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Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 639: no one can bully her
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Chapter 639: no one can bully her



Old man Tang covered his face and started to sob as he said,  " When we divorced you promised that you will help your grandchild even if you turn a blind eye to your daughter but now that I am asking you to take care of our Cheng Cheng, you are making excuses! Do you really have to be so ruthless? Will you stop if I die as well?"      

" What nonsense are you saying?" Old madam Yu was speechless by the nonsense that Old man Tang was spewing, she could not even understand half of what he was saying, all she knew was that the man was throwing a tantrum for no reason at all!     

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In fact, old man Tang too thought that he was acting like a fool but the truth was when he thought about the extra sum of money he might be able to get if he bullied his wife into agreeing with what he said, his embarrassment went down a notch while his thick skin started to shine in full glory.      

" I am not saying nonsense!" Old man Tang raised his head and shouted like he was greatly affected. " This village is like a second home to Yu Dong, we sell the rapeseeds to the town because that Qiao woman has nothing to with us and we can't ask her for anything but Yu Dong is different, she is from our village and if she truly cares about us then she should help us all for the greater good instead of making a profit from us!"      

" You shameless——"     

" If that is what you want then I can do that as well," Old madam Yu wanted to scold her ex-husband but before she could say anything, she heard Yu Dong agree with old man Tang's absurd requests. She was so surprised that she turned to look at Yu Dong and said in a hurry, " You don't have to agree to his nonsensical requests because of me, Dong Dong! I was the one who promised them that I will take care of Cheng Cheng, then I will do it on my own."      

She then turned to look at her ex-husband and said, " How much money do you need, tell me! Even if I have to sell myself, I will bring that sum!"      

' Like anyone will be willing to buy an old woman like you!' Old man Tang scolded Old madam Yu in his head and did not pay any attention to her anymore, his purpose was to get the refined oil and sell it all in the town to earn a good sum of money, which was why all his attention was on Yu Dong as he asked with shiny eyes, " You are speaking the truth?" He was very much surprised that Yu Dong was willing to help him even when he never treated her well.      

Even the villagers were surprised, especially Fenhua who looked at Yu Dong who was taking a step back under Old man Tang's bullying and then turned to look at his wife, " She is getting bullied like this, are you not going to help her? Did you not say that she is like a younger one to you?"     

" Do you really think that someone like Yu Dong can be bullied?" Wu Junfen asked as she looked at her husband who was standing beside her and then chuckled softly when she saw that the mer was indeed looking rather worried about Yu Dong. She tipped her chin to where Yu Dong and the rest were standing and then said, " Just keep watching you will be surprised to see what that girl can do, if she gets bullied then, of course, I will step in but …" it would be interesting to see who in this entire world can bully Yu Dong apart from her husbands.     

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" Are you sure about this Yu Dong?" Village head Gu asked in surprise as far as she knew, Yu Dong and her did not agree to something like this! Did Yu Dong go soft for the old Yu family when she was not looking? But when did this happen?     

" I am sure," she nodded and then turned to look at the old mer who seemed to be overjoyed. She smirked and then added, " Just make sure that you prepare ten taels when you come to take the oil that I extract later on."      

Old man Tang who was still lost in his fantasies felt someone has pushed him to the bottom of the cliff, he turned to look at Yu Dong and asked, " What did you say? Why will I give you ten taels and for what?"      

" Heh, do you think that extracting oil is such a small process? I will have to work day and nights before I will be able to extract a decent supply of oil and there is also the fact that I need to filter and distil it in such a manner that it will be a level higher than the one that Qiao woman is selling," with her arms crossed in front Yu Dong calmly replied as she looked at Old man Tang who looked just as shocked and angered as he was surprised a moment ago.     

" My work is not easy and since you are going to sell the oil in the town for a huge amount of money, should I not get a share for my hard work?" Yu Dong tilted her head and then smilingly added, " I mean half a litre of oil can be sold for five taels if I extract even ten litres for you…you will be able to earn a huge sum don't you think so?"     

"But that is our oil!" Old man Tang completely forgot that right now he only had rice bran and no way to get oil from it but in his eyes, raw materials were just as important as the after-product! " How can you ask me for money?"     

" So you want me to work for nothing ?" Yu Dong asked with a small frown. " What made you think that you can make me do it for you and that too for free?"