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Chapter 620  Planning the operation
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Chapter 620  Planning the operation

Erik and Rebecca continued their search through the large storage building, each aware that the details they might uncover could prove crucial in their investigation.

After an exhaustive search of the premises, which held no further hints, they turned their attention to the video footage that Lysa had given Erik.

They set up a temporary workstation on a cleared table amidst the clutter of the storage area, connecting a device to play the video on a portable screen.

As the footage began, they both leaned in, eyes narrowing as they focused on the events unfolding before them. The timestamp on the video showed that it was late at night when the incident occurred.

The video showed the peaceful and still exterior of the storage building, but that didn't last for long, as the peace was suddenly interrupted by a blast that ripped through part of the wall.

Dust and debris flew as the shockwave from the explosion settled, and ten figures emerged from the darkness.

Dressed in black, their faces concealed by hoods and masks, they moved with synchronized and purposeful steps.

Their precision hinted at careful planning and familiarity with their target, suggesting that they were well-prepared for the task at hand.

Erik and Rebecca watched the video in silence, seeing as the group entered the gaping hole they had created in the building's wall.

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The camera angle shifted to an interior view, showing the intruders methodically making their way through the aisles, avoiding security measures with practiced ease.

The group seemed to know where they were going, heading straight for specific crates and the cellars where the Thaids' bodies were stored.

They worked with almost mechanical efficiency, their motions fluid as they loaded the stolen goods onto carts.

Erik's mind was racing as he watched the footage, the Crystal Cross Gang's presence upsetting him at a deep level.

Rebecca's hand came to rest on Erik's arm, her touch grounding him as they continued to watch the footage. They exchanged a glance, recognizing how good these people were at their jobs.

The group of thieves left the scene with the same efficiency and speed that they had entered, taking their stolen goods with them, and disappearing into the darkness of the night as the video approached its end.

The building was left in a ransacked state and we were left with more questions than answers after the operation, which had taken less than an hour.

After the footage ended, Erik played it once more, intending to watch certain parts to see if he could gather any additional information he may have missed.

Side by side, Rebecca and he worked together to analyze the video frame by frame, using their analytical minds to the fullest.

The possibility of connections and conspiracies that ran deep was suggested by the dangerous development of The Crystal Cross Gang's presence in Etrium.

Mira, Aiden, Kael, and Lila arrived at the storage building that had been ransacked, responding quickly to Erik's urgent call.

Upon their arrival, they found Erik and Rebecca standing amidst the chaos, their expressions determined and resolute.

Mira asked, "What's the problem?" as she surveyed the disrupted space with her sharp eyes, quickly realizing that this was no ordinary burglary.

"We're searching for some thieves," Erik replied, his voice carrying a weight that told Mira there was more to the story.

"Thieves?" Mira's eyebrows shot up, a touch of incredulity in her voice.

"Why are we taking this kind of quest?"

Erik met her gaze, his eyes serious. "It's for Lysa. But," he paused, choosing his words with care, "this isn't just a simple burglary. Rebecca and I found out that the people we're dealing with aren't ordinary thieves. We need more men to find these guys."

Mira's curiosity was piqued, and her initial skepticism gave way to focused attention. Sensing the gravity of the situation, she asked, "What do you need us to do?" Her stance conveyed a readiness to take action and do what was necessary.

With determined steps, Erik approached a table where he had meticulously laid out all the evidence they had gathered, which included the pin and video footage.

With great care, he retrieved the pin, the one that was synonymous with the notorious Crystal Cross Gang, and then he held it up for all of them to see.

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"We need to prepare different teams and scatter them throughout the city. They must search for people wearing this pin," he explained, his voice firm.

A murmur of recognition passed through the group as they looked at the pin.

"Who are they?" Aiden asked, his voice low. "Some kind of criminal gang?"

Erik nodded, his face grim. "Exactly. We're dealing with a dangerous criminal organization, not just common thieves. Their presence here is alarming, and we need to act as soon as we can."

Lila and Kael exchanged glances, understanding the urgency and the potential risks involved.

Kael's mind was already working on a strategy, considering the best way to deploy their resources.

"We'll organize the teams," he said, determination in his voice. "We'll search every corner of the city if we have to."

Erik's eyes softened with gratitude as he responded, "Thank you, Kael. Let's cooperate and pool any information we come across."

Over the next hour, the group delved into the intricacies of the plan, carefully dividing the sprawling city into manageable sectors, assigning teams to each area, and establishing clear communication protocols to ensure the success of their mission.

Despite the daunting complexity of their task, they worked with a collective sense of purpose that propelled them forward.

Rebecca, standing steadfastly by Erik's side, provided valuable insights and support to the planning process, drawing upon her personal connection to the situation to add an extra layer of strength to the group's efforts.

As they finished their preparations, the realization of the responsibility they were about to undertake weighed heavily on their minds.

They were venturing into a treacherous and enigmatic world, one filled with deceit, treachery, and ulterior motives.

With a last nod of agreement, they dispersed to do their respective tasks, each knowing that the days ahead would be filled with challenges and uncertainties.