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Femdom Island

Chapter 191 Foolishness Of A Son
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"Good work Apollo! But where's the wolf? Without him, we are just asking for it?" One of the titan gods that followed Supreme Deity questioned with his face showing pride and haughtiness.

They already entered Edona's part of heaven with their whole army, in case other gods and goddesses decide to start a riot. They were waiting for this chance for decades, and now the time had come for them to completely destroy Mother Superior's long control and take over the whole heaven as the superior gods.

"He is coming, don't worry, I have done everything on my side," Apollo muttered and looked at the Supreme Deity.

'Ahhhhh! This pisses me off, why do I have to answer their every question, once I get my power, I will kill every single one of them

Inside he was fuming seeing everyone trying to act tough, but he knew once he gets the power of Fenrir everyone will be under his knees begging for mercy.

He betrayed the people he loved for power. so he didn't even think before betraying his enemies, but right now he had to act like he was on their side.

"I will go and take a look to make sure they are coming here," Unable to stand being looked down upon, Apollo quickly decided to leave so he can do whatever he want freely, but Supreme Deity sudden;y stopped him and asked one of his faithful followers to follow him.

"No matter what make sure you're supporting him and don't take your eyes off him," Apollo clicked his tongue feeling angered, but he didn't want to be too obvious, so he silently let them do whatever they want while he planned his own revenge.

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Once Apollo left everyone looked at each other with questioning gazes knowing that the little cockroach is planning something behind their back.

"Keep your control on him, once he tries something funny, he won't be able to control his own body because of the spell we put him under, We only need his mind until he tames Fenrir since he is the only one who knows the ritual, but once he is under control, we will use our own authority to control Apollo and Fenrir both and once we finish our work, both of them will have to die."

The supreme one announced almost like they were devils, instead of gods with cunning and cruel looks on their faces.

Meanwhile, they were planning all this Artemis was slowly sneaking so she can witness how the Apocalypse weapon that doesn't exist kills Fenrir. She had been lied to so many times and blinded by the hatred she had toward Fenrir, she acted like a fool believing everything Apollo said.

No one in heaven knew about the key except for the Old Librarian goddess, who was from the same generation as Edona, but she died way earlier than her. But she didn't forget to leave the notes about the key which she and Edona created to cross the borders in case of an emergency.

Apollo who found these records obviously took advantage of them and convinced Artemis that there is a weapon hidden beneath the castle, which can be used to kill Fenrir when it was the key that can bring chaos to the land. He had stolen it way before and replaced it with a fake-looking key and because of how busy Edona has been with Fenrir, she didn't really put heavy safety on the key.

Her busy being is not the only reason, she didn't lock up the key and hide it, but she believed that her children won't betray her. Right now, that same trust came to bite on her like a poisonous serpent without even letting her relax a little.

The apocalypse weapon or the key to kill Fenrir, which Artemis possessed was just a replica of the key which was made out of normal mana wood and it had next to no use except using it as a fake gimmick.

"Haha~ serves you right, when we trap you in the net Apollo placed for you, I will stab your heart with this key, today will be your last day damn beast," She hated Fenrir for many reasons.

She hated how confident and cocky he was in front of Edona and her.

She hated how he forced himself upon his beloved girl and he hated how he didn't really show a single shred of respect toward Edona.

"But why would Mother chase that wolf? I took a risk and had to lie that Apollo is the one who summoned her but if she tells him, that isn't the case and tells the real culprit's name, our whole plan would be-" She was following Fenrir while thinking but suddenly she heard a huge sound coming from the direction of the borders, which really freaked her out for a minute.

"What just happened?" She turned around to see what was going on but then she saw something, which caused her to freeze in her tracks.

Edona was engaging in a fierce battle with the Supreme Deity and the other titan gods of the opposing side. The clash of their powers was so intense that it caused the very fabric of the heavens to tremble and shake.

"How? Did they come here?" She didn't understand what was happening.

Artemis could see that her mother was fighting with all her might, determined to protect their side and emerge victorious. But the Supreme Deity and his allies were equally fierce, and the battle seemed to be evenly matched in power, but it was just an unfair battle as Edona was fighting alone against so many of them.

As Artemis watched, she felt a surge of fear and uncertainty. She had never seen her mother in such a perilous situation before, and random thoughts kept coming to her head.

"How? How did the border open? And where's Fenrir? What's happening? Apollo, what's this?" She kept questioning herself until she saw the giant wolf that was chained to the ground, but it looked like it was looking at Apollo with a pitying gaze.

"At least. he is down, but we have a bigger problem now," Artemis thought and decided to kill Fenrir, and quickly support her mother.

Since it will only take a single stab from her apocalypse weapon, she thought about quickly finishing it without missing this chance and quickly helping Edona, with Apollo. Artemis already sent one of her fairies to let others know what was happening and she knew within a few minutes, the border will turn into a battleground.

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Without hesitation, Artemis summoned all her strength and launched herself into the fray, unleashing all her powers and she managed to reach Fenrir and Apollo within a few seconds.

Artemis stood before the snarling form of Fenrir, the wolf that she had helped her brother Apollo capture. It didn't look like Fenrir was dead or unconscious but for some reason, Artemis felt annoyed because he still had the same dumb grin on his face, which she want to erase from this whole world.

Her heart was heavy with regret and anger as she prepared to carry out the final part of their plan. She drew forth the special weapon that they had the ability of apocalypse beings according to Apollo, a key with a blade that could pierce even the toughest hide, and prepared to strike.

But then, a voice interrupted her thoughts. "Hold, sister," said Apollo, stepping forward with a smirk on his face. "I think we can make use of this beast before we dispose of him."

Artemis spun around to face her brother, shocked by his sudden change of heart. "What are you talking about?" she demanded, her voice rising in anger. "We agreed to kill him, not tame him!"

Apollo chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, sister, you are so naive. Don't you see? This wolf could be a powerful weapon in our hands. With the right training, he could be unstoppable. Well, you don't need it because you're going to die sooner or later anyway."

Artemis glared at her brother, feeling a surge of anger and betrayal. "You can't be serious," she said, her voice shaking with fury. "Do you have any idea what this wolf is capable of? He's a monster, Apollo, and he needs to be put down."

But Apollo only laughed, turning to address the other gods who had gathered around them. "Capture her," he ordered, gesturing to Artemis. "She's clearly lost her senses."

Caught off guard, Artemis found herself surrounded by the enemy gods, their weapons trained on her. She knelt, feeling a sense of shame and humiliation wash over her. She would have never gone down without a fight, but right now she didn't have her beloved bow. Even before she could use her magic, everyone jumped on her hand and held her hand in a tight lock.

"Since you're going to die anyway, I will tell you why I do this," Apollo said and got close to Fenrir who was following his moment with the big eyes.

"I hate how Mother is powerful enough to destroy the whole Supreme Deity's land, but she always talks about how we should love each other, I hate being under someone, I don't understand why I should even serve under someone who always preaches about loving, I hated her and loved her at the same time, but If I want to be the leader, she should go," Apollo's words caught the attention of the god that was following him on, Supreme Deity's orders.

'This bastard! Did he just openly declare war on us? Just as I thought this is no good, we should kill him before he gets the power, since the border is open we can just manage the battle on our own.'

Apollo stepped forward, holding up his hands in a gesture of power. "Behold, the ritual of taming," he declared, beginning to chant in a strange language. "By the power of the gods, I command you to submit. Fenrir rises and become my servant, my puppet."