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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 255 * Marriage anniversary *
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David once again used his power.

Rose wanted to strangle her brother, Noah, and run to Kate but stopped before her “aunny” called Kate in his sweet voice. Kate looked at him. She leaned and wanted to carry him, but David beat her on this; he picked up Noah and took him ‘I do not allow you to do this again,” David warned her in a gentle tone.

Kate gave up because he would not listen, anyway.

After breakfast, David drove Kate to her college, but Rose and Nina got stuck with them; David tried to drive them away, but they becshameless like their brother.

David even threatened Rose, but she didn’t agree to go; in the end, three of them followed Kate to her college.

Kate left for her exam; They waited for Kate at the college canteen, Finally, the three of them left “spilled it out, what are you two want to say” David asked, knowing his sister's nature; they were entirely hiding something.

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“Brother, answera question first. Are we your sister,” Rose asked, “Oh really, then let's do a DNA test to see if it’s true or not” David raised his eyebrows and said cooly, rose, and Nina was speechless.

“Brother, it was too rude,” they said at the stime.

“It was you two who asked such silly questions, as far | know you two don’t have a brain and can’t deal with you with no evidence, so it will be better if we go for a direct way” David put a helpless expression as if they are like trouble.

“Huh, brother, you are too heartless,” Rose snorted at David.

“Huh, heartless, do you think | forgot what you two did yesterday? You two of you do something so dangerous; what if she met any trouble on the way? She never traveled alone like this, what you two are thinking when you two planned this, also you Nina, even you don’t care about yourself why not think about Noah?” David suddenly put aside his teasing manner and got serious.

Nina and Rose lowered their heads; they were already very embarrassed now he rubbed this on their face.

“Brother, it's your fault,” Nina spoke up.

“How this suddenly becmy fault? Are you two trying to fool around?” David was left speechless by them.

“Of course it’s your fault; how dare you plan a surprise wedding for our sister-in-law without telling us” Rose throws the bomb at David. David looked like he got a shock. What's going on, how they know. His face suddenly lost all color.

“Who told you? That was the first question he asked them; Rose and Nina exchanged a look, and Rose spoke up.

“I heard from a certain someone,” Rose hinted at David; she knows her brother is smart enough to catch her hint.

“Liam” David didn’t take even a second before he guessed the answer. Rose nodded, and David becfurious.

“He told you, huh, he bectoo loyal, it seems like | have to talk to him” David fisted his hand and was already thinking how to punish Liam, but his sister's heart suddenly beat for Liam.

“No, she didn't tell me, | heard when he was talking with Adam on the phone, | accidentally heard, but brother, that's not important right now, tell us, how can you do this to us? You said nothing; how can you mention nothing to us? You already planned everything, even fixed the wedding date.” Rose complained about everything in one go, David sighed, he also felt guilty but what can he do, he wants to plan everything putting no pressure on the girls, He cares about them, that;’s why he kept them away; even though he knows Rose will slip the news, he cares about them more than he shows, that's why after Kate’s exam, David wanted to go to M country to fetch Nina and Noah personally.

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That's why he didn’t tell Nina; now they guessed what they thought he could do.

“First you have a big mouth which | never trusted, second | didn’t want any pressure on you two, thirdly | was waiting for Kate’s exam to end, and wanted to take Kate to M country to fetch Nina and Noah, now tellwhat cr| committed? David crossed his hands over his chest and glared at his sisters, who took his excellent intention wrongly.

Rose and Nina wanted to dig a hole in the floor and jump on that hole to hide; they messed up.

Okay, they gave up. This tit was their fault to jump on a mission without thinking about what happened and what they were doing.

“Sorry, brother,” Rose and Nina apologized at the stime; they know when to accept their mistake.

“It's okay, as long as you two are happy, now close your mouth until | tell you to open, don’t let Kate about this yet, | don’t want to spoil my surprise, now it's going to be a double surprise so you two better zip your mouth” David strictly warned them.

“brother, of course, we're going to zip our mouths.” Can you please tell us the wedding date” Rose begged with a cute face; David smirked; she knows how to use her way.

“It's soon going to be three years when Kate and | meet; | want to keep remembering that date, not only our fate day but also our marriage date; every year, | want to celebrate our marriage anniversary on that day.” David spilled out the truth; he planned this marriage for the last two years; finally, that day was going to come.

“Oh My God, | never thought it would be something like this, you two something, brother” Rose looked at David meaningfully.

David would be a fool if he misses her hidden intention, “don’t worry, even you two begto lie on the floor. | will not tell you where I'm going to hold our wedding,” David answered him in his cunning way.