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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 404
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Flora's dance at the welcparty, which sold for a whopping fifty million, quickly becthe hottest gossip at the University of Maple Grove.

When the students first heard the news, there was a stunned silence. But soon enough, they shrugged it off. For someone like Flora, it was just another day in the life. Nothing out of the ordinary. Their mental fortitude had been toughened, thanks to Flora's continuous surprises! Back home, Bowie wasted no ttweeting from the official account of the National Dance Association.

-The highlight of the year. The doors of the National Dance Association will always be open for Flora.

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The tweet was accompanied by a photo of the contract for Flora's dance rights, with all private details blurred except for the bold, striking signature: Flora.

The National Dance Association had a massive following already, and with Flora being the latest sensation, the tweet exploded with discussions.

"Letcount those zeros, tens, hundreds, thousands, millions... OMG!" "Are you serious? The National Dance Association shelled out fifty million for a dance? I remember even top dancers like Rafael only sold their work for around thirty million!" "Amazing! She's in her teens, casually dances and earns fifty million, while I was struggling to add an egg to my rice noodle roll at that age!" "Hey guys, Flora's dance is plagiarized! Check out my page!" However, this last comment got lost in the flood of other messages, barely getting any attention.

Flora's dance beclegendary, with the intebuzzing non-stop about her. But Flora herself remained unfazed. She took Eilies and Cynthia out for a lavish meal, and then they returned hto crash on their beds. At 2 PM, Flora had an appointment to help Aisha with a new simulation robot program. She woke up right on the dot at 2:50 PM. Eilies and Cynthia were still asleep, so she slipped out quietly with her laptop and settled on the balcony.

She opened her laptop, plugged in her earphones, and video-called Aisha.

Aisha was already online, waiting. "How did the software I asked you to work on turn out?" Flora kept her voice low.

"It's done. I've sent it to your email," Aisha replied, noticing Flora's hushed tones. "Is it inconvenient for you now?" "My roommates are still sleeping. Let's keep it down. Hold on, letcheck what you did." Flora opened her email and carefully reviewed Aisha's work, marking several mistakes with a red box.

"You've improved a lot, but you need to pay attention to these areas..." Flora's voice, though soft, was calm and reassuring. It made Aisha feel at ease as she took notes. Whenever something wasn't clear, Flora patiently slowed down and explained it again. "That's all for today. Go over what I've told you, finish the program, and send it to me. I'll check it when I can." Aisha nodded eagerly, wanting to continue, but Flora efficiently ended the call.

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"Flora, there's trouble!" Before Flora could close her laptop, Cynthia and Eilies burst onto the balcony, looking frantic.

Flora, still immersed in teaching Aisha, hadn't noticed they were m awake. What's wrong?" she asked, puzzled. Eilies silently handed her phone to Flora.

Flora glanced at the screen and read the bold headline:

-Outrage! Flora's dance, sold for fifty million, is a plagiarism of the famous choreographer Regretless's early work! Flora: "..." Plagiarized herself?

The blogger had posted a video comparing Flora's welcparty dance with Regretless's early work, showing a staggering similarity of ninety percent. Like RICH WOMEN? X These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming* these rich women will persue you.