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Elite Mages’ Academy (Web Novel)

Chapter 567: Abandoned Camp
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Chapter 567: Abandoned Camp

Looking at the Wind Wolf collapsed on the floor unmoving, Xiao Lin still did not relax, as he took the steel club from one of the women and smashed the club right into the wolf to make sure the beast was dead. Then, he relaxed.

Xiao Lin returned the steel club as she asked, “Where did you find this? It’s not bad as a weapon.” Of course, to himself, there’s not much difference with or without a weapon. The earlier battle had shown him that his barefisted strength was not low.

“We picked it up from an abandoned campsite we passed,” a strong short-haired girl answered simply.

“Abandoned campsite?” Xiao Lin was suddenly on alert. “Where? It can’t be ours; we wouldn’t have the tools. Were there other people in the campsite?”

“Oh, I’m-I’m not too sure. We were hurrying around trying to find other people then, and we just picked up a steel club to use as a weapon before leaving.” Xiao Lin’s rapidfire questions caused the short-haired woman to stumble with her words, unsure if she had said something wrong.

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“Tomorrow… No, bring me there right now. Is it far?” Xiao Lin was thinking about resting for a night, but looking up, even though it was near the evening, based on his experience yesterday, night fell very late here, so he still had time before the day fell completely dark.

“We walked for over an hour, but if you think we should rush, we could reach there in half an hour,” the longer-haired woman said.

Xiao Lin slung the Wind Wolf’s corpse on his shoulder before motioning for the two women to lead the way. The short-haired woman asked strangely, “Monitor? Why are you bringing that along?”

“That’s dinner.”

The two women were speechless.

“Speaking of which, what did you eat last night?”

“We did not eat.”

“Then there’s no need to be picky.” Xiao Lin looked at the two women whose faces were full of disgust and exasperation. Fine, his fireball had been too strong, the wolf’s corpse had been turned into something quite unsightly, but Xiao Lin did not really care about that. He had seen even more disgusting things with Song Junlang, and eaten stuff that was even more unspeakable.

The wolf’s body was quite heavy, but that did not affect his speed, and under his urging, the two women rolled their eyes in annoyance with how he was throwing his authority around. Xiao Lin seemed to not understand and ignored it, which was why their speed constantly increased to the point they seemed like they were flying. Xiao Lin did not want to spend the night on the road.

After over twenty minutes, they reached the camp the women talked about. The two women were quite strong physically, so they could keep up with him. Xiao Lin put down the corpse and had them stand on guard, resting as they stayed alert while he walked into the camp himself.

The camp seemed to have been abandoned for a long time. The camps that were made with special beast skins were still in good condition, but the floor was littered with leaves and dust, and each corner was filled with cobwebs. Xiao Lin searched the place, and managed to find a few wallets in the chests which had a few holes on them, and there were also obvious traces of blackened blood.

No matter what, they could use it as a temporary campsite. After the two women entered, they cleaned up a bit. They would not be sleeping in the wilderness that night.

Xiao Lin was left with the task of dealing with the wolf’s corpse. The two women did offer to help, but it was obvious they did not have any experience in that regard. They had always eaten the buffets in the academy, and the past exams had always allowed them to bring food and equipment in as a benefit to the first-years.

The difficulties of losing the benefits had started to surface; the academy wanted them to quickly get used to an even more realistic Planet Norma, but to Xiao Lin, it already was not a problem. He was already used to killing livestock with Song Junlang, since that man would always use the excuse that he was a department head.

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After using a flame spell to set up a campfire, they found some abandoned pots in the campsite. It was a hassle to clean it, but thankfully the long-haired woman specialized in water magic, so they had a source of water.

Even without any seasonings, the three of them still had a good time eating the bowl of meat soup that still had the taste of blood. The two women were the ones who tidied up after the meal. Meeting the strong monitor had caused the two women to be very happy, and they were not bad in terms of their looks, so they tried to use the womanly advantages to gain Xiao Lin’s favor, hoping that Xiao Lin was not used to women treating him nicely.

Xiao Lin did not know it, but he was a mythical figure in Class Seven. Everyone acknowledged his strength, and he had very good connections. Everyone knew that the president regularly talked to him, and thanks to the fact that he regularly gained the right to go to the New World, many students never got to see him.

That was why everyone was filled with envy and admiration for Xiao Lin, but between that was also a lot of respect.

After simple conversations, Xiao Lin got to know of their overall situation. Since he had already looked through the attributes of the class before the examination, in terms of ranking, the two women would be ranked within the score range of forties in the class.

Xiao Lin did not have any other intentions for the two women, as his mood was not great and the appearance of the camp caused Xiao Lin to be on alert again. He had thought that the greatest enemies in that forest would have been various strong beasts, but now he suddenly knew that the examination was not as simple as it was on the surface. Their opponents would not just be wild beasts; they would also be humans — humans from Planet Norma.

Humans were always harder to deal with than wild beasts. Even though the camp had been abandoned for a long time, he did not dare to be careless. He extinguished the campfire under protests from the two women, and cleared any trace of them. As they slept at night, he ordered them to split into two shifts to keep watch. He would watch for half the night, and the two women would watch for the other half.

They passed the next three days without any issue like that. During the day, Xiao Lin would hunt for prey or find any fruits that could be eaten, and the two women were in charge of finding other companions. , they would gather at the camp during the evening. In three days, their little team had increased to seven people. They seemed to have been transported to random locations, but it did not seem like the distance was too great.

The team of seven consisted of five men and two women, and the center of it was Xiao Lin, because he was the monitor. Since Xiao Lin had been mostly in the New World, his interactions with most of them was limited to the forums, but Xiao Lin memory had gotten quite good, and he could remember each person’s attributes and specializations clearly.

When he knew what their names were, Xiao Lin could immediately tell what they were good at, such as the fact that the two women were specialized in magic, though some of their physical attributes were quite alright. Xiao Lin did not give them any hard labor though. There was also someone like Lu Renjia, who was one of the few archers in the class.

The others respected Xiao Lin, and were placated, because that meant that Xiao Lin was always concerned about the class, instead of what they had thought before, which was that Xiao Lin had left everything to the two group leaders and ignored them.