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Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 729: In the Yamen——2
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Chapter 729: In the Yamen——2

In the Yamen, Qiu Bai was locked in an empty cell. He looked at the walls that were dark and grimy with his face scrunched up in disgust, he has never thought that something like this will ever happen to him but now that it has happened he was more and more dissatisfied with this ending.          


Why? Why was he caught and brought to this place? He suffered just as much as Fang Chi when Yu Dong's mother refused to get married to him! So why? Did they not deserve to suffer? Why was he the only one who was punished like this?      

Qiu Bai was upset and scared since he was worried that the yamen officers will treat him unkindly. But when he saw that no one was bothering him and even gave him an empty cell he heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he was alone, there was nothing that he has to worry about.     

However, his relief was short-lived as the door of his prison was pulled open again and this time a bunch of women who were tall and burly walked inside. When he saw those women, Qiu Bai stiffened as he looked at the three to four women who filed inside his prison and what was more each one of them was staring at him unkindly.      

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This time raw fear filled Qiu Bai as he scrambled up from the ground and rushed to the door where the warden of the Yamen was standing. He looked at the officer with terror in his eyes and then said in a hurried voice, " Miss! Why are you letting these women inside my cell? I am a mer. Even if this is Yamen, there should be some respect for the mers right—-ahh!" He screamed in pain when the woman banged her wooden staff against the door causing Qiu Bai to scream in pain as it banged on his fingers that were holding the iron bars.      

" Shut up! Are you going to teach me now? What I should and should not do?" The woman scoffed as she brought the staff down, she has been long bribed by the people of Sister Jiao and thus she was going to deal with this mer as she wished. " This is the Yamen and not your reform centre, there are only limited cells where do you think you will get the opportunity to have a single cell? There is no mer or women here, you all are nothing but criminals!"      

As the woman finished speaking she turned on her heel and started to walk out of the corridor where Qiu Bai was left behind in the cell alone with the women who were leering at him.      The source of this content is Fɪre.net

" Miss! Miss! At least warn them! Miss——" He was still screaming when he felt the woman who was behind him place her hand on his shoulder as she threw him on the floor.      

Qiu Bai screamed as he looked at the woman who was advancing on him and said in a threatening voice, " I am telling you, stay away from me! My wife works in the town and she knows the Marquis!"      

Even though Second Madam Yu only talked with the Marquis once or twice in her life and this was certainly a long stretch of the truth, Qiu Bai thought that he will be able to threaten the women since they did not know the truth but as he spoke, one of the women reached out and kicked him in the stomach.      

" Oh we know, we even know that you are here because you killed an infant," sneered the woman who kicked Qiu Bai in the stomach. " The person who sent us asked us to tell you that they want you to suffer just as much as the child did when she died. They are sending you their best regards."      

When Qiu Bai heard the words of these women he was stumped but soon he snapped out of his daze and said, " Its Yu Dong! She is the one who sent you here, right?"      

The woman who was in lead took out the long wooden pole that she was carrying in her hands behind her and then smacked Qiu Bai right across his cheek, " You do not need to worry about another woman right now little mer, think about her once you are out of this place —— if you can get out of here that is."      

Qiu Bai whose mouth was bleeding after getting hit was breathing in and out as he stared at the ground and covered his head as another hit landed on his back. He will get out of this place, no matter what and he will make Yu Dong suffer just as much as he was suffering!      

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Yu Dong who was sitting beside Fang Chi sneezed lightly before sniffing and looking at the sun that was shining brightly. It was already the next day and Fang Chi was still not awake, she was now getting worried about their child ——even though she was feeding the child her spiritual energy, the child still needed nutrients to grow up properly. There was no way that he will be able to survive just on spiritual energy!     

She looked at Fang Chi with a turn of her head and then sighed as she kissed the back of his hand and said, " Come on Chi, wake up. Even if you don't want to see me, at least wake up for your child, please?"      

As she spoke, she lifted his hand and brought it to her eyes as she covered them with the back of his hand.      

" Why will I not want to see you?" A voice spoke and Yu Dong who thought she was hallucinating immediately raised her head and looked at the mer who was lying on the bed but was smiling at her softly. " You are awake, Chi?" She was so shocked that she could not believe that the latter was already up and about.      

Fang Chi smiled at her and then blinked his doe-like eyes as he nodded slowly, " I am up, did I make you worry a lot?"      

the sequel to Guide to raise cutie is out! Search Guide to tame my villainous husbands! This time the mers will be just as dominating!      
