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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1000: First Generation
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2022 BC

[Earth, Babylonia]

The Kingdom of Babylonia was known to be the biggest and most advanced city on the surface of the Earth. It was considered as the city of gods, where the gods that descended from the sky resided to rule over the people on Earth.

On this particular day, special invitations were distributed from the kingdom. The city was crowded with people who came from all over the world as it became a place of an important gatherings.

Amongst the massive crowd of people trying to enter the city, there was a boy who appeared to be fifteen years old. He had spent three months and gone through an arduous journey from the far east to finally arrive at such a grandiose city.

His heart beat rapidly and in erratic manner as he was being led past the majestic garden seen inside the palace. Even though he tried his best to maintain his composure, he still couldn't help but be dumbfounded when he entered the throne room that was full of gold.

Here, he had arrived at such a place wearing only plain clothes that might as well look like rags in comparison. The stark contrast really made him feel uncomfortable, and a feeling of inferiority couldn't help but sprout within him.

On a luxurious throne which was situated a few feet in the air, a young man was seen with one of his legs raised and crossed over the other. He was not alone as another young man was standing beside him.

The young man sitting on the throne suddenly shouted, making the boy tremble in fright.

"You!! What are you doing?! Bow before me, the Great Gilgamesh or return home without your head!!"

The boy's tremble intensified when he heard the thread of losing his head. He was completely terrified. However, just as he was about to do as he was asked and bow, another young man had unknowingly entered the throne room and stopped him from doing so.

"Don't listen to him. He's not the king." The unknown young man said to the boy.

Thanks to the numerous sudden events, the boy's mind was completely confused. He looked and subconsciously scanned the unknown young man who had just stopped him from top to bottom.

Even though the unknown youth only had fur covering his body, instead of the feeling of savagery one would expect from such attire, his entire figure exuded an even more noble aura compared to the one currently sitting on the throne.

"Hi, my name is Myrdin,What's yours?", a faint smile perched on his handsome face.

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Before the boy could answer however, the young man sitting on the throne once again shouted.

"You!! Savages! Why did you ruin my fun?! Enkidu, give that boy a lesson!"

Unfortunately for the passionate young man, the young man standing next to him acted as if he didn't hear anything. Instead, he whispered something that made the former jump from his seat. "Izta, I think we need to stop this before your uncle arrives."

Immediately after, a set of steps was heard approaching the throne room. When they heard that, the two young boys at the throne swiftly came down and rushed to the middle of the room, standing next to the young man in fur.

The current sight, as well as previous sights, made the boy from the east completely lost. He just stood there, staring at nothing specific in a daze.

Before long, two dozen figures entered the throne room. Much to the boy's complete shock, he saw two amongst these people although having human form, they did not have human-like faces. One had a female figure with the face of a beetle, while the other possessed the face of a dog.

The remaining, on the other hand, had skin glimmering in gold. Apparently, they were the gods of the Earth, with one amongst them bore the title of the King of Gods himself.

The king walked and sat on the throne while all the other people accompanying stood next to him in an orderly manner. One particular young man, not much older than the ones standing beside the boy, stood right beside the king.

He shouted, "Bow before Uranus, King Anu of the Nephilim."

As if they had rehearsed before, the three youths got down at the same time and knelt until their heads touched the floor. They made the move without the slightest bit of hesitation and seeing this, although still confused, the boy from the east quickly followed suit.

Waving his hand, King Anu said, "Rise." He then swept his gaze across them, looking at their faces one by one.

Realizing something, he turned to the young man who shouted earlier and said, "We are missing one boy."

"Yes, I deeply apologize, My King. The northern tribe, the Asgard, just didn't respect us, they say they will join later." said the young man while lowering his head.

"It's alright, Kronos. I understand your plight."

After saying those words, King Anu stood up from his throne and said, "The four of you are the best talents among the millions of Earth natives. Tomorrow, you will be sent to train at the Magus Academy. Make sure to study hard and become the proud Earth's greatest magus."

The king then took out a glowing orb and floated towards the four youths, stopping in front of each of them for some time before moving on to the next. Following each iteration, a screen materialized in the air and rows of words appeared in it.


[Battle power: 35]

[Spirit force: 38]

[Affinity: Earth]



[Battle power: 33]

[Spirit force: 30]

[Affinity: Wind]

[Aptitude: A]


[Battle power: 28]

[Spirit force: 30]

[Affinity: Plant, Darkness]

[Aptitude: A]

The boy watched as the sphere floated and stopped in front of him. His heartbeat that had been beating rapidly became faster as he waited for the result.

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[Battle power: 16]

[Spirit force: 45]

[Affinity: Earth, Water, Wind, Fire]

[Aptitude: S]

The unexpected reveal of the weak-looking boy's power quickly incited both surprise and also jealousy amongst the people present. Mutters and chatter sounded in the air, causing the boy to be even more nervous.

On the other hand, a contemplative look appeared on King Anu's face.

"Hm, that boy is really special. He has affinity to all 4 basic elements that is truly one of a kind." Turning his head to Kronos beside him, the king ordered, "Look to it that he will be properly looked after."

"Your will is my command, My King."

Now that the examination was over, King Anu let everyone prepare for the upcoming event while he himself headed somewhere else. The young man, Kronos, seemed to know where the king was going and wanted to follow. Unfortunately, he was stopped with a sentence.

"No, I will visit her myself."

Turning from the dejected Kronos, King Anu walked across the majestic corridor adorned with exquisite decoration until he reached a particular section of the castle. Opening the huge door in front of him, he stepped inside and made his way down to the deep basement of Babylon.

It was only a few minutes later did he finally reach his destination – a huge cave that strangely had the most beautiful garden within.

The garden of Eden

He headed towards one particular tree whose branches reached the ceiling of the cave. He sat beneath the shade and before long countless strange animals came gathering around him.

"You all have grown so much, amazing"

He then touched the tree trunk with his hand, and with a smile he opened his mouth.

"Be happy now dear Gaia. Everything went as we planned."

Weeks after the boys went away as planned, however when they were away, the situation on Earth turned to chaos.

"The King is dead, they have killed the king!"