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Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 514: They almost killed grandma
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Chapter 514: They almost killed grandma

Dedicating todays chapter to OneMore_Chapter22, time_less, nephtalene, moondark,DaoistKCFbrP.         


" You…ah…what happened to you?" Yu Dong wasn't used to the fashion of the mers even after living in this world for so long. Even getting used to Xiao Hua's antics was a bit hard for her, never did she think that she will have to see her son dressed like a mini Xiao Hua.      

Little bun heard what his mother said, he might not understand a lot of things but he was very perspective and smart all thanks to the spiritual nourishment, he looked at his mother with his head tilted slightly and then burst out crying.      

He could see that his mother didn't like him dressed up like this either.     

" Oh come on, wife! Why did you have to say that?" Chen Mi who was holding a very pretty hair accessory looked at her with annoyance as he stepped out of his room and rolled his eyes at her. " He was already upset because I dressed him up, now you have made him even more upset."      

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" No, I was just surprised… he never dressed up like this so I was just a bit shocked," Yu Dong crouched down and picked up little bun who was still crying and then patted him on the back. " I was just shocked by how cu..cu…cu..cute he looked."      

Goodness, she couldn't even say the word cute looking at her son who was now dressed up like a daughter.  Because little bun always dressed up in blue, black and white… she completely forgot that he was a mer.      

" Of course, he looks really pretty doesn't he?" Chen Mi's lips curled up in a proud smile as soon as he heard Yu Dong call little bun cute. " I brought these things from the capital for the little bun, you have no idea the mers of the capital dress their children up so beautifully, when I saw the masters and the officials' husbands dress their mer son in such nice clothes, I felt really bad. I always thought that just wearing clothes was enough but the trip to the capital made me realise that I was so wrong, a mer should dress himself up such that everyone would call him pretty and beautiful, what do you say I have done a great job in making our son pretty right?"      

Yu Dong looked at little bun who seemed to hate the colour pink and wanted to tell Chen Mi the same but then she heard her husband say,  "I spent my entire budget on buying clothes for bun bun, didn't even buy as much as desserts as I wanted, for these clothes I walked around the entire shopping district and choose the one that was easy to wear and soft in touch, I brought a set of clothes every time I missed you, I really blew my entire pocket for you bun bun, can you see how much your daddy loves you?"      

Forget it.      

She gulped down her words back in her throat and patted her son on the back. There was no other option left for them, if they stopped now, then Chen Mi will seriously explode… he brought these clothes in exchange for his desserts, and telling him that the clothes were not liked by little bun would be equivalent to suicide.      

And since she didn't want to die yet.      

" Good luck bun bun," she ignored her son's ' how can you betray me,' look and then handed him to Chen Mi so that they can carry on with their little fashion show. In her previous world, she did not even know how to distinguish between baby pink and fiery pink, because she was so used to staying with the men of her squad, so it was better for her to stay away and let the father and son do their thing.      

"You are heartless, Dong Dong," Ye Liu teased her as he walked out of his room and looked at little bun who was looking at Chen Mi with a 'just kill me' expression and turned to look at Yu Dong before shaking his head. " You could have saved but bun."      

" Why don't you try to save him," Yu Dong bumped Ye Liu with the side of her hips and looked at him with a teasing look in her eyes. " I would like to see you heroically descend there and save your favourite son."      

" He is my only son at the moment," Ye Liu rolled his eyes before pointing to the room next to his.  " Miss Tong woke up and is asking for you, can you see what she wants to say?"      

Yu Dong nodded her head. " I will see what is going on, can you go and cook some egg drop soup for everyone?"      

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" Including the ones in the shelter?" Ye Liu asked with a tilt of his head and when Yu Dong nodded he rolled his eyes and said,  " I don't want to."      

But when then he walked to the kitchen without saying anything. Yu Dong saw him leave and chuckled, why act tough when your heart was this soft?      

She shook her head before walking inside the room next to Ye Liu's and knocking on the door. " I am coming in."      

She pushed open the door and walked inside, she glanced at Yu Tong's pale complexion and said, " Are you feeling okay?"      

" I am fine, coff, coff…" she coughed and took another sip of her ginger and brown sugar water watching Yu Dong take a seat next to her bed. " How is grandma, is she okay?"      

Yu Dong sighed and said, " She hasn't woken up yet, I and Sister Wu have checked up on her and we both came to the same conclusion that grandma's lungs have been filled with water, I am afraid that she will have a hard time recovering from this situation."      

Yu Tong listened and angrily said, " Those people in the Yu family are all heartless, grandfather made a mistake by believing that He Cheung and it was grandma who noticed that there was a flood coming, she helped everyone by waking us and didn't leave until my mother, father and grandfather left the house, she was the last to rush out of the house but when she came to the roof, they refused to let her on saying that the roof would not be able to withstand it if she came to take refugee there as well. They all almost killed grandma!"