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Chapter 594 The Slums (1)
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Erik and Rebecca spent the next hour discussing the quest's details, including strategy, timelines, and possible outcomes. Despite his initial reservations, Erik found himself respecting Rebecca's insights; it was clear she wasn't stupid. Her questions were thoughtful, her understanding deep, and her approach methodical.

Eventually, Rebecca leaned back in her chair and asked, "So, what's the first thing we must do? Where do we begin?"

Erik steepled his fingers and looked thoughtfully at the dossier being shown on the holographic computer before them. The Hologram showed her looking at someone they couldn't clearly see, while her cold calculating gaze made her scarier than what someone may have assumed otherwise.  The information the file provided was scant but valuable, and according to the report.

"Based on what the guild provided," Erik began after watching the hologram, his voice measured, "Catrina was last spotted in the slums. It's not much to go on, considering she could be anywhere by now. However, it's likely she still has contacts there, and probably her base was or is located in the slums."

Rebecca's eyes narrowed as she considered this. The slums were a labyrinth of narrow streets, hidden alleys, and dense populations, mostly mercenaries who weren't able to hunt anymore or drug addicts. However, finding her was going to be challenging. Information was currency, and trust was rare in the slums.

"So we'll have to go into the slums and see what we can find," Erik continued, his tone resolute. "We'll need to tread carefully, though, the people there are wary of outsiders. We can take many approaches, but I would like to go for something fast. This means that you can't dress up like that."

Rebecca nodded, her mind already working through the logistics. "Yeah, don't worry about that. I bought some spare clothes for this kind of situation. How do you suggest we proceed then?"

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Erik appreciated her tactical thinking. 

"Disguises are a good idea. We'll need to dress down and appear as part of the crowd. But more than that, we'll need to understand the dynamics of the slums. We need to understand who holds power, who's willing to talk, and who might be connected to Catrina. However, the first thing we must do is to search around. I thought it could be good to enter their organization, but with you here it's a problem, and there wouldn't be a point if you don't come. So, we will go for the usual approach, search the end of the chain and follow it."

Rebecca's eyes sparkled with determination. "I understand."

The duo spent the rest of the meeting finalizing their plan, ensuring they had considered every angle and prepared for every eventuality.

The urgency of the mission pressed heavily on Erik as he instructed Rebecca to go change. They needed to start immediately, for the trail could go cold and the woman they sought to catch could slip through their fingers.

"There are rooms where you can change," Erik said, his voice firm but considerate. "I'll have one of my men escort you."

Rebecca nodded in understanding, her eyes determined. She knew the importance and power of disguise.

Erik called one of his men waiting by the door. "Escort the lady to a room where she can change, and make sure her luggage is brought inside."

The man saluted and led Rebecca away, leaving Erik to his thoughts. He, too, needed to change. His usual attire would be too recognizable, and his signature mask would give him away instantly. However, it was clear he couldn't go without his mask with Rebecca around. People used masks there, so he too could do it, but he needed to change it.

After having gone to his room, he picked out an ensemble that was average in every way, not torn but not too refined. It was the clothing of someone who belonged in the slums.

After dressing, Erik took a moment to look at himself in the mirror. The man staring back at him was a stranger, an everyman, someone who could pass unnoticed in a crowd. He donned a more inconspicuous mask, one that concealed his identity without drawing attention and wouldn't reveal his identity. Satisfied, he made his way to the guild's entrance.

Erik was astounded by Rebecca's transformation when she soon arrived. Gone were the elaborate clothes made of cotton and silk, the soft curls, and the air of elegance.

Instead, she wore simple trousers and a blouse, her hair pulled back into a no-nonsense ponytail hidden by a hood. Her eyes were sharp, her posture poised, and she, too, wore a mask, hiding her beauty and giving her a look of anonymity.

For a moment, they simply looked at each other, taking in the transformation. Then Erik broke the silence with a low rumble. "Well done. You look perfect for our mission."

Rebecca's eyes crinkled at the corners, a smile hidden behind her mask. "As do you. We'll make quite the pair in the slums."

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Erik couldn't help but agree. They looked like normal people, average citizens, going about their daily lives. It was a clever disguise, one that would allow them to navigate the maze of the slums without drawing undue attention.

"Let's get going," Erik said, his voice filled with resolve. "Time is of the essence, and we have a lot of ground to cover."


Erik and Rebecca alighted from the car at the edge of the slums, stepping into a place vastly different from the rest of the city. The polished, vibrant streets gave way to cracked and grimy roads filled with potholes and strewn with refuse.

The buildings were ramshackle and dilapidated, a stark contrast to the elegant architecture that adorned the wealthier districts.

The air was heavy with the scent of decay and dead animals, an olfactory assault that lingered and clung to the very soul of the place. Beggars lined the sidewalks, their faces etched with lines of despair and hardship. 

Their eyes were vacant and hollow, as if the spark of life had been extinguished long ago.

Graffiti marred the walls, a chaotic explosion of colors and words, some of it angry, some pleading, but all speaking of a raw, unfiltered emotion that permeated the slums. 

It was a visual testament to the anger and frustration that festered beneath the surface, a cry for help that went largely unheard.

Everywhere they looked, Erik and Rebecca saw evidence of a place abandoned by hope and prosperity. Filth lay in piles on the streets, and ragged children played in the alleys, their laughter tinged with a sadness that was far too profound for their tender years.

"Let's go," Erik said, and the two started walking along the city's streets.