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Begging For A Reconciliation

Chapter 379
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Chapter 379 Pick A Choice

Han's Mansion, Victoria Precinct.

Han was busy working in his study. Carlotta was already brought to his mansion earlier this morning.


Han got a text. It was the video of Leah's abduction. Her bloodied face made him violent.

Han turned to Ben. "Check the veracity of this video."

Shortly after, he received another text. "Mr. Howard, if you want this woman alive, come to the

abandoned commercial building on West Street. You'll come alone with $50 million cash. Do something

funny and we'll kill her right away. The entire building is filled with gasoline now."


Han sprang up, sending the files and mugs flying. The space was filled with both an aromatic tea scent

and murderous intent. The brewing rage within Han frightened Ben and he quickly excused himself.

Meanwhile, Han couldn't pry his eyes away from the video. He called Leah, using his own and

Hendrik's number. But Leah did not pick up.

He had never felt true panic until now. His hands were trembling uncontrollably. Calmness wasn't his

forte now.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Are you in danger, Leah?

Ben came back shortly with the result. "Boss, I found no evidence of human tampering. Ms. White did

meet with her previous maid, Lucy, by the riverbank this morning. She then went missing. I can confirm

that the video is real. Ms. White has been abducted."

"Prepare the ransom," said Han coldly.

"Boss, you can't go there alone. I can have others..." It was Ben's turn to panic now.

"I'll be fine." Han's curt response left no room for negotiations.

His intuition told him that it was a trap but he still came with 50 million cash.

Leah, you still owe me many things. Before I'm done with you, you cannot die.


Leah was awakened by the coldness. The thick gasoline and fuel scent made her cough. The prickly

sensation from her wounds and the redness in the corner of her eyes quickly pulled her back to reality.

Yeah, Lucy. Leah was ready to forgive Lucy if Lucy gave her a genuine apology. But no, Lucy had to tell

another lie. People came and went. Leah was no stranger to lies and deception but she thought things

shouldn't end like this between Lucy and her. For the years they spent together, Leah believed she

could give their relationship another chance. However, Lucy served her another wake-up call. She

knew what made Leah tick. It was Leah's love for Han, even though Leah would never admit it.

"Are you sure Han Howard will come? Isn't she Mr. Ford's wife? Why demand a ransom from Mr.

Howard and not Mr. Ford?"

"Beat me to it. But Boss insisted on Han Howard. He said this could do him in..."

Leah was indifferent toward the conversation outside. As sly as Han was, he could surely tell this was a

trap from a mile away. She wasn't important enough for him to risk his life. Even Shawn, who wouldn't

shut up about how much he loved her, would put his self-interest above her safety in this situation.

"Where is Sarah? I want to see her now." Shawn found Jackson and confronted him. He wasn't too

pleased that he was allocated the role of a bystander.

"She is fine. Once Han bites the bait, I will set her free," replied Jackson nonchalantly.

After Shawn returned to his office, he summoned Tom. "Check how Sarah is doing now. Make sure

Jackson doesn't find out."

He knew how ruthless that old geezer could be.

Tom did not execute the order given right away. Instead, he asked Shawn, "What would you do if Mr.

Lamere sacrificed Ms. White?"

Shawn's expression turned dark. "I have many ways to deal with Han. There's no need to sacrifice


If he was his former self, he would sacrifice Sarah without batting an eye. This was a sign that he was

slowly attracted to her.

Tom realized that his superior had grown soft. He commented candidly, "Wake up. You can have all the

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

women in the world. Don't let her ruin our plan. Do you really want Han to make a successful


"If you had used her as a pawn earlier, Han wouldn't have had the chance to become this powerful. So

powerful that he is the international business mogul, Mr. Hendrik."

Shawn faltered under Tom's persuasion. Tom was right. Han needed to be eliminated. But Sarah...

"All right. I won't sabotage Jackson's plan but do rescue Sarah as soon as possible."

Shawn conceded to Tom. He couldn't risk letting Han have his comeback. Unbeknownst to Shawn,

Tom let out a devilish grin as he turned around.

It was drizzling now, making the late autumn mellower. Han finally arrived at the abandoned building,

but the pungent smell of gasoline deterred him. Jackson was telling the truth. The block was almost

soaked in gasoline. One spark and the entire building would collapse. Two thugs whistled and

approached him.

"Greetings, Mr. Howard. Give us the money and you can walk in to save the damsel in distress."

"No Leah, no money," answered Han sharply. He could see the guns on the thugs' waists. Indeed, they

were no ordinary thugs. You couldn't get firearms that easily.

One of the thugs cackled. "Mr. Howard, we have the final say here. If you want her dead, just turn


Han looked at the building in front of him. It looked like a maw. But he had no time to hesitate. His body

already acted before he could think.

After Han disappeared into the darkness, the two thugs whipped out a walkie-talkie. "He just went in.

You have five minutes to evacuate before the bomb detonates."