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Genius Warlock-Novel

Chapter 430
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Jane approached through the basement corridor.

This was an entirely unexpected situation. Consequently, Oliver registered her presence a moment later than Merlin did.

Wasn’t that the case? The location had been reserved for quiet work, and Jane’s appearance was completely unforeseen.

Prior to this, her method of arrival remained a mystery.

Only Merlin and Kevin were privy to the information divulged by Oliver.

With suspicions that Merlin might possess sinsight, Oliver turned towards him, only to find that he had already vanished.


Pondering Merlin’s ability to appear and disappear like the wind, Oliver muttered, and it was during this that Jane reached the basement’s iron door, knocked twice, and swung it open.

Bang. Bang. Creak…

The sound of metal and rusty hinges filled the air as the door slowly opened, revealing Jane’s face through the gap.

Thanks to this, she was able to catch a glimpse of the basement’s surroundings.

Multiple machines were connected to a blood tank, housing damaged bodies and Corpse dolls, bodies in various stages of embalming, and numerous others hung on drying racks after preservation. Alongside them were packaged blood and various organs piled beside the bodies. Notably, each body’s shoulder bore grades, denoting them as A, B, or C based on quality, and the packed organs were labeled with their donors’ names, highlighting a level of experience and systemization.

Oliver, intrigued by Jane’s response to the familiar yet macabre sight, fixed his attention on her eyes.

To Oliver, this was a routine view, but he understood that others, shaped by societal norms and Angel House education, might perceive it as aberrant.

As expected, Jane displayed surprise, confusion, and fear upon entering Oliver’s temporary workshop.

Not that her reaction was unwarranted. After all, corpses were strewn about. Nevertheless, Jane, aware that Oliver could sense emotions, regained her composure and exhibited no overt signs of alarm—a thoughtful act within her capabilities.

Her emotions remained tranquil. Amid the bustling workspace with over twenty bodies, Jane greeted Oliver at the entrance.

“Hello, Dave.”

Oliver reciprocated the greeting.

“Hello, Miss Jane… How did you chere?”

“I asked Mr. Lucian. He knew I was a friend of Dave’s and toldright away.”

Oliver sighed, recognizing that while he had requested access to the basement, he hadn’t explicitly stipulated the need to keep its location confidential—a lapse on his part.

Fatigued from two days without sleep, Oliver struggled to find his words.

Especially after a lengthy conversation with Merlin.

So, he inquired about what intrigued him the most.

“Um… Sorry, but may I ask why you are here?”

“Disappointing. You ask how and why your friend came… Isn’t that too cold? Have you started disliking me?”

“No, it’s not that. It’s just-”

“-Haha, just kidding.” Jane interjected, laughing. However, it was more than a mere jest. Beneath her playful demeanor, she genuinely cared about Oliver, for reasons he couldn’t fathom.

“Um… I just wanted to have a meal with a friend. Is that possible?”

“A meal… you say?”

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“Yes, you look like someone needs to feed you.”

Jane observed Oliver and made a very reasonable observation.

Though Oliver had made progress since their initial encounter amidst turmoil, he still appeared unwell, as if he had transitioned from being starved for a month to being starved for a fortnight.

For Oliver, whose body was his instrument as an enforcer, it wasn’t a bad idea. He needed to eat whenever possible to regain his strength. He also experienced persistent hunger, possibly a side effect of [Starvation].

While not life-threatening, the constant, nagging hunger was a bothersissue, akin to a curse.

However, Oliver found Jane’s suggestion somewhat discomforting. Despite their friendship and enjoyable conversations, he felt uneasy. Conflicted? Suffocated?

This was why he had immersed himself in his work in this basement, entrusting everything to Merlin.

As Oliver was on the verge of politely declining, using work as an excuse, Jane spoke resolutely.

“Mr. Dave.”

“Yes, Miss.”

“You might not know, but it’s very rude for a man to refuse a woman’s suggestion.”

Oliver realized, ‘Ah.’

He had been taught this principle at Angels House. The staff there had explained that it took ten times the courage for a woman to suggest something to a man, and a refusal would cause a hundred times the embarrassment.

Therefore, a true gentleman or a man of Landa should never refuse.

Although he didn’t fully comprehend it, Oliver had willingly embraced this lesson.

“And, Dave, you can’t refuse my suggestion.”

“…May I ask why?”

“You promised not to get hurt, but you did… So, you have to have a meal with me.”

Although it didn’t seem to follow strict logic, Jane expressed her point firmly, underlining her concern and determination for Oliver.

Her emotions were crystal clear, and after a moment of contemplation, Oliver nodded.

“Alright. But do you have a place in mind for eating?”

“Of course. Even if the world ends, there are always people who keep their businesses running.”

Jane responded with a cheerful smile.


Jane’s words held true.

Despite the turmoil that had engulfed the outskirts of Labyrinth, particularly Zone 1, causing people to flee the chaos, there was an unexpected buzz. However, there were individuals capitalizing on the situation, such as landlords evicting existing tenants to overcharge the middle and upper classes seeking refuge in the city center, and restaurants serving questionable food to refugees.

“This is one of those restaurants. But don’t worry, the food is trustworthy, as you can see.”


While the exterior of the building appeared unremarkable, the interior housed a well-appointed restaurant. Oliver made this observation as he dined with Jane.

An abundance of food was already piled on the table in front of Oliver, and waitstaff continuously brought more.

But it posed no issue. Oliver’s appetite was voracious, much like it had been immediately following his encounter with Human-meat Chef. There always seemed to be room for more.

Jane noticed this and remarked, “You must still be very hungry?”

Oliver nodded. As previously mentioned, he had been plagued by hunger since his battle with Human-meat Chef, and it didn’t show any signs of relenting.

Chronic hunger. It felt like a return to his days in the orphanage or the mine.

To the point that, no matter how much he ate, he never felt satiated and often went to bed hungry.

While Oliver systematically consumed his meal, he contemplated the cause of this phenomenon. It wasn’t severe enough to be unbearable, but he was curious about its origin.

Thinking back to his encounter with Human-meat Chef brought back memories of their conversation, and Oliver shook his head, feeling a lingering unease.

Observing this, Jane inquired, “Does the food not suit your taste?”

“No, no… It’s very delicious.”

“Oh, that’s good. Don’t hesitate to keep eating.”

Jane smiled, seeing that Oliver was already doing just that.

Hearing her words, Oliver realized just how much he had consumed.

“Thank you for your kindness. But are you sure it’s okay? It seems like I’ve eaten quite a lot.”

“Think of it as a token of gratitude for introducingto this place.”

“Thanks to me?”

“Yes. Isn’t it strange? I haven’t been in Landa for long, and yet I know about this restaurant?”

Indeed, it was somewhat peculiar. The restaurant boasted an inviting interior and delectable cuisine, but its exterior blended seamlessly with the neighboring buildings. It was the kind of place that one wouldn’t easily stumble upon.

“Right. Who do you think toldabout it?”

“Mr. Lucian?” Oliver ventured. In the city, only Murphy and Lucian had close ties to Jane, and Lucian was a local.

However, Jane shook her head. “No. Someone else told me. I made sfriends here.”

“Oh, that’s good. When did you meet them?”

“During the disturbance caused by Human-meat Chef, when the wealthy citizens were evacuated to Rokuri University.”

Oliver was slightly taken aback. To forge friendships in such turbulent times was commendable, and he genuinely admired Jane’s resourcefulness.

“Actually, it’s more thanks to you, Dave.”


“Yes. You used a portal to evacuate Lucian, Murphy, andto the university, right?”

Oliver nodded. He had created a portal in the basement for the sake of expediency and safety.

“That time, I caught the eye of smages and refugees around us, and that started conversations leading to friendships.”

“Ah, I see.”

“I was also lucky. Among those I spoke to were natural-born entrepreneurs. Even amidst the city’s disaster, they sought opportunities to make money, gathering investors to realize their plans. Isn’t that amazing?”

Oliver nodded in agreement, recognizing it as a typical occurrence in Landa. Hadn’t Forrest mentioned something similar? In the event of an incident at the airship station, people would be more inclined to short the airship company’s stock than to aid the victims. Jane’s situation appeared to be a reflection of this reality.

“The problem was that the city’s damages were so extensive that the usual investment methods couldn’t raise the target amount of money. That’s when Murphy, Lucian, and I joined forces. I could bring in the Sisterhood’s funds, and Murphy and Lucian could bring in money from the CrFirm and the Milieu respectively… This restaurant too, I cto know of it then. So, it’s thanks to you, Dave.”

Oliver quietly marveled at how opportunities presented themselves and were seized amidst disaster and happenstance.

“So, can you tell me, Dave? What happened?”

Jane’s abrupt question appeared to be the focal point, judging by the emotions it carried.

Having heard her account and enjoyed their meal, Oliver decided to respond in accordance with the agreement he and Merlin had reached.

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“After parting with Miss Jane, I went to stop Human-meat Chef. It was tough on my own. As you can see, I was affected by his disease-weakness black magic. In the midst of that, the Archiver-”

“-That’s not what I asked.”

Jane interjected.

“I wasn’t asking about your physical injuries, but if something is bothering you. The body is important, of course, but so is the mind.”

Jane genuinely inquired, her concern for Oliver evident after careful consideration about whether she was overstepping.

Oliver set down his fork and knife, even though he was still hungry, sensing the sincerity of her emotions. Human-meat Chef’s words lingered in his mind.

“…Why do you ask that?”

Jane shrugged her shoulders, much like she did when they first met, adopting the guise of a naive and innocent heiress.

Although her appearance had taken on a more androgynous quality, with black piercings adorning her ears and a bolder demeanor, it was strikingly reminiscent of their initial encounter, if not more so.

“It just seemed like you had something on your mind.”

Brushing his fingers against his face, Oliver inquired, “Do I appear troubled?”

Jane shook her head.

“No, it’s not that. It’s just a feeling… I am your friend, aren’t I?”

Friend. The word reverberated within Oliver, but then he remembered the unsettling question raised by Human-meat Chef’s words.

Was he genuinely valuing Jane and Kent as cherished individuals, or was it their emotions that held value for him?

‘People are just like… biological machines that produce interesting emotions to you… I made a mistake in threatening you. It was absurd to threaten someone important to you when I invited you here… Even I have someone important, but you only have precious emotions. Like cherished toys.’

Despite its length, Oliver vividly recalled this statement.

It was something he could have dismissed, but it continued to gnaw at him.

In a twisted way, he was curious. Would he have felt sorrow if Jane had perished in the turmoil? And if so, would it have been due to the loss of a friend?

The fact that he was even questioning this suggested that something was amiss.

In an attempt to push these thoughts aside, he had remained awake for two nights, immersing himself in work. However, instead of dispelling his doubts, his fatigued mind had only made them more perplexing.

Perhaps staying awake all night had been a mistake, or perhaps he needed a different focus.

Oliver cautiously replied, “…Can I tell you later? I can’t seem to organize my thoughts properly because I haven’t slept.”

“Of course. Take your tto think and answer. But you have to tell me, okay?”

Jane leaned forward slightly as she spoke, and Oliver nodded, giving her his word.

Jane leaned back, content, and playfully added, “Thank you. As a return favor, I’ll tell you snews from Landa. If you want… Actually, that’s partly why I came.”

“What is it?”

“Forrest seems to be planning a business venture. A redevelopment project in District X. A coincidence, isn’t it? Do you know anything about it?”

(To be Continued)

CH 424-433 (Vs Human-meat Chef Part4) $3CH 434-443 (Dave Vs 100 Druids) $3CH 444-453 (Adventure in New Continent) $3CH 454-463 (Meeting with Joanna) $3464~ $1/chapter


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