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Ex-Husband’s Regret by Evelyn M.M

Chapter 502
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Yam jealous. Jealous that Ava has this with Noah. Shelo has a cose relationship with Gunner Why id's ‘wakeup from my foolishness before Was 00 Late? My only prayer i that eve.

if Gunes and 1 don't ge tobe as cose as Ava and Noah are, atleast we'l et othe point where he doesn hate my guts.

“Pim ot promise,” [whisper even as my voice catches.

He gives mea searing ok bere he.

“Noah,” cal to him before h eave. His backstifens but he looks at me ver is shoulder. “m sory. Fo reaing your mom horribly and tying to ge between your father and her Um truly sore.” didn't expect him tosay anything back, and he doesn't, Instead, he tums back around and eaves me standing a the

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STEIN, 1 onder whether {should ener OF usta or Ava to come and eles me. My mothers aching vas sl ingrained in my head earslaer 1d.

ever enter someone's house without an mite.

Seconds ate, Ava walks towards me.

More ike wobbles Her baby umpwes becoming more visible ech ime saw er She couldn't hice ft now esas Obvious she is expecting even with baggy clothes “Oh my God, Emma, she exclaims ina Sweet voice. “Imo sory or Nosh's behavior. 1 did't know tha he'd eave you standing on our doorstep when sent hi 0 open the doar. Come an in” She hugs me before stepping aside for me.

1's okay. know hat 'm nat is favorite person.”

“Still, it was rude of him and he'll be hearing from me ater on, Don't ake i.

personally; once ie ets to kaow you, De'lunderstand tha you'ce eal ot bad person.” Is okay, Av. Tunderstand, He's fst.

protective of you.” And Gunner. They're best finds.

She didnt have to expan things to me.

Like 51d, Noah fan exact replica of Rowan. Thatincludes his loyal and proteciveness. understand vy he would view me 5 an enemy, Gunes doesn't ke me very much, and that translates to Noah hating me too va grabs my hand and we walk dawn he allway. can’ help but tare tthe décor The house fs amazing, both nside and outside It was every oman’ rea.

“You have a beautfl home,” [comment 35 my eyes continued to ander around theouse.

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ItIsn’ usta house; it fs a home. is Aled it a kind of var ht ve always desired o have in my ow home, Thankyou,” sheeple. “The ther House ad 50 many bed memories. we bought his one because weaned lean and resh tat. A home with new and beautiful memories Not ane tht wss shaded by the past and tht reminded meof the hesthrakand pain” no my head, understanding thie need tostrt fresh. {wanted the same. A clsn and reh star without my past rncroaching on my present Fox ht to happen, though, need to fix things. Just like Rowan and Ava fixed things before: they could move ford, ave a seat” Avatels me, and 1st down the comfy sof. Can’ get you anything?” “No, am ood” She nods er head and then takes seat

HIghE next to me. “1 was afraid you had changed your mind. 've been ooking forward to hearing from you." “admit that fora white fost backed Ut, butt’ ot because don't want 0 bein is life, bu because dood that | was doing the ight hing vases hat Twas going 0 make things worse £1 wentahead with those plans Mats brown eyes stare dep nto mine with n intensity that makes me squirm before she finaly speaks. “As amocher, $ou'll come toleam that those moments of doubt arealot You'l alvays doubt ‘whether what youare doing is good for them. You wil always dou if you area.

00d mother You'll aways doubt every decision tha you mak cancering.

them” Taking a deep breath, sh continues “Don't le those doubts destroy what you ae trying to do for them, Being mom means fighting for them with al hat you

have. That's what Gunner needs right ow. He neds ose actions, not ust prctty words, Ho neds osc you pun.

hectfortand ight for him. te neds to How that he matters to you Thathe matters so much tha you are villing to do anything or him, including ving In someone else's hous ust to be near him.” Gosh. iat she just said is rue inmy.

head, Forte longest ime, este Gunn na way that showed him he didn't matter, 1 showed him tht he wasnt important Now cd to prove otherwise, need to showhim tithes althat matters