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Daddy CEO's Beloved Wife

Chapter 102 Can I Play With Him Next?
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Ran Xueyi's mind was in turmoil. Had he seen what happened between her and Yang Baihua? She glanced at the man sitting on the driver's seat, right next to her. His expression leaves no trace to doubt it.

However, what she didn't notice was that the hand that was hidden on his side next to the car door was clenched tightly and if someone were to see it, they would think twice before they would approach him.

Earlier, Song Yu Han personally drove Ran Xueyi to the Dream TV building, but he didn't leave to go to his company. He instead turned his car around and parked in the underground parking lot to wait for her to finish.

And when some time passed, He was going to pick her up. But then, when he passed by the emergency exit, he faintly heard her voice and decided to forgo using the elevator. And the moment he opened the door, he saw Ran Xueyi and another man inside.

But the scene that stunned him the most was the image of his wife punching the man who tried to touch her. At that time, beside anger, he was exhilarated and surprised to see her do that.

"I thought you already went back to your work. What are you doing here?" Ran Xueyi asked and slightly turned her body towards him.

Song Yu Han glanced at her before turning his gaze outside. A smile was on his lips as he said, "Today is my dear wife's moment to show off her talent to other people... Why wouldn't I be here to witness it?"

Ran Xueyi pouted. "But you weren't there on my first audition."

Song Yu Han choked but ignored it. He actually wanted to come to her first audition, but he was away for a business matter and out of the country.

Ran Xueyi's eyes twinkled brightly as she teased him, "Someone even tried to make trouble and make things difficult for me. But my husband went to enjoy his business trip."

Song Yu Han: "..."

Seeing him sit on the driver seat with a stiff posture and straight back, Ran Xueyi let him go and no longer teased him. She already knew why he couldn't come to her first audition and wouldn't hold a grudge because of that.

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"Where are we going?" she asked him.

"It's already past twelve in the afternoon and you haven't eaten anything for lunch. I figured you might be hungry and I want to spend more time with you so I waited for you to come out."

Ran Xueyi felt a little bit guilty. The man canceled his meeting to have lunch with her. "... You could've told me I would have messaged you when I finished the audition."

"It's okay..." he paused before adding, "You're right. Next time, call me when you're done filming or when you want to talk to me. Especially when you're in trouble."

So, he saw us... Ran Xueyi thought and bit her lips.

"There's no need to feel ashamed, and worry about worthless things. You only need to think about us and our future. As for Yang Baihua..." he suddenly stopped talking as he turned his head to look at her. His eyes turned extraordinarily cold as he said, "When you're done with him... Can I play with him next?"

Ran Xueyi suddenly shivered and felt her sweat appear on her back. Those eyes were not his usual gentle gaze; it was darker and deeper, more reckless and cruel that she couldn't help but feel frightened.

This was the first time she saw him become like this. And she did not know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

However, she was sure about one thing...

She copied him and smiled, "Don't mess him up too much. I still want to make him pay for what he did to me."

Song Yu Han stared at her for a long while. His eyes lingered on that beautiful smile on her lips.

Ran Xueyi: "Yu Han..."

Song Yu Han: "...hm?"

Ran Xueyi: "It's already the greenlights and the car behind us is going to break their horns if you don't move your car."

Song Yu Han: "..."

In the end, Ran Xueyi had to urge him to steer the wheels or else, they would be reported to a traffic enforcer for parking in the middle of the streets.

The two of them went to a nearby crayfish restaurant that Ran Xueyi wanted to go to. The restaurant happened to be busy and they had to wait in line for more than a dozen minutes.

The two of them were being looked at by several passersby, even those who were waiting in line with them couldn't help but give them a few more glances and only turned their eyes away when they felt like it would fall off their sockets.

They were not to be blamed though because the restaurant that Ran Xueyi picked was not the type that they usually would go to. It was a small restaurant and inexpensive.

After a while, the two of them finally got to enter the restaurant and get to sit on their table by the window. The food on the menu looked dazzling and appetizing in their hands.

Ran Xueyi flipped through the menu and asked, "Do you have anything you fancy?"

Song Yu Han did not speak for a few seconds.

Ran Xueyi looked up at him and raised her lips into an amused smile, "Don't tell me... you've never been to a restaurant like this?"

Song Yu Han stared at her lips for a long time before he responded with a nod, "My mom never wanted me to eat outside. Whenever I come home after classes ends, I would go straight back home and eat my mom's food. By the time I was able to get a chance to eat in a restaurant like this, I was sent out of the country."

Ran Xueyi paused and stared at him. She finally remembered that it was really indeed the case.

"Your mom's food should be more delicious than any restaurant then... Seeing how you are smiling even just telling me about her cooking for you."

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Song Yu Han felt a burst of warmth and gratefulness towards Ran Xueyi. When was the last time someone praised his mother in front of him? Song Yu Han couldn't remember since it has been years since somebody even mentioned his mother to him.

When he was young and still innocent, he would praise his mother to everyone else like she was the sky and earth to him. But at the end of the conversation, these people would look at him in pity and disdain. They were probably thinking how could he compliment his mother who became a mistress to a man who was already married and went crazy until her death?

Hence, Song Yu Han never mentioned his mother to anyone ever again. Only because people will only be reminded about the bad events that took place rather than what good things she had done in life. He didn't want to sully her name anymore only because other people didn't know the truth.

But Ran Xueyi was different. Even if she was merely speaking to comfort him or genuinely saying this out of her heart, she never apologized and looked at him in pity and with eyes full of scorn.

Song Yu Han stared at her for a long time as she ordered for the two of them. Not too long after they ordered, their dishes were served one after another.

"This restaurant is famous for their spicy dishes. I hope you can handle a bit of spice." Ran Xueyi was worried that Song Yu Han was unable to handle the spiciness, but when she asked him earlier, he said it was alright. So, she ended up ordering the usual things she ordered in the past.

Ran Xueyi would always come here or order online whenever she was craving for something spicy. They do not only serve spicy-flavored crayfish, they also serve garlic and butter flavored ones. So, she became addicted to this place.

Surprisingly, Song Yu Han ate quite a bit well and it didn't look like he was affected by the spiciness.

However, what she didn't know was that the chopsticks he was holding were slightly shaking as his fingers trembled at the spiciness of the dishes.

Watching him eat so well, Ran Xueyi had an urge to order some more. But she was stopped by him as he said, "I already feel full with what we ordered. There's no need to order more."

As he said this, he was looking at her and was surprised that Ran Xueyi didn't even sweat as she ate her food, bite after bite. Her lips were glistening with juices from the crayfish and red from the spiciness, but nevertheless, she seemed to enjoy the pain and spice.

Ran Xueyi nodded, agreeing.

As soon she was about to reach out to pick another crayfish to devour, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang. Ran Xueyi wiped her mouth and hands with a disposable napkin, surprised that the caller was Jian Yiling.


Author has something to say: If you can still remember, Jian Yiling is the friend RX was forced to block in the past. She's reconnecting with her now.

Spoiler alert!: SYH might seem like a sweet man. But don't forget... he has a few screws loose, alright?

Happy Ramadan to all our Muslim Brothers and Sisters! ^_^