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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 494 * Thick-skinned mule *
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Inside the car, David looked outside the car window. So many emotions were playing in his eyes, anger, jealousy, envy, murderous intent, insecurity.

But Kate was not around him to calm his heart; he wanted to see her badly; Alex was driving the car, Others went to the other car because, at that moment, no one was brave enough to face David. They didn't want to be the punching bag to vent his anger.

David becrestless. His heart and mind were fighting against each other, his mind telling him to think logically.

What Mike said, could it be someone from the Astor family? But his heart was eating vinegar, no matter how he tried to calm his heart, after all, it was not his kate's fault that she was so cute when she was so little, Even a cold master like him also used to like her because she was too cute, so why can't they wait to make them theirs? But now it's impossible, even they know about Kate, What does it have to do with them? Kate bechis wife. They have little cutie pies of their own. An intelligent person never would break another person's family just because of snonsense in childhood, Right? But what if the Roth family liked her from the bottom of their heart, rooted and sprouted and couldn't be removed even though they knew Kate might die 15 years ago? But he couldn't calm his racing heart, he suddenly felt frustrated, he looked at the driver "Alex, are you sure you're driving a car or a bicycle? When Alex heard his unreasonable question, he wanted to pass out on the spot; seriously, he was driving at high speed because he tried to drive his master to the mansion as soon as possible.

His master was like a tbomb; it would be better if his master burst in front of his madam.

Helplessly, he sped up, and soon they reached the mansion; it was already noon; the mansion was filled with people who were working for the party arrangements. The whole mansion was filled with real flowers and lights, The people watering the flowers so that they would look fresh till the party ended. Long square tables on the lakeside for dinner, and a stage near the lakeside, They created a white peacock with a white and blue rose. Everything looks terrific. David made the nboard. He hand wrote it, Because of the party, David arranged extra security. Everyone was from his exceptional team. It was the first party David himself set for his family.

He was not a very sociable person in the past, but it's different; he has family and his children. So he wanted to give his children everything they would need in the future.

David jumped out of them; he didn't wait for Alex to open the door for him. When he walked to the living room, he saw three little guys were playing with Aunt Lin; he smiled and walked over.

The earlier gloominess in him vanished into thin air. Instead, he sensitized his hand and carried Daniel, because his smile reminded him of his wife.

He leaned to the other two and kissed them. He kissed Daniel. "My gems, did you miss daddy? He teased them.

Three of them playfully moved their hands and feet and giggled. After that, David's heart went back to normal. They were like his antidote, which calmed his heart within a second.

His three children were like the moon in the night; kate was the sun in the day in his life; they always shone in his life, never would let him be alone.

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"Did Nina or Kate call earlier? David asked; he was worried; he wanted to refuse their proposal. They had a spa in their mansion, but his sisters were stubborn as a mule.

Also, if David refuses to let Kate go out, she would feel suffocated; that's why he wanted her to do what she wanted. Just being careful would be enough; it's his responsibility to protect Kate and his family.

"They're not here yet; | called them, they said they would be at hbefore 6 pm,” Aunt Lin informed that even though the ladies of the Xiver family were rare beauties, they were girls; after all, they wanted to look perfectly polished.

David laughed. "Okay, where is Noah?" So when David left home, Noah was at home; it was noon, so that he would be sleeping in his room.

"I just put him on the bed. The little boy was too excited, but after lunch, he fell asleep while playing with little ones.” Aunt Lin had a helpless smile on her face; he said today he would rest at noon. He wanted to go outside to see the peacock, but he fell asleep after lunch.

David laid beside the little one and put his hand on his hand, looking at their smiling face; David was missing Kate, But he wouldn't disturb her; he wanted her to enjoy her life. He would take care of their children.

The other also came; Derek flashed a beautiful smile on his face; he walked closer to the children. He didn't see them for a week, and they were already tired, even more cute, just looking at them; one could forget the world.

Suddenly a small face flashed before his eyes; his eyes turned cold when he remembered that woman and his son. He used to love that woman, but now he hates her to the core.

He searched for her in the whole world, but it seemed she had never existed, so he gave up.

He carried Destiny in his arms; others joined him; Robert picked up Daniel because other than Daniel was lovelier, unlike arrogant like their father.

Still, they all envied David's luck; he didn't just have a daughter, also two little Devil looking at their cute puffy face, they felt their heart was wounded by them, such little troubles.

"Brother, can you dig out information about the Astor family? David asked calmly, but in his voice, so many emotions were playing in them.

"Why do you want to investigate the Astor family? It's not like they have anything to do with Mia Smith. Uncle said they used to like Kate, so why would they go to Mia Smith? Derek was confused.

"Brother, you have missed the critical point. Mike Welsh said swant to harm Kate, but someone wants to take her back; do you know what it means? David's mind was sharper than others; he smelled gunpowder in those words; that's why he needed to know about the Astor family; he wanted to be sure, if they have nothing to do with it, then it's okay.

"Give30 min" Derek called someone and told them to find out about the Astor family, especially their older grandson; everyone waited anxiously.

David went to the kitchen; he saw Aunt Lin was standing closer to the door. She seemed in a daze. She didn't realize that David entered the kitchen until David called her by her name.

"Aunt Lin, what happened? David asked worriedly; after all, Aunt Lin was an aged woman. What if she was feeling well? Even though she doesn't have any blood relationship with the Xiver family, David always takes care of her like a family.

Aunt Lin smiled and shook her head. "Nothing, | was just thinking about something. By the way, you should give them a call.

They went for too long" Aunt Lin shook her head in worry.

David looked at her with a smile. "Kate barely wants to spend ton herself, let them be," David answered her and walked to the stove; he made milk for the children.

He poured the milk into their milk bottle and carried them out; he went to the corner and opened the basket, where were babies’ diapers, wiped tissue and other necessary things that babies needed, babies’ essentials are kept in all the rooms to be available when they need to use them for babies.

When he cback to the room, he picked up Destiny and put the milk bottle in her mouth, seeing David turned out to be a full- tdaddy and husband, a cold man, who was all cold one year ago, one year.

Thinking this, Adam took out his phone and looked at the date; his eyes widened in shock when he saw the date. "Hey bro, what date is today? He asked; he wanted to see David's reaction.

"Don't you have your phone? David rolled his eyes and glared at Adam.

Adam opened his mouth, but only a scream cout, "Bro, today is the day you had registered your marriage, right?" His remarkable words caught everyone's attention; they looked at him with confusion, only Alex looked calm.

From David's expression, everyone could tell what Adam said was true. Derek looked at David with a bit of surprise.

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"Man, today is your wedding anniversary. Is that why you planned the party, not for your babies? He was confused.

Everyone in S country knows that today David hosted a homecoming party for his children, but it seems everyone was wrong.

"No, today is our marriage anniversary. Also, our baby's homecoming,” David commented; he would never ignore one for another. The baby's homecoming party was Kate's wish, and he would fulfill her every desire.

"Oh man, you're a secret spy. So now we have to think about the gifts. We just prepared gifts for your angels," Aiden teased David.

"Now that you all know, start thinking, now I'm a stay-at-hdad, | have little money, but now | have little angels, as their uncles, it's all your responsibility to think about their future." David shrugged his shoulders and changed the baby and fed Daniel, and on the other hand, he put the bottle in Devin's mouth.

Everyone looked at him with a mocking smile. "Are you kidding me? Have no money, David Xiver; we didn't know you're such a stingy man if you tellthe international bank went bankrupt, | will believe with my closed eyes, but if you tellyou have no money, let alone me, the government itself wouldn't believe you," Robert snorted.

Everyone nodded with David and no money. Only a fool would believe him, not him. They spent half of their life knowing David, and even they forgot the number of his unlimited wealth.

David looked at them with a helpless expression. "I already requested from my position from starlight and gave them to my sisters, So how do | dare to spend money with an open hand? You all have to supportto buy milk for my babies" looking at David's shameless smug face.

Everyone wanted to vomit blood on the spot, seriously, buying milk for his children, even his future eat golds. They couldn't end his wealth. Since David was good in business, he invested in every industry, media, entertainment, let's let alone Black Dragon. He has international security agencies, yet he said he has no money. As for the black dragon, Even though he handed Black Dragon to Derek to handle, David was the actual owner of Black Dragon, and being the master of the Black Dragon, he dares to say he lacked money.

"Master, if you don't have money, why did you plan to open the new company? Seeing his master was shameless so openly, He couldn't help but expose his master. When everyone heard Alex, they looked at David, who was looking at Alex as if he wanted to skin Alex alive.

Alex lowered his head after throwing his trump card what he could say since his master was such a thick-skinned mule.

When everyone wanted to scold David for being so thick-skinned, Derek's phone rang; seeing the number, he received the call "hmm, tell me." His man reported everything to him in detail, even though they couldn't dig much more profoundly, but what they found out would be enough.

After a few minutes, Derek hung up and looked at David with a dark face.