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Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough-Novel

Chapter 860 Possible Dangers Of A Mystic Realm
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"Qing Yi, Chu Yang. Now that both of you have reached the Nascent Soul Realm, I intend to let both of you enter a mystic realm to gain more experience. The mystic realm in question is located beneath my old pavilion in the Flying Sword Sect and both of you should already be familiar with what I'm talking about."

Turning his attention back towards his two disciples before saying this, Xuan Hao found it hard to keep a straight face after seeing the happiness plastered all across Chu Yang's face. Even without him saying anything, it was obvious just how excited he was at the prospect of exploring a mystic realm and challenge the different demon beast or other creatures that might be lurking inside.

As for Qing Yi… Although she didn't show it outwardly, he could still tell that she was curious about the mystic realm that he had mentioned. Not the slightest bit surprising considering that a mystic realm was something even more mysterious and harder to find than a secret realm. Something that could be considered a given with a secret realm being created by cultivators, while a mystic realm was something that had been naturally created by the world itself.

"Master, how strong are the demon beast inside the mystic realm? Are they in the earlier stages of the Nascent Soul Realm- or even stronger!?" As expected, the first among his two disciples to step forward and ask about the mystic realm was Chu Yang.

"Hehe, already getting excited? Don't worry, the strength of the demon beasts inside the mystic realm will be from the earlier stages of the Nascent Soul Realm and all the way to the Peak of the Nascent Soul Realm… But you must remember, a mystic realm is a dangerous place that can even threaten the life of someone in the Domain Lord Realm!" Chuckling to himself at first before saying this, Xuan Hao did not forget to also warn his disciples about the danger of entering a mystic realm.

Even if both of them had reached the Nascent Soul Realm and could be considered more than capable of dealing with a Nascent Soul Realm Expert in the Middle Stages of the Nascent Soul Realm by working together, they were far from strong enough to be considered invincible in the Nascent Soul Realm, let alone capable of fighting someone that had reached the Domain Lord Realm…

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"Not to mention the demon beasts that exist inside the mystic realm, there are also many other dangers, like remnants of old civilizations that might have once inhabited said mystic realm, natural killing formations, places where the space is unstable and might collapse and much more." Noticing that both of his disciples were looking towards him with surprised expressions on their faces, Xuan Hao decided to seize the moment to explain the many dangers that could be found inside a mystic realm.

Of course, the things that he had mentioned were not from his own experience, as he had never been inside a mystic realm personally, but instead from bits and pieces of information that he had managed to gather about mystic realms through different texts and ancient records he had read through. Among which, the most useful sources of information, was an ancient record of exploring a mystic realm, left inside the Flying Sword Sect- Now the Star Shattering Sect, by the mysterious founder of the Flying Sword Sect.

"Remnants of old civilizations… Natural killing formations… Mystic realms are indeed dangerous, but in remnants of past civilizations, relics and powerful artifacts can be found, while natural formations often have precious spiritual herbs hiding inside them! Hah… Entering a mystic realm is filled with both danger and opportunities…" Muttering this to herself after hearing her master explain just how dangerous a mystic realm was, Qing Yi's eyes shone with anticipation. Making it clear how excited she was about entering a mystic realm. 

pαndα---noνɐ1,сoМ Not feeling too worried about the danger that might be lurking inside. After all, there was no way that their master would be sending them into a mystic realm filled to the brim with Domain Lord Realm demon beasts everywhere. At most there should be one or two demon beasts like that at the core of the mystic realm. 

In a sense, Qing Yi was correct. The mystic realm had a limit of the Nascent Soul Realm and the few demon beasts that Chu Yang and Bai Ning had encountered when they had accidentally entered the mystic realm had been far below that of the Nascent Soul Realm. 

Not only that, but the fact that they had managed to enter the mystic realm and leave without any problem made it relatively safe to explore, as they would always be able to leave the mystic realm in case it got too dangerous. This was also the one of the reasons why Xuan Hao felt confident in letting Qing Yi and Chu Yang enter the mystic realm.

"Master, when are we going to enter the mystic realm?" Suddenly realizing that her master had not mentioned when they were going to enter the mystic realm, Qing Yi could not help asking. After all, she had broken through to the Nascent Soul Realm not too long ago and still wanted to further solidify her foundation and get more familiar with her new strength.

"Don't worry, I know you just broke through to the Nascent Soul Realm and still need some time to adjust and planned for you to enter the mystic realm in half a month's time." Understanding what Qing Yi was worried about, Xuan Hao quickly reassured her that she would have more than enough time to get familiar with her strength before entering the mystic realm. Especially considering that he would be around to help her out after he was done teaching Mui the basics.

"Do any of you have any more questions regarding the mystic realm? If not, I think it's about time for your junior sister and brother to show up-" 

"Ah! I have a question master! How long are we going to stay in the mystic realm? Is it only for a few days or longer?" Energetically jumping up as he said this, Chu Yang almost ended up hitting Qing Yi who was standing beside him-


Earning glare from the person in question that had just narrowly avoided getting hit.

"Hm… Honestly, I don't have any plans for how long you are going to stay inside the mystic realm and planned to just let you decide on your own how long you wanted to stay. Be it a day or a month, it is up to you two to decide…" Answering Chu Yang's question, Xuan Hao turned towards the entrance of the palace where two figures had just appeared. "And looks like your two juniors are here, I will be teaching you two in a few days to prepare you for the mystic realm after teaching Mui the basics." 

""Yes, master!"" 

Realizing that Bai Ning and Mui had arrived, both Qing Yi and Chu Yang suddenly stood up straight as they answered in sync, like a pair of perfect disciples obediently listening to their master. None of the excitement and curiosity from earlier was present on their face.

"Both of you can return to what you were up to before…"

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""This disciple will take his/her leave!""



Not able to stop himself from rolling his eyes after seeing the display put on by Qing Yi and Chu Yang to show off in front of their new junior sister before they left through the flashiest movement technique they had learnt, Xuan Hao decided to ignore them as he instead turned his attention towards Bai Ning and Mui who was making their way over towards him.

On one side, Mui was beaming with happiness, as she carried what looked like a piece of scrap metal in the shape of a sword? Mace? Axe? Honestly, he couldn't really tell what it was.

As for Bai Ning… 

"Hm? Did something happen…?" Looking at Bai Ning who was walking beside Mui, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit worried after noticing the empty look in his eyes as if he had experienced some sort of traumatic event.

"Master! Look! I made a sword together with senior brother Bai Ning!"

"I see, it's indeed a… Unique sword…" Not giving him any time to try and figure out what had happened to Bai Ning, Mui proudly walked up in front of him before showing off the piece of scrap metal that was apparently a sword of some sort.

"Yes! I couldn't have made it without the help of senior brother Bai Ning! He is reeeeeeally amazing at making artifacts!" Beaming with joy as she said this while showing off the piece of scrap metal, Xuan Hao noticed the expression on Bai Ning's face getting even worse after Mui mentioned how she and Bai Ning had made the scrap met- unique sword together.

Ah… So that is why his expression is so bad…

Not taking long to understand why his third disciple's expression was so bad after seeing this, Xuan Hao could not help chuckling to himself.