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Crossing the Other World to Build Gundam

Chapter 371: Strong enough to be able to do whatever you want
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At the same time when the Tianyi Mercenary Group and the Wanluo Federation were negotiating.

Colony 3 has one of the democratic powers of Cattaro (20 colonies in total) under attack.

The country that attacked Kataro is the Kingdom of Dion.

The Kingdom of Dion is not attacking the Kingdom of Kataro.

Instead, attack the pirate group in Cattaro.

Because a traveling ship from the Kingdom of Dion was kidnapped by a group of pirates when it sailed to Cattaro.

The Kingdom of Dion initially asked the Kingdom of Kataro to immediately send a rescue team to rescue the people of their own country.

At the beginning, the Kingdom of Kataro agreed to the request of the Kingdom of Dion.The most update n0vels are published on novelenglish.net . Fɪre

However, Cattaro's actions were slow, and relevant negotiating forces were sent to negotiate with the pirate group.

In addition to the release condition of the lion opening its mouth, the pirate group even asked for many new weapons.

Such a condition is unacceptable to Cattaro.

The matter dragged on for more than a month. The Kingdom of Dion protested several times and asked to join the negotiations. It also asked the Kingdom of Cattaro to deal with it immediately without further delay.

The Cattaro State said that the conditions offered by the other party were too excessive, and they could not agree to it, so they could only continue to negotiate with the other party.

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Later, after the intelligence department of the Dion Kingdom learned of the hiding place of the pirates, the Dion Kingdom directly issued an ultimatum, and the Kataro Kingdom must solve the problem within three days, otherwise the Dion Kingdom will take action in person, and then don’t blame the Dion Kingdom for ignoring it. Sovereignty of the State of Catalonia.

The Kingdom of Cattaro protested to the Kingdom of Dion, which was a violation of their national sovereignty.

The Kingdom of Dion ignored Cattaro's protest and instead gave Cattaro an ultimatum.

Three days later, the Kingdom of Dion directly sent a regiment-level fleet directly into the territory of Cataro Kingdom, heading for the place where the pirates were hiding.

The Kingdom of Cataro sent troops to stop the troops of the Kingdom of Dion and warned the troops of the country to withdraw from the territory of the country, otherwise they would do it.

The Dion Empire troops not only ignored the opponent's wrong warning, but directly sent Ms troops to attack.

During the battle with the Ms troops of the Dion Empire, the Cataro Kingdom troops discovered that in addition to the ability of the Ms troops of the Dion Empire to transform, they also found that some of them had Ms that looked like Gundams, the only difference was that they did not have the signature antenna of the Gundams.

The MS that looks like a Gundam, but the power it displays is as powerful as the Gundam of the Tianyi Mercenary Corps.

Three or two strikes on the Ms troops of the Kingdom of Dion, wiped out the troops of the Kingdom of Kataro, and headed to the hiding place of the target pirate group.

Then, some special forces on the ground were sent to sneak into the battle, and then Ms troops were sent to suppress and directly wipe out the pirate group.

In the end, the troops rescued the hostages and left Cattaro.

This incident shocked the entire country of Cattaro.

The Cattaro authorities made a diplomatic protest to the Dion Kingdom, accusing the Dion Kingdom of infringing on their country's sovereignty and even killing their own soldiers, demanding an apology from the Dion Kingdom and related compensation.

The Kingdom of Dion directly rejected the request of the Kingdom of Cataro.

The Kingdom of Dion also mocked the Kingdom of Kataro for not being able to handle even a small pirate group. What right does the Kingdom of Dion have to protest to the Kingdom of Dion?

The Kingdom of Dion even issued a diplomatic statement that only other countries should compensate their own country, and no country should compensate foreign countries.

The statement of the Kingdom of Dion humiliated the Kingdom of Kataro.

The Kingdom of Cattaro protested to the International Conference, asking the International Conference to uphold justice and allow the Kingdom of Dion to apologize and compensate the country.

At the international conference, even the countries with the imperial system could not say anything on behalf of the Dion Kingdom on this matter, because in this matter, the Dion Kingdom sent troops into the territory of other countries without the consent of other countries, which is a violation of the sovereignty of other countries.

At international conferences, most of the countries of the imperial system remained silent on this matter.

Then there was another round of voting, and the Dion Empire was required to make compensation and an apology statement to the Cataro Kingdom with an overwhelming vote of approval.

As a result, the Dion Empire directly refused.

Moreover, Dion Empire directly announced that it is very simple to ask Dion Empire to apologize and compensate them. As long as they win their Dion Empire, Dion Empire is willing to offer an apology and compensation.

The Kingdom of Dion even stated that if the Kingdom of Cataro is unable to make an apology and compensation from the Kingdom of Dion, it can ask other countries to help.

But those countries that help should pay attention, that is the enemy of the Dion Empire, and the Dion Empire will definitely destroy it.

The arrogance of the Dion Empire shocked the entire world.

The Kingdom of Cataro was very aggrieved in this matter, and asked the international conference to sanction the Kingdom of Dion.

However, many countries are unwilling to join the sanctions against the Dion Empire. Many countries are willing to use their mouths diplomatically, but no country is willing to do something similar to the Dion Empire.

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Then, the Kingdom of Dion made a provocative diplomatic statement. If the Kingdom of Kataro really wants to make the Kingdom of Dion apologize and compensate, it can fight us.

If the Kingdom of Dion cannot win against the Kingdom of Kataro in two weeks, then even if the Kingdom of Dion loses, they are willing to make all compensations and apologies.

The authorities of the Cataro Kingdom fell silent directly, because the Dion Empire sent a regiment-level fleet, which easily wiped out troops several times their size.

The silence of the authorities of the Cataro Kingdom caused the Dion Empire to beat back.

The diplomatic statement of the Dion Kingdom stated that if Cattaro dare not fight this battle, then he will make relevant compensation and apologize for the kidnapping of his nationals by the pirate group, the mental harm caused, and so on.

If compensation and apology are not made, then don't blame the country for taking the initiative to teach the Cataro country, and the country will demand more compensation at that time.

Not long after the Dion Empire issued a statement, two army-level fleets appeared outside the Cattaro Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Dion directly spoke to the Kingdom of Cataro, should we fight?

If you fight, see you on the battlefield. If you don't fight, Cattaro Kingdom will immediately compensate and apologize to Dion Kingdom.

This directly put Cattaro in a dilemma. They were the ones who suffered the most, but they were forced into a dilemma by the powerful force of the opponent.

The Cattaro State authorities understand that they are the ones who will lose in a fight.

The authorities of the Kingdom of Cataro could only apologize to the Kingdom of Dion and compensate them aggrievedly.

Although this incident has caused some waves, it is common in the world that weak countries have no diplomacy, and strong countries bully weak countries. As long as a country is strong enough to a certain extent, it can do whatever it wants.

Knowing that their country has been so humiliated, the people of Cattaro protested to the authorities of their own country for their weakness.

Many people even demonstrated and demanded that the president apologize for his weakness and step down.

The president of the Cattaro country also knew about this. He became a humiliating figure in the history of the country and brought humiliation to his country. In the end, the president of the Cattaro country could only bow on the stage, and then stepped down to resign as president.