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Chapter 644 Preparations
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Chapter 644 Preparations

In the week that followed his ascension to the Warden Rank, Erik was a whirlwind of activity.

He threw himself into quests with a fervor that was almost manic, his newfound status granting him access to more challenging and lucrative jobs.

His efforts bore fruit. Erik gained three levels in a very short period and also three neural links for the cloning power.

Erik had also completed several System's quests, which had rewarded him with an additional 30 stat points. These were evenly distributed, with ten points added to each of his statistics, excluding energy. It was a significant boost, a sudden surge in power that seemed almost surreal.

If he were to share this information, it would undoubtedly cause a stir. The idea of such a rapid increase in abilities was unheard of, and that he was only 17 years old would only amplify the shock.

But Erik wasn't content with merely leveling up; he focused on enhancing his energy statistic with the stats he got from leveling up.

The new stats resulted in a qualitative and quantitative improvement for Erik's brain crystal, which jumped to the Ferebitz scale's C-rank.

He was still far from having a lot of mana, but at least he could use much more extensively his powers.

Financially, Erik was in a prosperous position. His successful completion of quests had not only bolstered his reputation but also significantly increased his wealth.

Each quest brought with it a substantial reward, filling his coffers with a steady stream of income that showed no signs of slowing down.

But it wasn't just his own efforts that were contributing to this financial success.

The guild members, whose numbers now hovered around 150, were also undertaking quests.

Each completed mission by a guild member added a fraction of the reward to the guild's treasury, creating a collective wealth that was growing exponentially.

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The combination of individual and collective success had placed Erik in a position of financial stability that was rare for someone his age.

His wealth was not just as tangible as assets, but also in the form of the respect and influence he commanded among his peers.

Erik was closing in on the 8 million Eurems mark, a sum that would have been unimaginable just a year ago. Yet, despite his successes, Erik knew he had more to do. His strength had increased, but it wasn't enough for what he intended to do, fight the Crystal Cross Gang.

His physical prowess was very high at the moment, and his intelligence was the highest he had ever seen thanks to Hais's brain crystal power, but facing people with elemental powers would be problematic, but the problem stood even for the generic ranged powers.

They were rare, but dangerous because the more mana the user pumped into the attacks, the deadlier and faster the attack was going to be.

So Erik made a decision. He would take some time from the guild, leaving for some months to focus on increasing his level and his energy.

It was a move that would slow down his guild's progress and take him away from the organization he had worked so hard to build. But Erik had a plan.

Over the past week, he had been working on preparing his seven clones; they would manage the guild in his absence.

In the past week, Erik had acquired human blood and given it to them so that they could use their ability to shapeshift to turn into humans.

His clones would be his proxies, managing the guild while he was away, ensuring that everything ran smoothly in his absence, and earning money.

But Erik knew that this was just the beginning. The real challenges lay ahead, in the unknown territories he would explore, in the foes he would face, and in the limits he would push.

Once he felt he was strong enough, Erik was going to investigate Uncle Benjamin's situation.


Erik stood in the room, surveying his new clones—Ari, Yori, Nick, Damon, and Swaran. They had just completed their shapeshifting into human forms, and the transformation was remarkable.

Each clone was a mirror image of Erik, bearing his raven-black hair and deep chocolate-brown eyes. Yet, they also carried unique traits, a result of the human blood DNA they were crafted from, making each one distinct.

Ari was slender, his physique lean but sturdy. His eyes, slightly more almond-shaped than Erik's, held an enigmatic allure that gave him an exotic appeal. His movements were fluid and graceful, a testament to his agility and finesse.

Yori was the embodiment of strength, his muscular build a stark contrast to Ari's lean frame. His jawline was more chiseled than Erik's, carving a strong profile that exuded an air of rugged masculinity. His movements were powerful and deliberate, showcasing his physical prowess.

Nick, in contrast, had a softer appearance. His eyes were a lighter shade of brown, teetering on the edge of hazel. There was a gentleness about him, a quiet strength that was as comforting as it was formidable. His demeanor was calm and composed, reflecting a depth of understanding beyond his age.

Damon bore a rugged look, his hair slightly wavy compared to Erik's straight locks. His features were rough-hewn but attractive, adding to his air of untamed charisma. He moved with a confident stride, each step echoing his indomitable spirit.

Swaran overshadowed them all in height. His stature was emphasized by his slightly deeper complexion.

The intensity in his eyes was captivating, a swirling blend of determination and intelligence. Among the group, his tall frame and intense gaze made him impossible to ignore.

Noah, Erik's first clone, and Luke, his second, were in the room with them. Luke had already undergone the transformation some time ago, but Noah couldn't, so he was still masked.

Noah broke the silence. "Master, so have you decided what to do?"

Erik looked at each of them, his gaze lingering a moment longer on Noah and Luke, who had been with him the longest.

"I'm going to prepare to leave the city soon," Erik began, his voice steady and resolute. His eyes held a determined glint, reflecting his unwavering resolve.

"I must increase my energy levels, so I need to hunt a lot and make System's quests. But I can't leave the guild unattended, so I need to prepare. That's where you all come in."

Luke nodded in understanding, his expression serious as he took in Erik's words. His eyes met Erik's, mirroring his determination.

"You want us to manage the guild in your absence," he stated, not as a question, but as a confirmation of his commitment to the task.

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"Exactly," Erik confirmed, a hint of relief flashing across his face as he saw Luke's acceptance. His hands gestured expressively as he talked, "But it's not just about keeping the lights on. We need to grow, to expand. I want you to take on quests, negotiate contracts, and make money. The guild has to thrive, not just survive."

Ari spoke up next, his almond-shaped eyes filled with curiosity and a touch of anxiety. His lean frame leaned forward slightly as he asked, "Master, are there any specific quests or contracts you want us to focus on?" His tone was respectful, yet eager, reflecting his readiness to take on the responsibility Erik was entrusting them with.

Erik considered the question. "High-reward quests that don't require immediate completion would be ideal. But use your judgment. If an opportunity arises that you think is worth taking, go for it."

Yori, his muscular arms crossed over his chest, asked, "What about alliances or partnerships with other guilds?" His voice was deep and steady, a hint of concern underlying his question as he pondered the potential challenges they might face.

Erik shook his head, his raven-black hair swaying slightly with the motion. His eyes held a firm resolve as he responded, "Not for now. We're not strong enough to enter alliances without compromising our independence. Once I'm back, we can reconsider." His words were decisive, leaving no room for doubt about his stance on the matter.

Damon, his rugged features set in a thoughtful expression, chimed in next. "And what should we do if we encounter problems we can't handle?" His slightly wavy hair fell over his forehead as he tilted his head, awaiting Erik's answer.

Erik smiled at that, his chocolate-brown eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and pride. "That's why there are multiple ones of you. Collaborate, strategize, and find a way. You have different strengths and a lot of intelligence; use them.

"His were encouraging words, instilling a sense of confidence and camaraderie in the group. His smile was infectious, easing the tension in the room and reinforcing the bond they all shared.

Swaran, the tallest among them, finally broke his silence. His voice, deep and resonant, echoed in the room, tinged with an unmistakable curiosity. "How long will you be gone?" He asked, his intense eyes focused on Erik, awaiting his response.

Erik met his gaze, his chocolate-brown eyes reflecting a mix of determination and slight uncertainty. "A couple of months, maybe more," he said, his voice steady despite the daunting task ahead. "It depends on how quickly I can achieve my objectives." His hands were clasped together in front of him, his fingers tapping lightly against each other as he contemplated the journey ahead.

Noah, who had been quietly observing the exchange, finally spoke up. His expression was serious, his hazel eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the gravity of Erik's words.

He nodded, a gesture of acceptance and commitment. "We understand, Master. We'll do our best to fulfill your expectations." His words were resolute, echoing the shared resolve among the group to uphold Erik's trust and make him proud.

Erik felt a sense of pride looking at his clones. They were extensions of him, yet unique in their ways. "There is still time before I leave. I need to provide better equipment to the guild members, and to you all, and aside from that, I would like to buy armed vehicles. Finding some outstanding candidates to join would also be good."

"Understood, master, do you need our help?" Noah asked.

"Not really," Erik said, "But you will come with me. You need to meet some people."