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Harry Potter: Dimensional Wizard-Novel

Chapter 591: Noor Energy
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Now that he was alone with his thoughts, Edward found himself at a crossroads, his decision to accept the Ancient One’s offer looming large. The gravity of the situation was not lost on him, and he leaned towards acceptance for many reasons.

First, Earth is the center of most events in this world, and if he were banned, it would be very challenging for him to gain any benefits. Second, the position has benefits, such as the TStone and the SuprSorcerer Title.

Yet, the most compelling reason for Edward's inclination towards acceptance was the urgent need for a legal identity in this universe. His past experiences in Fate and the tumultuous entry into this world had made it clear to him that this realm, with its fusion with the comic world, held a much higher power ceiling than his home.

As such, his entry into this universe will not go unnoticed. In the comics, the SuprSorcerer was a position acknowledged by Eternity— an abstract entity that embodies the Marvel Universe and the personification of time.

‘If I becthe Sorcerer Suprand am restricted by an oath, then these top entities might be more lenient on my actions if they take notice of me,” analyzed Edward.

‘Those are the pros, but there is also a con—I would be stuck in this world and cannot run away until I exhaust all my abilities.’

He frowned before realizing the choice was obvious; he cto this world to train for the upcoming war, and in that war, he would not be able to run no matter what.

‘Since I need to push myself, why hesitate?’

Edward immediately decided to accept the position, but he would wait three days to give her his answer. So, he began checking his body.

‘My body, soul, and mana are fine, but my mind is still a little bit chaotic,’ thought Edward. His body did not have to adapt to this world, or it was possible he already adapted after decades in a coma state.

He raised his hand to summon a weird power but failed. ‘I cannot control any rules. It seems the Willpower level of this world is the highest — 10.” Edward frowned as his Willpower was only 9, short by 1 point.

He raised his hand to open a tear in the void and took out a potion he drank. ‘I can access my personal dimension, but most of my things were in the floating city.’ He frowned even deeper, ‘If I cannot accept the mana from the city, I will have to use plan B.’

The next thing Edward checked was whether he could sense Netheril or Albion, but the answer was negative. ‘I’ll have to wait for Morgana to wake up,’ he said.

He then raised his hand to cast a small flame. In the next hour, the flkept extinguishing before reappearing.

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‘This world can adapt perfectly to all the magic systems I know; this is an anomaly,’ thought Edward. All the magic systems he used blended perfectly, and he sensed no rejection or even incongruity; it was as if the MCU already contained these power systems.

‘There are two ways that could explain the situation. The MCU was already introduced to these systems and adapted them. But if that’s the case, where?’ Edward thought of one possibility—Lord Gods are active in this world, just like the Naruto Universe. If the Universe Will of the MCU learned these power systems from the Reincarnators, it could explain this anomaly.

‘Another explanation is that the Marvel Universe is adapting to these magic systems to strengthen the entire universe and prepare for the war. The fusion with the comics and this adaptation might be part of this strengthening process.’

Edward felt both those theories might be correct and there might be a correlation between them. The Universe Will already knew the existence of these reincarnators and the magic systems, and when the fusion started to prepare for the war, it chose this method as another form of strengthening.

‘Everyone is preparing; I must hurry.’

Edward meditated to facilitate the potion's fast absorption. The next morning, he woke up and went to see Aisha.

“I can send you hanytime, but before you leave, can I see your Noor?”

“Oh, alright.” Aisha created a fist made of hard light, and Edward’s eyes turned purple as he analyzed it.

“A potent cosmic power with primary photonic properties; it seems to contain reality-warping capabilities but is severely restricted in this dimension.” He raised his hand to take a sample, and from it, he calculated the coordinates of the Noor Dimension, which is Aisha’s home.

Edward frowned for a few seconds as he cast a few spells. “Alright, I found you a way home. Do you wish to go now?”

“Right now?”

“If you want, you can delay.”

“No, I’m ready,” replied Aisha.

“Are you sure? You could see your family before leaving? Or even take them with you.”

“No, I don’t want to disrupt their lives. Plus, I might face strouble after returning.” She was banished from the Noor Dimension, and she will face strouble after returning.

“If you say so,” nodded Edward before taking a syringe.

“What’s this?”

“This is my reward for taking care of me,” replied Edward. “This thing contains nanites that will heal you in an emergency and serve as a supercomputer. It can help you better understand or control your Noor or aid you in anything you wish to accomplish after returning.”

“Your dimension is so technically advanced?”

“It is,” nodded Edward. “Do you wantto inject or do it yourself?”

“You can do it.”

“Are you sure?”

“I spent so many years guarding and protecting you; I feel like I know you,” said Aisha calmly.

“I don’t know whether that’s very kind or stupid of you,” said Edward as he injected her. Aisha saw a screen that only she could see. For the next five minutes, she followed a tutorial with instructions on how to use the nanocomputer.

Once she finished, Edward opened a portal, and all the members of the Clandestine appeared in the room unconscious. “It might be better to return with them lest they seek revenge on your family.”

“That’s a good idea,” nodded Aisha before hesitantly saying, “Can you keep an eye on them for me?”

“No problem. If you want, I can ensure they live a life of wealth and without worry.”

“No, just ensure their safety.”


Edward waved his hand to open another portal, but Aisha frowned, “Why can’t I sense any Noor Energy?”

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“Your dimension will align with Earth on a specific date, and now is not the time. So, we must pass a few other dimensions to reach your destination.”

“I see.” Aisha exhaled before creating a large hand to carry the other Clandestine members. She then stepped into the portal without hesitation. Edward followed her, and they traveled through a few portals before finding themselves in one full of Noor Energy. Aisha could immediately sense her home.

“Thank you,” she said, looking him in the eyes.

“I should be the one thanking you,” said Edward with a smile. “Plus, I feel this won’t be the last twe meet.”

“You can think so?”

“My intuition is usually correct.”

“Well, I’ll look forward to it,” said Aisha before entering and disappearing. Edward gathered enough Noor Energy from the portal to study before returning to Earth.

Two days later, the Ancient One cto see him.

“Thank you for allowingto send her home,” said Edward. Earth is protected from dimensional travel, so he could not bring her hwithout her consent.

“No problem,” nodded the Ancient One. “Have you thought about my offer?”

“Yes, and I accept.”

“Excellent. Followto Kamar Taj for the oath.”

“No problem. But I should tell you I will need a month's break before I start my duty.”

“Oh, is there a reason?”

“I need to save someone, and it’s about tI becstronger.” He’s been stuck in Tier 8 for too long, and it’s about tfor a change.

“That’s good news to hear,” said the Ancient One. The stronger he was, the higher the chances of their world surviving. The Ancient One opened a portal leading to a secret room in Kamar Taj for the oath. She wanted to get it done as soon as possible to relax.