom features. Erik realized he wasn't just investing in vehicles but in the cornerstones of his future empire.

He met with prospective employees throughout the day, seeking out skilled drivers and logistics experts. He sensed their initial surprise at encountering someone so young yet so driven. But Erik's passion and vision were infectious, almost compelling them to join his cause. Yet, they weren't convinced, and they refused to join him.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Erik found himself armed with a list of potential properties, vehicles, and a nascent team. His dream was within reach, no longer a far-off aspiration.

As he reviewed his day's accomplishments that evening, Erik felt a swell of pride. His life's pieces were falling into place, and the road ahead seemed brighter than ever.

Launching his own guild, particularly in light of his recent experiences, was more about independence than financial gain.