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Chapter 569 Upsetting news
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Chapter 569 Upsetting news

After the conversation at the counter, Erik followed the low murmur of conversations and the soft clinking of ceramic as he moved through the enormous guild building.

He eventually found himself in the familiar setting of the guild's cafeteria. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and a blend of spices from various meals filled the air.

Vance stood at one of the counters amidst the heavy foot traffic of mercenaries and clerks. The tall, wiry figure with stark white hair was methodically pouring over a hot drink, attention to detail evident as always. Despite his age, Vance was known for his inexhaustible energy and was a cherished figure among the guild members.

He often gave much-appreciated advice to newbies, but even veterans found themselves reprimanded by the old man if they did something stupid.

"Erik!" Vance boomed in greeting, his pale blue eyes twinkling in delight. "It's been a while!"

Erik grinned, returning the sentiment. "Too long, Vance. How have you been?"

"Ah, the usual hustle and bustle," Vance chuckled, wiping his hands on his apron. "This place never sleeps, as you certainly know. But what brings you here? Not just for my amazing coffee, isn't it?"

Erik smirked, settling onto a stool at the counter. "Of course I want a cup of coffee, an espresso, please, but no, officially, I'm here for business. I started the process to establish a guild."

Vance's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A guild, you say? Well, that's ambitious, even for you."

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Erik sighed, his playful demeanor fading. "It's been a long time coming, Vance. The kind of operations I will dive into demands a level of structure and teamwork that a guild can provide; besides, I work almost every day and sometimes need a break while still earning money. Besides, since I plan on doing a lot of stuff, I need help from other people, and I don't want to work for someone else."

Vance leaned on the counter, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully. "I get what you mean, but a guild requires more than just paperwork. You need people. And not just any people. The right ones," he said while handing Erik a cup of espresso.

Nodding, Erik replied, "That's the problem. I need fourteen members. And I want each of them to be good."

For a moment, Vance was silent, considering. Then, a thought seemed to strike him. "Over the years, I've seen many faces pass through this cafeteria. While I can't personally vouch for everyone, some folks caught my eye. Young talents, experienced veterans, and those with unique skill sets."

Erik's gaze sharpened, hope lighting up his face. "Anyone you'd recommend?"

Vance sighed, pouring another cup of coffee. "There are a few names that come to mind. But remember, my perspective is based on character and the little tidbits of conversation I've picked up here and there. I can't say for sure if they'd join your guild or how good they are. Still, it might be worth reaching out."

Erik's respect for Vance was evident in his earnest response. "Even a hint is invaluable, Vance. I trust your judgment."

The older man smiled, visibly touched. "Very well, I'll give you some names. But more than that, I'll spread the word that Erik Kay is forming a guild. News like that tends to travel fast around here."

Erik clasped Vance's hand in gratitude. "Thank you. This means a lot."

Vance nodded, patting Erik's hand. "Always happy to help. And remember, while numbers are important, the quality and loyalty of the members will determine your guild's success."

With a thoughtful look, Erik responded, "Duly noted, Vance. I'll keep that in mind."

Erik took a deep breath, finishing the last of his coffee. "Vance," he started, "have you heard any recent news? Something big, perhaps?"

Vance, who had been in the process of refilling another customer's mug, paused. "Of course; who do you think I am?" he said quietly, glancing at Erik.

Vance set the coffee pot down and leaned in, speaking in a low tone. "There's been talk, mostly whispers. Something big happened in Frant, and they've tried hiding it up, but you know how news travels."

Erik felt his heart rate increase. "What happened?"

Vance hesitated, surveying the room, before he continued. "It's just common talk, but word has it that New Alexandria has been almost wiped out."

The weight of that statement settled heavily on Erik's shoulders. "New Alexandria? But how?"

The old man took a deep breath. "They say a Heniate has crossed into the nation's borders. And, Erik, the situation isn't good. Many have been infected."

The blood drained from Erik's face. Memories of the past came flooding back: the chaos, the fear, and the attack on the city. The Blirdoth. He had witnessed their terror firsthand, having been in Frant during the first invasion. It was an experience he hoped he'd never have to live again.

"That's not all," Vance continued, his voice filled with gravitas. "The rumors suggest it isn't just about those who've turned. New Alexandria has become a city of parasites, and they managed to eradicate them only recently."

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Erik felt a rush of cold dread. The magnitude of what Vance was saying was almost too much to bear. A city he had known, streets he had walked, friends he had laughed with—could all of it genuinely be lost? He didn't feel sorry for the city itself, but beyond the political and social implications, a more personal concern gripped him. Amber. His friends and their families—were they safe? Were they still alive to begin with? A tempting thought crossed Erik's mind: Should he contact them?

<No, if I do, Frant will find out that I'm still alive.>

He struggled to find his voice. "How did this happen?"

Vance shook his head, his eyes filled with sadness. "It's hard to say. Maybe there were signs, but they were missed or ignored. Frant tried to contain the information, perhaps to prevent panic. Still, it's impossible to keep something of this magnitude under wraps."

"Thank you for telling me, Vance; this is an interesting matter," Erik said.

The white-haired barista sighed, his gaze distant. "In times like these, information is as vital as food and water."

Erik managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I need to keep this in mind while managing the guild."

But as he left the cafeteria, Erik's mind was awhirl. The news about the situation in New Alexandria wasn't just shocking; it was personal.

As the young man rose from his seat, Vance asked, "Are you leaving?"

"Yes, I have a lot of things to do…" The young man replied.

"Come back sometime, even if it's just for coffee. You're always welcome here."

Erik smiled, tipping an imaginary hat. "Will do, Vance. Take care."

Walking away from the cafeteria, Erik felt the weight on his shoulders lighten a bit. With Vance's network and reputation, word about his guild was bound to spread faster than he'd anticipated. The first step towards building his dream team was set in motion.