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CEO Husband's Crazy Love For His Little Wife

Chapter 579 - A wounded beast.!!!
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None of them was real because the Astors buried the truth in a deep grave that no one knew, but now it seems things were getting complicated.

The world would discover the secret that Oscar and the entire Astor family had kept hidden.

Then that photo changed again, and suddenly the old madam Astor appeared on the screen.

That photo was so shocking that people were frightened to the core. They couldn't even think how someone could do this.

A boy with his back facing the camera was standing beside a dead body, holding a bloody hammer in his hand. Blood dripped down from the hammer as he stood beside the corpse.

at first, it was tough to recognize who it was, but when they saw another photo closely zoomed in on the corpse's face, Everyone could barely stand on their feet because the shock was too great compared to the first. This one was even more frightening.

They were shocked. Everyone felt their hearts would burst out anytime, and the people covered their eyes.

She had her head split in half, and they couldn't even look at her face without a frightened expression.

Mr. Astor's family couldn't hold himself anymore; he felt like he was living in a horror past again. He sobbed, just looking at the photo.

The people finally cback to their senses when suddenly the light cback, and the background screen shut down.

Everyone looked at the Astor family in horror; they couldn't even tell what they should say; two lives ended like this behind a secret.

The Astor family hid so well; if not for the proof in front of them, they wouldn't know that Astor could do something like this.

| feel like I'm in a horror movie. What just happened? Who is this child? Oscar's expression was the most precious one. He looked at Derek and Aiden with hatred in his eyes. He didn’t even bother to hide his contempt for them, but he couldn’t do anything.

If he reacted as they wished, they would tell the world something he still wants to protect.

“This was a side dish; now, are you guys ready for the proper meal?” Aiden screamed when he saw people looking at the Astor family with hatred. They couldn’t wait for the explanation.

But Derek and Aiden were not there to explain. Instead, they wanted to arouse the suspicious about the past while showing this clip while throwing a tbomb on Oscar Astor.

“Dr. Aiden, can you tell us what's going on? Who is this woman, and who killed Mrs. Astor so viciously? Who is this child? Why a child? I can't stand this seriously. My head is spinning” Someone asked when they saw Aiden and Derek were playing a mind gwith them.

Aiden laughed.

“You should ask the Astor family what the secret they hid for so many years. You might cto find out something even more shocking. But, of course, we should know about Mr. Oscar Astor first; after all, he thinks too highly of himself.” Everyone held their breath tightly. No one dared to make a sound. Because they knew Doctor Aiden would never lie to them without proof.

Old master Astor’s daughter looked at her father viciously. She hated this man to the core, but for sreason, she couldn't voice out what she wanted to say.

But when they realized Derek Wolf would drag the entire family with Oscar Astor, they hurriedly tried to stop Derek and Aiden.

“Mr. Wolf, Dr. Aiden. Please show srespect. This is our Astor family’s matter, not your Black Dragon. Can you please leave our family alone? If you want to go behind someone, look for him. We will not make a sound, but if you keep doing this to our family, You will force us to call our guards to show you the way outside.” She was pretty arrogant because she did not know why others so respected these people.

The people who heard her felt like smacking her mouth with a slap. But, seriously, the Astor family was already in a mess; now, they dared to mess with the Black Dragon.

It was enough if she didn't talk rudely to them. Now she even threatened them to throw her out. She was asking for death.

Aiden looked at the Old master Astor’s daughter with a cold smirk on his lips. He couldn't tell if she was an idiot or a fool.

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“Old woman, think how you will spend your life when the Astor family falls? Who are you trying to put on a show? | hate pretentious women the most, so before | kick you aside, step aside.” Aiden’s threat was like a hard slap on her face. It hurts like hell.

She looked at Aiden but could only dig her nails into her flesh because the person who insulted her could kill her without an explanation. It was just they were not there for her. That was her luck.

She knew there was no position to throw tantrums because she knew the Astor family would face their lifelong set-down situation after that day.

Speople even scold old master Astor's daughter because the Astor family seemed in deep trouble, yet this daughter of the Astor family seems.

Suddenly another photo showed on the screen. The picture was a test report printed with an authentic seal, which proved this report was not fake because it was from the military hospital and approved by a senior general.

The people who recognized the seal took the report seriously and read the information's content, but their phone rang again.

Even without a network, the message is on every guest's phone. Unfortunately, only one person was capable enough to do this.

It was none other than David himself.

But only those who knew him knew about this. Oscar felt his ears hurt by the sound of the phone messages. He felt irritated.

Suddenly, he growled like a wounded beast.

“Stop this nonsense right now.” Shortly, the entire party fell into silence.

But the sound didn’t.

Rebel wanted to stop his master, but when he saw the test on his phone, he knew they had been ruined. His voice froze in his throat. He was in total shock.

He couldn't believe that in just one night, the secret that had been hidden in the dark for many years cout like that.

They were so caught up with their plan; who knew something like this would happen? They tried to prove a lie, but someone else pulled a dark secret into the light.

Chase Astor looked at the report; for a second, his heart had stopped breathing, and he couldn't believe what he had seen.

But he looked at his father; the older man was having a severe breakdown; he knew the firm he had over the fate of the Astor family had finally broken down.

Chase looked at his wife. “How can anyone know about this?” he asked her in a low voice because this was a secret that speople only knew.

Nyla looked at the result. She looked at her father, then at Oscar, and turned to face her brother- and sister-in-law. When they saw the guilty expression on their faces, she was tense, “You two knew about this, Am | right?” Nyla asked them when she finally believed they had known because their face gave the truth away.

She staggered on her step. Luckily for her, her husband was with her and grabbed her to support her falling body, Otherwise, it was embarrassing enough; if she had fallen, it would embarrass him to death. The twist and turn of the event were enough to shock them enough.

When she cback to sense, she looked at her. “How could you do this? Do you even have any shame, father, you let our mother down? You let the entire Astor family down. Can | even call you a human?” Nyla might be a greedy woman, but her father was her pride.

She couldn't still believe what had happened before her eyes.

She never knew about this. She knew this boy was an illegitimate son of her father.

But she never knew who the woman was since her mother or other family members mentioned nothing in these past years.

Old master Astor felt suffocated; he knew the truth would cto light, but he didn’t think the truth would cbefore everyone like that, It was an enormous blow to him and his family; one after one, the secret cto light like that was enough to shake the entire Astor family from the root, no matter how strong they were.

“Why are you silent? Answer me, is he that woman's son?” Nyla was always self-obsessed with her identity; now, when she finally found out the truth, she felt self-attacked by her father.

Old master Astor's face turned pale, and he felt a pang of pain in his chest; he wanted to say something.

But no word cout of his mouth because he suddenly felt suffocated. The more he tried hard to breathe, the more he felt a pain in his chest.

Chase saw the pale expression on his father’s face. He grabbed his sister and pulled her away.

"Can't you stop? See, our father might have a panic attack.” Chase was always respectful toward his father, so even though he knew his father was wrong, he would never disrespect his father.

“Take father inside,” Chase ordered, and people took the Old master away.

Old master Allen looked at his friend, but he had no word. Instead, he looked at his younger son.

“After today. We don't need to be friends with the Astor family. They are going to fall after today.” He murmured to his son.

The people looked at Oscar. They believed a person they thought was the old master’s grandson, but it turned out he was the son of old master Astor. They couldn't believe this. It took a long tto register in their mind.

They felt disgusted by the Astor family’s open-minded thoughts, a son called his father's grandpa for years, and his brother called his brother his son.

The messy situation was enough to make people distance themselves from the other members of the Astor family.

Oscar felt the hateful stares and mocking laughter at him. He stood there as if he didn’t care, but Rebel knew his master was not in good condition.

He did everything to prove his presence, but in the end, it crushed everything into the sprinkle.

Since people already knew his master’s identity, he couldn't let the people discover the truth behind the truth of his mother and the murder of old madam Astor because it would harm his master in the end.

“Ms. Astor, you saw nothing wrong. Don’t you know who she is?” Derek raised a hand, tapped his other hand, and looked at the Astor family.

A stiff, chilly sensation ran down to the Astor family members. When they saw the knowing, mocking smirk on Derek's lips, they had prayed for their life; they knew nothing good would happen.

She is the daughter your mother raised for 20 years, her adoptive daughter, the woman you all called sister all of your life.

So how does it feel knowing your father had an affair with the daughter that his wife bought up with so much care? Do you understand now?” Derek's words were like a death sentence for the Astor family. The dirty secret is hidden deep in their memories, suddenly turned fresh and people.

Around them looked at their family in a new light. They couldn't help but feel disgusted by the Astor family's actions.

They constantly searched for a rare chance to befriend the Astor family because they were always on top.

So they could do nothing but roam around the Astor family to make them happy.

The Irish family had already discussed their decision because they didn’t want to stay at that party anymore.

It would be like slapping their mouth if they still stood there after knowing such a heinous truth.

Rebel looked around and then at his master. Seeing the raging expression on his master’s face, he knew nothing good would cif they let this go on.

His master would show something that would be dangerous for them. When he looked at the surrounding people, he saw a change in their expressions.

He didn’t stop. For a second, he pressed the emergency system. He called their hidden men, who only appeared when they needed them in an emergency.

He doesn’t care about the people, and he doesn’t care about their lives and deaths. What mattered to him was his master, who was his everything.

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Derek's eyes were sharper than anyone else, so when he noticed something was wrong, he smiled. He knew it was the twhen they were going to face a challenging situation.

But they were never afraid to face anything in their life; otherwise, they wouldn't have cthere to fight Oscar Astor.

He looked at Aiden. “Let's go. We have nothing to do here anymore,” he told them and walked past Oscar. He lowered his voice, only two of them to hear.

“You messed with the wrong people. We will show the world you're nothing but a paper tiger from the blood king. Oscar Astor.

You have messed with the real king.

Remember when legend sleeps for a decade? A mare fool like you shouldn't think they will not wake up away.

| think today’s event was enough to show you that if a person couldn't change his roots, They shouldn't try to change their fate because not everyone has the power. Not everyone can be David Xiver.” Derek didn’t even stop after saying whatever he wanted to say.

Aiden nodded; he looked at Rebel and smirked; he stepped toward Mr. Allen.

“Let's go; we have nothing to do here right now because bullets will talk, and it's not safe for us.” Aiden didn’t care about other people because the people present there were the sas the Astor family.

No one was innocent, and they should bltheir fate for being friends with the Astor family.

Just after Derek and Aiden left, there was an attack, and people surrendered the party and took control of it.

The sudden outbursts frightened people. They were all armed, so when they raised their guns on the people, they were already half dead.

Someone even tried to call the police, but Oscar's people had already shot him in the head.

They bowed in front of Oscar. “Master,” they said in unison.

The people saw these scary people bowing in front of Oscar Astor, horrified after realizing that Oscar Astor was no ordinary person they could mess with.

“Stop them from spreading any news, and if anyone refuses, shoot them in the head. Don't let Derek Wolf leave, stepping all over me.” He looked at Nyla Astor, who was looking at him with a disgusted expression.

“You should stay within your limit. But if you force me, | don’t mind sending you somewhere where you won't like to go.” Oscar threatened that the fire in his was enough to burn 100 Nyla since he could not handle the situation with a straight finger.

He needed to do this harshly.

He held back because he had enough enemies for now.

He knew since Black Dragon found out about him, then his secret was bound to cout. If they think they could win so quickly, they couldn't be more wrong.

He walked to the Irish family. “Don’t you dare cancel the engagement until | want; otherwise, don’t blme if I'm polite enough?” Miss Irish frowned but said nothing because she was not a fool to lie in front of a furious encyclical. Mia Smith smirked. She didn’t think she would see such a show today.

But when she remembered Nate Allen’s warning and how he becdesperate to throw them out of Allen’s international, she knew Oscar Astor would be the perfect support for her.

Mia Smith smirked. When she remembered what she had in her hand, she waited. She smiled wickedly. Huh, were you snatching her son’s rights? She would allow no one.

Rebel looked at the Astor family, but his concern was here anymore; he was thinking about something else, “Rebel, followback; let Dom handle this.” He would never find peace of mind until he saw Grace because something was bothering him.

David put down the ear pieces from his ear and stood up. For today, he had enough. Now all he wanted was a good night with his wifey.

Because he knew Derek would handle the rest of them, and for Blood king, he had prepared another gift for him.

David walked to the bedroom. He almost tiptoed when he walked closer to the bed. When he got closer, his heart turned cold with fear.