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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 770: Impenetrable
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The man is a real deal - this was a fact that Emery has come to accept. Despite the other party's frivolous and vulgar characteristic, the strength and overall aura Vizla radiated had somehow reminded him of that prodigy, Zack the Dragon Bloodline.

If it wasn't because he had experienced it firsthand, he would not have guessed that such a talkative man would have such strength.

Knowing that he wouldn't be able to defeat the man with only his battle power, Emery went serious and started to use his spells to help with the attack. Plunging one of his swords into the ground so he had one of his hands free, he proceeded to start casting the most reliable spell in his repertoire.

[Shadow Binding Root]

Several pitch-black roots started emerging from the floor and swiftly shot towards the man, entangling him. However, Vizla did not seem too enthusiastic about what Emery did.

He just let the arm-like roots entangle his body from his feet, and then he opened his mouth.

"This.. you are ruining the fun!"


Dozens of loud cracking sounds were heard as Vizla overpowered the restraint the roots imposed upon him and used his sword to tear them into shreds. Immediately after, his figure shot towards Emery with his sword brandished forward.

In response, Emery quickly put his hand on the arena floor. In an instant, a green polished wall rose from within to put a stop on the man's advance. [Jade wall]


A loud dull sound resounded in the air as the newly-created wall broke into pieces. Apparently, Vizla was too proud to jump over the hurdle Emery put before him and decided to kick his way through it.

However, when the wall broke apart, Emery had already do another thing, creating multiple figures of himself with his spell, [Shadow Mist].

Vizla, who was walking past the rubble of the wall, saw the scene and his face turned disgusted.

"No, no, no, no! Don't give me this shit!"

When Emery started charging towards Vizla together with the mirror images [Shadow Mist] created, he noticed how waves of energy were building within his opponent's body. Therefore, he immediately stopped and took a step back.

As expected, Vizla had indeed prepared a powerful attack. The moment Emery's fake selves arrived before him, the man swung around, pivoting on his heel, with his two swords held at his sides.

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A powerful wave of force quickly swept over and blasted the area around him as a result, enough to nullify whatever Emery's fake selves tried to do and instantly cause them to disappear.

Immediately after, Vizla pointed his sword at Emery with a haughty expression on his face.

"Let me tell you something, Emery. I might only make it to the elite class, but I have been at the peak rank 9 since I graduated 10 years ago!" Vizla scoffed. "You can never beat me. Not like this!"

Emery wisely decided to ignore his opponent's ramblings and once again began to cast his spell.

This time, he displayed what he could do. Green glossy walls rose from the ground in front of Vizla as if they were about to build a fortress, [Jade Wall]. At the same time, numerous pitch-black roots shot from beneath the arena to limit his movement.

Another wave of somber fog swept over the arena and several figures of Emery appeared following suit to take most of Vizla's attention, while the real Emery would occasionally reveal himself using [Blink] and launch a surprise attack.

Even though he was bombarded by Emery's various means of attack, the man was apparently much stronger than he previously showed as he still managed to scold his opponent.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW?!! Four elements, but nothing to show for! Such a shame!"

Currently, Vizla displayed and showcased a true embodiment of what the half-blood warriors are renowned of - monstrous physical strength and a special innate ability. The latter, which was the green armor-like scales covering his entire body, was so strong that it was almost impenetrable even facing tier 4 weapons.


While being relentlessly attacked, Vizla managed to land some hits on his opponent as well, depleting the energy of Emery's protective suit to zero and leaving him down to the protection his [Jade Skin] provide.

This overwhelming scene naturally caused the audience to tilt on one side, as they started booing Emery while cheering loudly for Vizla. The entire atmosphere was as if Emery was pushed to the corner because he had nothing else to show.

Vizla! Vizla! Vizla!

However, Emery ignored the scorn and mockery thrown at his direction as he patiently waited for the right moment.


A particular loud sound was heard in the air, and Emery knew his opportunity had come. After receiving multiple attacks from him, he could see hairline cracks on the scales covering Vizla's back meaning what he did was not in vain and his opponent's skill had its limit.

With this information in mind, after one more cycle on his [Shadow Mist], Emery decided to stop attacking with his real self and step away from Vizla's sight. It's all for what he is about to do.

[Shaman Transformation]

Emery's body quickly change, his claws, the glowing green tattoos, the facials, and also the special magic buff that came with it.

Vizla quickly noticed the changes in the air and so turned his head towards the direction where the real Emery was. However, by the time he did that, Emery's transformation was already completed and even had cast a spell.

[Shadow Root]

Seeing the arena floor cracked again following the spell's activation, Vizla couldn't help but laugh as he knew what spell his opponent used. After all, he had fought against it the entire time during this duel.

"Are you serious? Not this again! Show me something differ-"

Vizla didn't manage to finish his words as he realized that the roots entangling his feet were different. They were much harder and stronger than their predecessor. In order to be sure, Emery even created [Jade Wall] around Vizla that quickly collapsed, pressing themselves against and holding the man down.

But as expected, both spells that were enhanced by [Shaman Transformation] were still not enough to completely stop Vizla. It only took the man a few seconds to break the burden forced upon him apart. However, it was enough because a few seconds was all the time Emery needed.

By the time Vizla broke free from everything Emery threw at him, Emery had already appeared five feet away behind him - a distance that could be covered in an instant - with his sword charged with dark energy.

[Shadow Edge]

Powerful darkness energy blasted from the sword and squarely struck Vizla's back.


[Shadow Edge] is the strongest attack Emery had, and it successfully shattered Vizla's armor-like scales on his back into pieces. Due to it, Vizla's body was sent stumbling uncontrollably half a dozen steps.

The man managed to recover his balance and turn around to face Emery, but the latter had already arrived with his second strike ready.

[Shadow Edge]


In his [Shaman Transformation] form, Emery's full charged [Shadow Edge] was not to be underestimated. And it was evident that Vizla realized this fact as this time he used both of his swords to block the attack, sending him sliding back a few more steps.

Unfortunately for the man, Emery hasn't finished yet. After all, he had endured and bided his time, preserving all his spirit force all for this sole moment.

[Shadow Edge]

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Another powerful dark energy wave flew towards Vizla. Emery couldn't help but think the man had lost his mind when he saw the crazed look he had when he blocked the attack clashing both of his swords toward it.



Loud crisp sound resounded in the air when Vizla's two swords cracked apart. It turned out even tier 4 weapons were unable to withstand two consecutive, full charges [Shadow Edge] from Emery.

Vizla drop the two cracking weapons, he was kneeling and most probably hurting, however, the man continued to have a smile on his face.

"Hahahaha! This is more like it!"

Seeing that his opponent was still standing, Emery quickly channeled his energy for another slash. But this time, Vizla had stood up before he finished doing so. The man coughed up blood, but still smiled.

"Come on!"

It was clear, for some reason, the man asked for more. Naturally, Emery graciously bestowed what the other party wanted.

[Shadow Edge]

When the fourth [Shadow Edge] was thrown, at the same time the tier 4 sword on Emery's hand shattered apart. Emery wasn't fazed by it though, as he had expected it. On the other hand, what surprised him was what his opponent was doing.

Vizla crossed both of his hands in front of his chest and used them to block the attack, and with this hit, the scales that covered his body were completely destroyed into small shards.

Emery did it. He finally did it.

It's finally time to dash and send Vizla his final regards to the pits of surrender.

However, having only taken two steps, Emery stopped as he noticed that a figure was still standing amidst the smoke of the shards of dust. The next moment, just like shedding its skin Vizsla jumped out unscathed from his broken armor.

Without his armor, Vizla was able to move even faster as if he was a freed animal. Emery however was still gasping from the barrage of powerful spells that he was unable to react as fast. The man pounced at Emery and landed a powerful blow straight to Emery's chest.


"Urgh!" A gasp of pain escaped from Emery's mouth.

Seeing this, Vizla moved towards him close and the next thing that happened was some kind of black smoke coming out of his opponent's mouth and entering his body.

Before Emery could comprehend what had happened, Vizla struck him once again. The man kicked his stomach, sending him flying a few meters away.

As he felt his body hit the ground hard, Emery saw a notification pop up in his mind.

[You have been intoxicated]