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Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 705 - Uehara Naraku's First Identity Exposure Incident
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Behind the Scenes in Naruto World Chapter 705 Uehara Naraku’s First Identity Exposure Incident

The entire video was played.

The faces of everyone present darkened.

Compared to Tony Stark and Uehara Naraku’s concern, Pepper Potts was more concerned about Tony Stark’s body, “What does palladium poisoning mean? Is your body poisoned? Why don’t you tell me?”

“There is no problem now…”

Tony Stark rubbed his eyebrows and comforted Pepper Potts. He did not want his physical condition to make the people around him worry.

Although his physical condition was quite bad…

However, the problem with Ivan Vanko was obviously more serious.


Tony Stark stopped the question that Pepper Potts wanted to ask. His face calmed down again and he regained his original rational image. “Check Ivan Vanko’s whereabouts. I remember that he should be sentenced to death!”


When Ivan Vanko attack him in Monaco, many people died or were seriously injured. He should have been sentenced to death long ago!

Jarvis sent rather bad news.

Twenty-four hours ago, Ivan Vanko escaped from the prison he was in. Until now, his whereabouts were unknown. It was obvious that he had fallen into the hands of the so-called Hydra.

“Cough cough…”

A trace of blood suddenly seeped out of the corner of Natasha’s mouth. Her hand tightly covered her abdomen which had been kicked. Her face was abnormally pained as she said, “I’m sorry, Miss Pepper. I might have to go to the hospital first…”

“I’ll have Happy send you there!”

“Letsend her off!”

Uehara Naraku helped Natasha up and turned to look at Tony Stark, who had a headache. He continued, “Tony, you should have something to talk to Miss Pepper, right?”

“… Yes.”

Tony Stark nodded slowly.

Since that Hydra exposed his secret, he was willing to explain his situation to Pepper Potts and calm down her emotions.

A pickup truck rushed out of the underground garage.

Natasha sat in the front passenger seat. She did not look like she was in pain. She just took that opportunity to leave Tony Stark’s house and report to Nick Fury what happened today.

“You shouldn’t have left with me.”

Natasha took out her phone and calmly said to Uehara Naraku, “You should stay in Tony Stark’s house and monitor his possible choices.”

At this moment…

Natasha was very calm.

The current Natasha Romanoff had once again returned to being S.H.I.E.L.D.’s ace agent. Her every word and action seemed to have no feelings.


Uehara Naraku looked at Natasha who had returned to normal. There was a moment of shock in his eyes, and there was also sguilt in his voice, “Agent Romanoff, I thought I really injured you… I clearly already controlled my strength…”


Natasha could not help but shake her head and roll her eyes at Uehara Naraku, “No wonder your performance training class has never been qualified. Other than your monster-like fighting ability, can’t see how you joined S.H.I.E.L.D. at all…”


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“Forget it, it doesn’t matter anymore.”

Natasha shook her head and sighed. Her phone finally connected with Nick Fury. This woman’s face instantly becanxious, “I was with Uehara Naraku. An emergency happened in Stark’s home…”

Natasha had no intention of hiding anything.

Whether it was the snake that could survive after shedding its skin, the USB that was carved with the image of Hydra, or the video of the Hydra threatening Stark in the USB, all of them were reported to Nick Fury.

The situation was indeed urgent.

Whether it was the appearance of the Hydra Organization or the crisis that Tony Stark was facing, Nick Fury had to think of a way to solve all of this.

“I got it.”

Nick Fury sounded quite calm.

Even his heart might be a little nervous.

But when both of his subordinates were nervous, he, as the boss, had to put on a calm look.

This was the only way to stabilize the morale of the army.

“I will give you the address of a hospital.”

Nick Fury’s voice on the phone was very steady. He gave his order in a low voice, “After Anget Uehara sends Agent Romanoff to the hospital, he will immediately return to Tony’s hand monitor their next contact at all times. We must get in touch with Tony Stark in advance.”


They had to get in touch with Tony Stark in advance.

Regardless of whether the so-called Hydra Organization was real or not, they had to get in touch with Tony Stark in advance, lest Tony was forced into a desperate situation.

Only S.H.I.E.L.D. knew the so-called truth of history.

Under the arrangement of Nick Fury, Uehara Naraku sent Natasha to a hospital and set off to return to Tony’s villa.

On the way back.

Uehara Naraku took out his other phone and dialed Alexander Pierce’s number, “Secretary Pierce, Nick Fury found out that our organization threatening Tony Stark…”


Alexander Pierce had yet to react and was even a little confused, “We have been using Monaco’s incident on the news to force Stark Industries to submit. Nick Fury must know about this… Wait, what exactly does Nick Fury know?”

In fact.

Alexander Pierce did not know anything.

Recently, Alexander Pierce had been directing Hydra-controlled media and government departments to report on the Monaco attack.

This kind of behavior was nothing more than wanting to use this incident, forcing Tony Stark to hand over the steel armor technology under pressure from the military and the government.

As long as Tony Stark handed over the steel armor technology, with the United States infiltrated like a sieve by Hydra, it would be easy to get it.

Uehara Naraku did not hide anything from Pierce and directly told Pierce what happened in Tony Stark’s house tonight.

This kind of thing…

There was no need to hide it.

Moreover, if he said it at this time, it was easy to clear the suspicion. At least, Alexander Pierce trusted his subordinates very much.

“Which bastard did this on his own…”

Alexander Pierce’s voice was mixed with anger. After cursing, he felt lucky, “Fortunately, I found a way to arrange for you to be by Tony Stark’s side. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have known about this…”

Since the end of world war 2, Hydra had been hiding in darkness.

Especially after Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., any details that might expose them would go through S.H.I.E.L.D. first and be hidden by Alexander Pierce.

In fact, Hydra could be said to have disappeared without a trace over the years.

However, after Nick Fury found out about this matter, Pierce knew that it was impossible to hide it this time. He could only think of a way to make up for it.

Alexander Pierce suddenly revealed a murderous look on the other side of the line, “You should have killed Natasha Romanoff on the way to prevent this news from leaking out… Forget it, even if you can kill her, you can’t kill Tony Stark.”


Uehara Naraku sighed and couldn’t help but have sregret on his face, “Tony Stark is not wearing his steel suit. I don’t know if this is your instruction. I just want to report to you as soon as possible that Nick Fury already knows of the existence of our organization…”

“You have done well enough.”

Alexander Pierce praised Uehara Naraku on the other side of the line and continued, “You continue to execute Fury’s order and monitor the situation at Tony Stark’s house. I will find out who is acting privately. Do not expose your identity.”

After that, Alexander Pierce continued, “What you need to do is continue to lurk, don’t worry about our organization exposure… Regardless of whether it was done by our people this time, as long as we don’t get the steel armor technology, I will turn them into fakes.”


Uehara Naraku’s voice finally calmed down, as if he had found a backbone.

As for Alexander Pierce wanting to turn the Hydra that appeared this tinto a fake, Uehara Naraku was not worried at all…

The black pot that appeared today…

This was something that he had personally taken care of. Hydra would definitely not be able to get rid of it…

After Uehara Naraku hung up the call with Alexander Pierce, his eyes turned to Rinnegan and he contacted Black Zetsu whom he had sent out.

He was very busy today.

Strictly speaking, everything that happened tonight was under his control. What he needed to do next was to detonate the news of Hydra little by little.

“Well done.”

Like his two superiors, Uehara Naraku was not stingy with his praise for his subordinates, “The next thing is to contact Tony Stark for the second time. I will give you the address of a Hydra base and let everyone believe that the king of Hydra has returned…”

“Hehehehe…won’t they suspect you?”

“Of course not.”

Uehara Naraku held the steering wheel with one hand and said slowly, “In the Hydra, a small character likeis not qualified to know the base’s whereabouts!”

Hydra’s base was all over the world.

In a sense, if a base with a large number of modern weapons did not belong to the United States or S.H.I.E.L.D., it would basically belong to Hydra.

Even if this base belonged to the United States or S.H.I.E.L.D., there was still a high chance that it was Hydra’s secret base. Hydra’s infiltration ability was quite terrifying…

No one was sleeping tonight.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the news.

Alexander Pierce was undoubtedly the most anxious one. After contacting all the higher-ups of Hydra that he could contact, everyone denied their private actions.

If not for the fact that Nick Fury hadn’t reported anything to Alexander Pierce, he would have cut off one of Hydra’s heads to protect Hydra’s existence.

When Uehara Naraku returned to Stark’s mansion, Tony Stark also comforted Pepper Potts. The relationship between the two even went further.

Unfortunately, Stark Industries’ crisis was imminent.

The two of them were thinking about how to break the situation. The first problem was to find Ivan Vanko first. Only by finding Ivan Vanko could they find Hydra Organization!

However, Jarvis alone could not find the whereabouts of Ivan Vanko and Hydra. The only thing they could do was wait for Hydra to contact them again.

Hydra wanted his answer.

There would definitely be a chance for them to meet.

The next day, before Hydra contacted Tony Stark again, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s director Nick Fury cfirst. He could not wait any longer.

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“You are that… what department are you from?”

When Tony Stark saw Nick Fury cto the door, his face was still somewhat unhappy, “As I said, I am not interested in the superboy plan now…”

“What I want to say is what you are interested in.”

Nick Fury stood in Tony Stark’s living room and whispered, “Before that, to prove the honesty of our conversation. You can cin Agent Romanoff…”

Nick Fury waved at his back. Natasha Romanoff walked to his side, causing Tony Stark to involuntarily widen his eyes.

“You woman…”

Tony Stark immediately understood the source of the news, as well as why Nick Fury had cto visit him. He did not hide his anger.

“You are fired.”

“It’s not just me…”

The corners of Natasha’s mouth curled into a charming smile. He glanced at Uehara Naraku who was standing behind Tony Stark. He had no intention of hiding himself at all.


Uehara Naraku seemed to be her accomplice.


Tony Stark followed Natasha’s gaze and looked at Uehara Naraku in disbelief. At this moment, his face was really shocked and angry!

Compared to Natasha, Uehara Naraku knew more of his secrets. He even knew the condition of his body and his childish words and actions!

This was the first the was willing to sincerely trust a person!

How much trust Tony Stark had in Uehara Naraku before, how much anger and shhe felt in his heart at this moment. All his secrets should have been reported to S.H.I.E.L.D. by Uehara Naraku!

At this moment…

It made Tony Stark feel that it was his public execution!

“You are not the agent who was fired by the FBI…”

“They are all forged.”

Uehara Naraku continued to drink the juice slowly and whispered, “In order to make you believe my identity, Director Fury specially prepared a trustworthy identity for me. He also praisedfor leaving you on the street, so that we have enough tto forge an identity…”

“Agent Uehara…”

Nick Fury stopped Uehara Naraku from talking.

This Uehara Naraku’s EQ had never been too high. Now was not the tto anger Tony Stark. Now, they needed to make Tony Stark believe them.

Nick Fury spread out his palm, wanting to help Uehara Naraku explain to ease the atmosphere, “Although his identity is fake, the things you found out were indeed done by him… Other than hiding his identity, everything else is true.”


Tony Stark’s expression eased up a lot.

However, this billionaire still had the anger and shof being deceived. He turned to look at Uehara Naraku with a displeased expression and said, “Now! You! For the second time! Are completely and thoroughly fired…”

“Wait a moment…”

Uehara Naraku interrupted Tony Stark. He quickly took out his phone and opened the video recording, “Wait a moment. I’ll record a video first.”

Uehara Naraku raised his hand and pointed the camera at Tony Stark. He sincerely invited, “Mr. Stark, can you repeat what you just said to me?”


The expressions of everyone present becslightly strange.

Tony Stark was even more ashamed and angry. He instantly remembered the fear that he had once been dominated by Uehara Naraku with a photo!

“Can you… be a normal person!”