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Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 286: F90
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Then pirates robbed ships one after another on the border of Wanluo Federation.

It caused some waves in the Wanluo Federation.

Ever since the Wanluo Federation unified the colonies in District 8, not to mention the territory, even the fringes, no pirates dared to come and rob ships.

Some second- and third-tier media reported on this matter.

Many people thought that before the Tianyi mercenary group troubled the Wanluo Federation, the pirate group came to their door.

More curious, which pirate group dared to come to the territory of Wanluo Federation to rob.

Then there was the Wanluo Federation broadcasting a pirate group that robbed the merchant ships in the Wanluo Federation and attacked the Wanluo Federation troops.

This pirate group called itself the Cross Vanguard, and the Cross Vanguard also announced that the captured crew and soldiers were already their captives, and they wanted someone to come back and pay a ransom.

The Wanluo federal authorities announced that they would not compromise with criminal organizations and would never pay ransoms.

Then, the Cross Vanguard came to a live broadcast and shot some of the captured soldiers.

This scene shocked the whole world.

Purvi scolded the Crusaders at his press conference, and even stated that he would never stop until the Crusaders were wiped out.

Not long after Purvi finished the press conference, a meteorite military base was attacked by the Crusaders.

When rescue forces arrived, the military base had been destroyed and there were no survivors.

Before talking about the elimination of the Cross Vanguard, the Cross Vanguard directly wiped out a military base in the Wanluo Federation. This is simply slapping Pulv in the face.

Gradually, even the mainstream media began to report on the Crusaders. Many military experts wanted to know what those people wrapped in cloaks looked like in the pictures, and those cloaks could block the beams. What kind of material were they made of? Technology made by technology.

Then some family members of the captives obediently paid the ransom in order not to want their loved ones to be shot.

Of course, all the cargo ships that were hijacked were sold.

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A tourist ship of an institution of higher learning is currently on a holiday tour.

The students on the cruise ship are either the children of rich families, or the children of dignitaries, and many of them are from ordinary families, but they are special students with excellent grades.

At this moment, many students are discussing whether the Crusaders will come to hijack their tourist boat.

"Speaking of which, are these cross vanguards a special unit formed by the Tianyi Mercenary Group?"

"I think so too, otherwise, which pirate group has such advanced and powerful battleships and mobile suits."

"From the video, the mobile suits and warships of the pirate regiment are not inferior to the current weapons of the Tianyi mercenary regiment."

"More than that, from my research and observation, it is better than the regular battleships and mobile suits of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps, and the MS of the Crusader Vanguard is stronger than the mass-produced Gundams currently in service of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps."

"The latest two models you mentioned are stronger than the mass-produced Gundams of the Tianyi Mercenary Group, or the old ones."

"The old two models, mk2g and hundred-style, and the new ones, I have seen battle videos, and they are not lost to those ms of the pirate group."

"Then you said that those pirate mobile suits are all Gundams, right?"

"It's possible, but then again, it's very small, only about 15 meters long."

The siren sounded suddenly, which made many students flustered at first, and then broadcast to inform that there was a battle in the distance.

Many students immediately looked out of the window, and found that there were countless intersecting beams of light in the distance.

Some students took out the electronic telescope to check.

"The Crusaders are at war with our army."

The tourist boat of the academy quickly turned around.

Many students were very scared because they were worried that they would be captured by the Crusaders.

Especially the top students with ordinary backgrounds were even more afraid. They heard from the media that if the captives could not pay the ransom, they would be shot by the Crusaders.

They don't want to die, they hope that the tourist boat can speed up and leave the scene.

Soon, dozens of warships of various types from the Wanluo Federation came from the front of the tourist ship of the school, and this fleet of battleships rushed to rescue their colleagues.

With so many warships from their own country, the students felt relieved at this moment.

Then their relief turned to worry.

Because of this, several beam bombardments destroyed several battleships.

"Look over there!" A student pointed into the distance with an electronic telescope.

Many students saw more than twenty white light trails coming towards them.

The students all knew that these must be the ms of the Crusaders.

"They are so courageous, this is not the border, this is already within the scope of the territory!" Some students shouted loudly.

The fleet of the Wanluo Federation sent a bunch of MS to attack, the number exceeded 300, and the Dire Eagle accounted for 30%, and the remaining 70% was a MS called Yingfei. There are propellers on its legs, its speed and flexibility are higher than that of the Dire Eagle, and the firepower of its weapons is slightly inferior to that of the Dire Eagle.

The tourist boat dared not sail at the moment, and the front and rear sides fought for fear of being accidentally injured while sailing.

Many students took out their electronic binoculars to watch the battle between the two MSs.

Rebecca drove her own F90. While dodging left and right, the F90 she was driving counterattacked with a beam rifle in her right hand and fired several shots one after another.

The gun hit the fierce eagle and Yingfei, turning them into a ball of fireworks, and rushed to a Yingfei ms with a beam saber in his left hand, cutting it in half.

One F90 needs to solve about 16 enemy ms.

The difficulty of driving the F90 is not high, because every driver is an elite class, and the performance of the F90 is higher than that of the two MSs.

F90 then shot down several enemy ms.

Rebecca counted the number of mobile phones she shot down to 17.

At this time, Rebecca's cockpit screen popped up the captain's communication video, instructing Rebecca and several other companions to shoot down the enemy's warship.

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Three F90 Gundams charged towards the enemy fleet.

The enemy fleet dispatched MS troops responsible for escorting the battleships to block three F90 Gundams.

Rebecca snorted coldly: "Hmph, little character."

The F90 shot through the head of the Dire Eagle ms, and then pierced the cockpit of another Dire Eagle ms with a sword.

The other F90 rushed into the enemy fleet, using the enemy battleship as a shield, not only using the battleship to shoot the enemy MS, but also taking the opportunity to shoot through the bow of the battleship.

Rebecca was driving her own F90 during the battle. She saw a tourist ship not far away from a university, and frowned slightly. Their mission was to intercept the battleship group here, but they didn't expect there to be a private tourist ship here. .

Rebecca continued to fight after taking a look.

When Rebecca shot down several Dire Eagles and Yingfei mobile suits, and then dodged the battleship's beam bombardment, she suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Once you dodge one of the beam cannons, the beam cannon will hit the tourist ship.

Rebecca's space sensor found the trajectory of the beam cannon.

Rebecca immediately drove the F90 towards the tourist boat at full speed.

Many students in the tourist boat were in front of the window, and while watching the battle, many students even took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Suddenly a beam cannon rushed towards the tourist boat, scaring the students into screaming.

The F90 Gundam driven by Rebecca uses the covered anti-beam cloak to resist the beam cannon.

This scene was captured by many students' mobile phones. The students couldn't believe that it was the pirate's ms who saved them.

"Look, the cloak of that mobile suit seems to be burning and destroyed, and its pair of eyes are blue light, like the eyes of Gundam!"

Many students rushed to take pictures of this scene with their mobile phones.

Rebecca looked at the data display and saw that the anti-beam cloak had been damaged, so she immediately pressed to release the anti-beam cloak.

"Yes, Gundam!"

"It's really a Gundam!"

An F90 with a black painting and a white chest with a skull graphic was presented in front of these students.