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Chapter 646 Meeting Lysa (2)
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Chapter 646 Meeting Lysa (2)

After several minutes of waiting, the door finally creaked open, revealing Lysa in the doorway. Her hair was swept up in a hasty bun, a few rebellious strands escaping to frame her face. Her eyes, a captivating shade of green, immediately met Erik's mask, a familiar sight that represented his enigmatic persona.

A soft, apologetic smile tugged at the corners of her lips, failing to mask the clear fatigue etched in the fine lines around her eyes. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Erik," she said, her voice laced with a hint of guilt. 

As she crossed the threshold into the room, Lysa's gaze involuntarily dropped to her hands. Her slender fingers were restlessly playing with the frayed hem of her work attire, a physical manifestation of the nervous energy coursing through her. The fabric, once vibrant, was now faded and worn from countless hours of labor, much like herself.

"The expansion project has been consuming a lot of my time," she confessed, her voice barely more than a whisper. Her tone echoed the countless sleepless nights she had spent immersed in her work, the stress etched into her features like a map of her struggles.

Dark circles framed them, and there was a certain dullness that wasn't there before. Yet within them, a spark of determination still flickered, undeterred by the exhaustion that was clear in her posture.

A fleeting grimace crossed her face as she mentioned the project, revealing a glimpse of the internal battle she was fighting. 

Erik watched as Lysa ventured further into the room, her footsteps barely audible against the wooden floor. Her usually upright posture was slightly bent, a physical testament to the weight of her responsibilities that seemed to press down on her slender shoulders.

Despite her clear exhaustion, there was an undeniable spark in her eyes - a glimmer of resilience that seemed to defy the weariness etched in her features.

With a casual flick of his hand, Erik dismissed her apology, his lips curving into a gracious smile that softened the lines of his mask.

"I noticed the construction on my way in, both outside and within the building," he said, his voice carrying an underlying note of understanding. 

His eyes reflected the sight of the bustling activity he'd witnessed - the scaffolding, the workers, the noise. "It looks like a massive undertaking. Don't worry about it; I understand how these things can be."

His understanding smile remained, but in the end, he was here to add to her burden, so it was more apologetic than anything else.

Lysa's eyes then shifted from Erik's comforting presence to the group of men standing behind him. 

Lysa's gaze roved over the group of men, her eyes flickering with curiosity.

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Each man was different in appearance and demeanor, yet they all shared a certain air of importance that was hard to miss. 

Her eyes narrowed slightly as she studied them, her mind working overtime to place their faces or guess their purpose.

"And who are these gentlemen you've brought with you?" she said, her voice maintaining a steady calm that belied the surprise she felt. 

As she spoke, her hands subtly stopped their nervous fidgeting, instead folding themselves professionally in front of her. 

Her posture straightened, the earlier slump replaced by a more authoritative stance. Her brows arched slightly in a silent query, her lips pressed into a thin line as she awaited Erik's response.

At Erik's subtle nod, each clone rose from its seat in a synchronized motion, their movements precise and coordinated. They bowed slightly, a gesture of respect but also discipline, before introducing themselves.

"Noah," the first man introduced himself, his voice resonating with an air of authority that matched his imposing presence. He stood tall, a mask similar to Erik's, obscuring his features, yet the confidence in his posture was unmistakable.

"Ari," announced the second man, his tone crisp and devoid of unnecessary embellishments. His introduction was as straightforward as his demeanor, a testament to his no-nonsense approach.

"Yori," the third clone stated, his voice equally succinct. His introduction was brief, mirroring the others' straightforward manner, yet there was a subtle difference in his tone.

"Nick," came the fourth introduction. His voice was steady and firm, matching the others in its brevity. 

"Damon," the fifth clone said, continuing the pattern set by his predecessors. 

"Swaran," concluded the sixth clone, his voice harmonizing with his brethren. 

"Luke," said the last man, his voice echoing slightly in the room. Like Noah, he too wore a mask similar to Erik's, yet there was something distinctly different about him - a certain calmness in his demeanor that set him apart from his counterparts.

Throughout the introductions, Lysa's gaze shifted from one man to another, her expression a careful mask of neutrality. 

Her eyes flickered with silent recognition at each name, her mind already working to remember each one. 

The introductions were brief, almost terse, but they carried a weight that went beyond mere names. 

Each clone spoke respectfully and assertively; their voices tinged with a military-like discipline that spoke volumes about their training and their loyalty to Erik.

Lysa looked at each clone in turn, her eyes lingering for a moment on Noah, who seemed to be the group's de facto leader without including Erik. 

Once the introductions were completed, Lysa's gaze returned to Erik, the young man who had brought this intriguing group. 

"Impressive," she finally said, her voice carrying a note of genuine admiration that softened the edges of her professional demeanor. 

The corners of her mouth twitched upward in a rare, unguarded smile, acknowledging the remarkable feat he had accomplished. 

"You've always had a knack for surrounding yourself with capable individuals," she said, her gaze sweeping over the group once more before settling back on Erik. 

"But this," she gestured vaguely towards the group, "is something else entirely." Her voice trailed off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

Then, with a slight nod of acknowledgment, she stepped back, ready to delve deeper into the purpose of this visit.

Erik smiled, acknowledging the compliment. Lysa nodded, clearly impressed. 

Lysa sat and then leaned back in her chair, her eyes meeting Erik's mask as she posed her next question. "So, what brings you and your team here today? Business, I presume?"

Erik nodded, his gaze steady. "Yes, business, but also introductions. I'm planning to go on a trip for an extended period, and these men will manage the guild in my absence. I thought it was important for them to meet you."

Lysa's gaze flicked over the group of clones, her eyes taking in their disciplined postures and attentive expressions. 

There was an undeniable air of readiness about them, a silent testament to their training and preparedness. "I see," she said, her voice carrying a note of approval. "Well, it is good to meet the team that will hold down the fort. What else do you need?"

Her question was straightforward, a reflection of her no-nonsense approach to work. 

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Erik leaned forward, mirroring Lysa's focused demeanor. "Right to business, uh?" His tone was teasing, yet there was an undercurrent of respect for her direct approach. His eyes held a spark of amusement, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Indeed, there is a lot to do, and usually, your requests take a lot of time. So, better avoid the chitchat." Lysa's response was firm, her voice holding a hint of dry humor. 

"All right then. First, we need more vehicles. But this time, I'm interested in acquiring armed ones. I don't have specific requirements, but I'd like you to show us the options and discuss the specifics with my men."

Lysa nodded, making a mental note. "Armed vehicles, got it. Anything else?"

Erik said, "Yes, we also need weapons and armor. And I'm not just talking about traditional arms like swords, shields, and bows. I'm also interested in modern weaponry—laser rifles, grenades, and the like. They are not very useful against strong thaids, but the Pupils in my guild would be able to hunt better with them if they focus on low-leveled Thaids."

Lysa raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the scope of Erik's request. "You're gearing up for something big, aren't you?"

Erik offered a cryptic smile. "Let's just say I like to be prepared."

lightsnοvεl Lysa considered for a moment before asking, "Is that all, or is there more you need?"

Erik shook his head. "That covers the immediate needs. I'd like you to coordinate with my men for the details and any further requirements. They'll be the ones actively managing the guild and will be better positioned to handle the specifics."

Lysa looked at the clones, her gaze lingering on each one as if assessing their capabilities. "Very well," she finally said. "I'll discuss the details with them."

Erik nodded, satisfied. "Excellent. I knew I could count on you, Lysa."

Then they talked for some time. There were things Lysa was curious about regarding Erik's situation. 

The pieces were falling into place; the groundwork being laid for the next phase of his plans. 

Lysa rose from her chair, signaling the end of the meeting. "I'll get started on this right away. Safe travels, Erik, and good luck with whatever you're planning."

Erik stood, his clones following suit. "Thank you, Lysa. I am confident that things will run smoothly, especially with your help."

With final handshakes and nods of acknowledgment, Erik and his clones left the room, leaving Lysa to ponder the intriguing developments.