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Chapter 669  The Ravine (3)
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Chapter 669  The Ravine (3)

The beginning of an indistinct murmur could be detected, so faint that it was almost imperceptible, merging with the ambient sounds of the ravine.

It was only a small group of mercenaries who caught on at the beginning, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of questions.

"Do you hear that?" someone asked, their voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. Their gaze flitted around the area as if trying to locate the source of the sound through sight.

"Yeah, what is that?" The man's tone echoed in the confusion. The murmur swelled in intensity, its distinct timbre permeating the space.

Erik's forehead creased into a frown as he listened. A wave of familiarity washed over him, leaving him with a sense of déjà vu. He recognized this sound, but from where? His mind spun, rifling through past confrontations, filtering through memories of various thaids he had encountered. Then, like a bolt of lightning, realization struck him.

Erik's voice sliced through the escalating tension as he lifted the communication device. "Pay attention, everyone. That sound we're hearing is a swarm of Xeridon Anteris."

A unified intake of breath echoed through the convoy. Erik said, "To those who don't know, these are ant-like Thaids, the size of small dogs. Taken individually, they're not powerful taken alone. However, they possess a brain crystal power that enables them to magnify their strength."

The hum from the nearing Xeridon Anteris amplified, now clear, echoing through the ravine like a spectral symphony.

Erik spoke up, "Their exoskeletons are a vivid mix of orange and deep brown, equipped with sharp mandibles. Despite the dim light, their large compound eyes afford them excellent vision contrary to ants. They're nimble, and their sheer numbers are their most potent weapon. But they're not invincible."

He paused, allowing his words to resonate. "Our weapons can eliminate them. The laser rifles, pistols, grenades—

deploy everything at your disposal. Target their heads; it's the quickest way to exterminate them. And maintain composure. Panic will only exacerbate the situation.".

The tension within the convoy was tangible, yet Erik's words seemed to instill a sense of steadiness among the group.

Weapons were double-checked, safeties flicked off, and eyes honed in with focused anticipation.

"Alina, continue to monitor their movements. Inform us if they alter their course or exhibit any unforeseen behavior," Erik said.

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"I will," Alina's voice came through, steadier now but still tinged with apprehension.

Each mercenary was on heightened alert as the convoy maintained its wary progress through the craggy ravine.

The low, droning hum of the Xeridon Anteris amplified, an unnerving accompaniment to the suspense that held each vehicle in its grip.

However, Erik's words instilled a sense of resolve within the group. They were equipped, ready, and guided by someone who had fought these creatures before. This knowledge acted as a bulwark, staving off the encroaching wave of panic, at least for the time being.

The air within the convoy was dense with anticipation as the mercenaries maneuvered their way through the narrow rocky pathway of the ravine.

As they stood there, the walls seemed to encroach upon them, creating an overwhelming feeling. The landscape seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the ideal moment to exhale. In an instant, and with no notice, something happened.

The eerie murmur emanated from the stone walls, its spectral timbre neither akin to the whispering wind nor the babbling brook, but an enigmatic resonance that sent shivers down the spines of the mercenaries.

The mercenaries exchanged apprehensive glances, their eyes reflecting a mixture of trepidation and determination.

Fingers hovered near triggers, their twitching a testament to the mounting tension that gripped them.

The sound, like an invisible swarm of malevolent creatures, buzzed with an intensity that resonated in every fiber of their beings.

Then, the walls of the ravine seemed to come alive. Holes that had appeared to be mere indentations or natural formations burst open, revealing themselves as entrances to hidden tunnels.

And from these holes poured the Xeridon Anteris, their vibrant orange and deep brown exoskeletons shimmering like molten lava as they swarmed out in a horrifying spectacle.

The mercenaries stood frozen, their breath caught in their throats, as they witnessed the mesmerizing yet horrifying presence of the Xeridon Anteris.

With each click and snap of their mandibles, a mechanical undertone reverberated through the air, blending with their eerie chorus.

The sight that unfolded before them was a veritable nightmare, a living tapestry of horror that seemed to breathe and pulsate along the walls of the ravine.

The compound eyes of the Xeridon Anteris flickered, ensnaring the paltry light and transmuting it into a myriad of diminutive, radiant globules.

These glowing spheres embellished their shapes like ghostly lanterns, amplifying their chilling aura.

The swarm moved with formidable synchrony, their hexapod bodies scuttling down the walls and onto the road with a speed that contradicted their size.

The ravine seemed to have given birth to countless monstrous limbs, each one intent on trapping the mercenaries and pulling them into a bottomless pit of darkness.

At that moment, the hands of the clock were frozen in mid-air.

The mercenaries, trapped in the frozen scene, discovered themselves incapable of diverting their eyes, a mixture of awe and fear swirling inside them.

This was a moment destined to be engraved deep within their memories, an unforgettable reminder of the dangers that lurked within the very essence of the world they ventured through.

Once the Xeridon Anteris began flowing out of the fissures in the ravine walls, the atmosphere in the convoy transitioned from tense expectation to swift reaction.

The commanding voice of Erik echoed across the communication devices, overpowering the surrounding cacophony.


The resounding roar was enough to spur the mercenaries into action, as they knew what it meant.

A thunderous symphony of firepower erupted as laser rifles, pistols, and machine guns came to life, unleashing a relentless hailstorm of deadly projectiles.

As the grenades were launched, explosions erupted, propelling Xeridon Anteris into the air and causing their exoskeletons to break apart.

The turrets mounted on the vehicles rotated and unleashed a barrage of rounds, causing the swarm to be torn apart with lethal accuracy.

Saturated air charged with the pungent scent of gunpowder and the crackling sound of laser beams filled the atmosphere.

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These Thaids, despite their impressive numbers and formidable brain crystal power, were caught off guard by the intensity and ferocity of the counterattack.

Many monsters fell victim during the initial onslaught, their lifeless bodies forming a somber heap along the road and on the walls of the ravine. Yet, they pressed on, driven by their swarm of intelligence and their hunger.

Being someone who never stayed passive, Erik armed himself with a laser rifle. Despite not being very proficient in using it, he was willing to learn for the sake of his comrades.

Exhibiting exceptional accuracy and skill, he carefully aimed his weapon and executed each shot flawlessly, hitting his mark without fail.

Intending to give his team an advantage, he directed his attention towards a cluster that cleverly evaded the initial attack, fully aware that interrupting their rhythm could be the key.

"Don't give them an inch!" he said, his eyes flashing with fierce determination. "Aim for their heads! And keep your eyes peeled for any flanking maneuvers; we cannot let them surround us!"

With the drivers revving their engines, the air was filled with the sound of their roaring vehicles.

As Erik's eyes carefully surveyed the battlefield, they absorbed the overwhelming scene of chaos and destruction that enveloped their surroundings.

"Stay focused! We can do this!"

In response to the situation, the mercenaries complied with the request, and as they did so, their initial fear was overshadowed by a surge of determination, fueled by adrenaline.

Despite the endless swarm, the barrage persisted as each mercenary played their role in thinning the enemy forces.

Alina, being perceptive of changes in the swarm's movements, transmitted real-time updates. "They're encircling us! Keep it up, or we will die!" With a shout, she added her weapon to the symphony of destruction.

With each minute, it became more and more apparent that the situation was getting worse.

The swarm continued their unyielding attack, with no sign of their numbers ever depleting.

Even though the mercenaries fought bravely, the relentless surge of creatures from the ravine persisted, leaving the defenders overwhelmed and unable to withstand their sheer numbers.

With every fallen member of the swarm, it appeared there was always another ready to step in, resulting in an onslaught of chittering and clicking monstrosities that seemed to never end.

In the dim light, the weapons of the mercenaries flashed, unleashing strikes upon the creatures with a desperation that can only come from dire circumstances, but their struggles were in vain. There was no way of stopping the horde.

These monsters were starving. It was clear. The problem was that a starving colony of Xeridon Anteris meant that there was a potential danger looming ahead.