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Chapter 593 Rebecca (2)
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Chapter 593 Rebecca (2)

The next day, at precisely 10:00 a.m., the guild's premises erupted, with many people pouring out of the main entrance as a sleek black SUV glided gracefully into the parking lot.

Erik had meticulously prepared for this meeting, making certain that every detail was perfect. He stood there, hidden behind his mask, watching the car's engine roar to a hushed halt.

This mask, unlike his usual one, concealed as much as it revealed, lending mystery to his presence.

A woman emerged from the car as the door swung open, embodying a harmonious blend of elegance and strength. Rebecca, petite and lovely, possessed a body that clearly bore the marks of rigorous training despite everything else.

Her movements screamed power and control, as if every step she took were a carefully choreographed dance. Rebecca was obviously not just any ordinary woman. Despite her meticulous attention to her appearance, her hands bore clear evidence of calluses.

Her lustrous black hair fell in gentle waves down her back, framing a face that radiated intelligence and curiosity. Her attire was intricately embroidered, a fusion of cotton and silk that enhanced her presence.

Long black socks and a white dress with a skirt that gracefully reached her knees completed her outfit. The end result was a stunning combination of aesthetics and functionality, a true representation of subtle sophistication.

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Erik's assembled team of waiters greeted her with reverence, their expressions reflecting admiration and curiosity. They didn't know what she was doing there, but they knew who she was, and that was enough to command their respect. Erik was the only one who wasn't aware of her identity since he wasn't from Etrium, and he didn't care about her.

He was briefly lost in thought, however, as he noticed Rebecca exiting the SUV. Her effortless grace complemented her undeniable beauty, which was immediately noticeable.

Her long, black hair, exquisitely tailored dress, and gentle contours of her face all worked together to create an aesthetically pleasing whole.

Erik, though, was not one to let appearances influence his decisions.

Aside from her beauty, he noticed signs of rigorous training. The calluses on her hands bore witness to a life of hard work and discipline, which was something he appreciated much more than aesthetics.

Nevertheless, despite still being a young man and being susceptible to such beauty, he quickly turned his attention back to the discussion. He was well aware that this was a professional gathering, and the nature of their cooperation demanded undivided attention and dedication.

Erik took the initiative, his posture exuding confidence as he approached Rebecca while still concealed in mystery behind his mask. His hidden eyes followed her as he extended his hand in greeting.

"Welcome to our guild, Rebecca," Erik said courteously. "I really appreciate your presence here."

Rebecca responded with a warm smile and an open and engaging demeanor. "Thank you very much, Mr. Kay. It's my pleasure. I've heard a lot about you. Your founding of this guild did not surprise me."

The conversation flowed easily, like a natural exchange between two consummate professionals. They started walking toward the guild's main edifice, the team of waiters following in their wake. The surroundings were immaculately kept, reflecting the effort the workers here put into making the place as pleasant to the eyes as possible.

They sat in elegant armchairs in Erik's office; the decor and ambiance were impeccably formal, befitting the importance of the meeting.

"Would you like something to drink or perhaps a snack?" Erik, who was always a welcoming host, asked. Rebecca's response was firm but kind. "Water will suffice, thank you."

Erik directed one of his colleagues to go get the water, and the task was completed with the efficiency of a well-organized team. Rebecca was promptly served water, and Erik excused everyone from the room. Privacy was critical for the forthcoming discussion.

Erik wasted no time once he was alone in addressing the issue at hand. "I must admit, it's not an easy question to ask, but I assume you're aware that I've worked alone on missions of this nature in the past; am I correct?"

Rebecca's fierce gaze met Erik's mask as she replied, "Indeed, Mr. Kay."

"Then," Erik continued, his tone neutral but genuinely curious, "you won't find it impertinent of me to inquire why the guild has seen fit to assign you to work alongside me?" He said it in the most articulate way possible to leave a good impression. Clearly influenced by the need to impress the woman.

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"I don't know why I was chosen for this mission, but it was probably because of my mother," Rebecca said, her eyes fixed on the ground.

Erik's eyebrows raised slightly when she mentioned her mother, but he remained silent, waiting for her to elaborate. Rebecca, on the other hand, didn't ask any questions about it, her demeanor implying that her previous statement was self-explanatory.

Erik's mind began to race as he considered the connections this young woman might have within the mercenary guild. However, he chose not to ask anything else since her statement implied he had to know who her mother was, and if she was the child of a prominent figure within the organization, he would make a bad impression.

"What did the guild ask you to do exactly?"? Erik asked, returning the conversation to their mission.

"They only told me to come here and assist you, but I suspect my mother sent me here to learn from you and gain insight into how to handle missions of this nature on my own," Rebecca admitted. "She saw it as a priceless opportunity, especially since we are the same age."

Erik's shock would be easy to see if it weren't for the mask. Did she really just turn seventeen? He thought she was older because of how she carried herself and how nice she looked. His original plan did not include helping someone who had never done anything like this before, and he was upset with the guild for having forced him to bring this woman with him despite the secrecy of the mission.

Wasn't this supposed to be something no one had to know? But then, if she were the daughter of some important person in the organization, sending her wouldn't be a problem for them.

The guild had a reason for involving her, and he was obligated to work alongside her to achieve their common goal.

Erik decided to take the situation in stride by giving a firm nod. "Very well," he replied in a steady voice. "Let's get down to the details of our mission."

"Of course," Rebecca replied with a radiant smile.