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Divine Doctor's Harem

Chapter 385 My Man
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Shen Bing and Kristin looked at the stunning woman in front of them, their mouths agape, filled with awe.

This woman was beautiful, exuding an exotic and aristocratic charm that surpassed both of them.

However, what shocked them was not her appearance and figure, but her identity.

"How... how is this possible? Princess Karina, why are you here?" Shen Bing trembled.

"Princess Karina, a distinguished guest from the Bear Kingdom!" Kristin was also stunned.

Both of them quickly scanned Princess Karina's surroundings and realized that there were no kidnappers or any signs of danger. This left them even more astonished.

Princess Karina had visited the Dragon Kingdom but mysteriously disappeared. And now, she appeared here without any warning, free from any captors. How could this be?

Wang Chao, seeing the woman, also frowned.

He understood what was going on.

This must be the work of Zhou Xinghe!

Otherwise, Princess Karina wouldn't have gone missing in Ma Harbor and then suddenly appeared on Hu Jian Province's Swan Cruise without anyone restraining her. It was clear that she was enjoying a vacation with the help of Zhou Xinghe's power.

"This is ridiculous," Wang Chao furrowed his brow, mentally beating up Zhou Xinghe a hundred times over.


Princess Karina noticed their reactions and immediately raised a delicate finger to her lips, making a hushing gesture. She playfully smiled and said, "I'm here to have some fun. Please don't reveal my whereabouts."

"Since I boarded the ship, my name has been Shen Siquan. Just treat me as an ordinary player, and let's have a good time."

Kristin took a deep breath, composing herself. "Alright, Miss Shen, how do you want to gamble?"

"Shen Siquan?" Shen Bing raised an eyebrow.

How could she have the same surname, Shen?

Was it just a coincidence?

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"I've been wandering around here for a while and noticed that many people are playing games. Among them, the most interesting thing I saw was you two gambling for men. So, I'll join you," Shen Siquan smiled and said, "Since you're gambling for men, I'll gamble for a man too."

Pausing for a moment, she pointed at Wang Chao and said, "If I win, this man will belong to me."

Wang Chao's face grew even darker.


Why do they always treat him like a chip to gamble with whenever a woman appears? Is "chip" written on his face?

Shen Bing's face turned dark. "What do you mean by this? You want to gamble for my man? Aren't you offering any chips?"

My man?

Wang Chao, upon hearing that, glanced at Shen Bing in surprise.

"Your man? President Shen, are you involved with your bodyguard?" Kristin caught onto Shen Bing's choice of words and her expression darkened.

Shen Siquan, upon hearing this, looked at Shen Bing with admiration in her eyes and said, "Someone like President Shen, a billionaire who dares to love and hate, transcending social boundaries, not bound by societal norms—I admire that."

As a princess who received an aristocratic upbringing, she knew she couldn't cross social boundaries in love. Even her own marriage would likely be a strategic alliance for her family's interests, not a free love like normal girls.

Two years ago, she fell in love with an ordinary, sunny boy. They were together for a while, but their happiness was short-lived as his parents forcefully intervened and separated them.

That boy has never contacted her since and disappeared from her life without a trace. She did not even know if he was still alive.

Now, seeing Shen Bing, so high up and in control of billions of assets, boldly in love with a bodyguard and publicly announcing it—she genuinely admired such courage.


Shen Bing, upon hearing their comments, realized her slip of the tongue and her face turned red with embarrassment.

What my man?

This misunderstanding was enormous!

She felt her face burning, wishing she could find a hole to hide in immediately.

So embarrassing!

However, facing the gazes of these two women, especially looking at the jealous and angry expression in Kristin's eyes, she inexplicably said, "That's right, he is my man. What about it?"







"If you want to play with me, bring your men along too. That's the only fair competition!" Shen Bing threw caution to the wind.

He is my man, after all!

Even if she explained now, these two women might not believe her. It was better to admit it directly and let them say whatever they wanted.

"I can't be a chip myself?" Kristin furrowed her brow.

"Are you a man?" Shen Bing asked.

"If needed, I can be a man too," Kristin said seriously.

Shen Bing: ( ̄ェ ̄;) 

Shen Siquan: ( ̄ェ ̄;) 

Wang Chao: ( ̄ェ ̄;) 

Finally, they all remembered that although Kristin was beautiful, her temperament was peculiar.

"Even if you dress like a man, your essence is still that of a woman. Without a man as a chip, how can you play with me?" Shen Bing said.

Kristin raised an eyebrow. "Alright, you desire a man, right? Wait a moment, I'll call someone."

After saying that, she picked up her phone and sent a message.

Two minutes later, a tall, muscular, bearded foreigner walked in, sat virtually impossible Kristin, and smiled, "Darling, I'll be your chip."

This person had well-defined features, sunken eye sockets, deep and bright blue eyes, undeniably handsome.

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If he shaved his beard, he would be a perfect guy.

Kristin kissed the blue-eyed man and uttered with a smile, "Let me introduce you all. This's my boyfriend, Henry."

As she spoke, she glanced provocatively at Wang Chao, seemingly showing off her trophy.

Wang Chao was momentarily stunned, but then smiled faintly.

He and Kristin were just a one-night stand, and they had been together for less than a week. Kristin definitely considered their relationship as a game.

Seeing Wang Chao's expression, Kristin's provocative gaze instantly changed.

"Henry? I know you. Weren't you once a villain in some 'Mission: Impossible' movie with Tom Cruise?" Shen Siquan's eyes lit up.

Henry saw Shen Siquan and his eyes also brightened. He asked, "Who is this?"

"This's Karina," Kristin introduced.

"Hello, I'm Shen Siquan, a mixed-blood," Shen Siquan quickly reacted and was the first to interrupt Kristin's introduction.


"I have half Dragon Kingdom heritage."

"No wonder Miss Shen looks like this, with a Dragon Kingdom name and an Eastern charm. Truly beautiful, like a celestial being."

Henry suddenly realized, looking at Shen Siquan with an extremely fiery gaze.

Then, he looked at Shen Bing and his eyes lit up again. "And how should I address this lady?"

Princess Karina had an Eastern charm, but her face was always of the Bear Kingdom people—blonde hair, blue eyes, exotic and aristocratic.

However, Shen Bing was a pure Dragon Kingdom woman, gentle and elegant, exuding an Eastern charm in every move. She had a calm and ethereal temperament, as well as a coldness and distance that kept people at bay.

These two beauties each had their own merits and unique flavors.

Henry was also an actor from the White Eagle Country, with a broad knowledge and countless encounters with women. However, these two women still amazed him.

"I'm Shen Bing," Shen Bing said.

Henry immediately extended his hand, showing a smile full of male charm. "Miss Shen, nice to meet you. I'm Henry."

Seeing Henry's behavior, Kristin's expression darkened, and she coughed, "Henry."

Only then did Henry realize that his girlfriend was present, and he awkwardly smiled and withdrew his hand.

Shen Bing and Kristin looked at Shen Siquan. "Miss Shen, your man."