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Hellmode ~A Hardcore Gamer Becomes Peerless in Another World with Retro Game Settings~

Chapter r2: 2nd Recap
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Recap (2)

Characteristics of summons


  • Available from <Summon> Level 1
  • Debuffs enemies
  • Debuffs doesn’t always work


  • Available from <Summon> Level 1
  • The only offense-oriented summon class
  • It attacks enemies with high [Strength] and [Attack]


  • Available from <Summon> Level 2
  • Skilled in scouting


  • Available from <Summon> Level 3
  • Can be turned into a healing potion
  • Their [Special Skill] is one time use onlys


  • Available from <Summon> Level 4
  • Mainly for protection


  • Available from <Summon> Level 5
  • Buffs allies
  • Can swim in the ground when using the [Special Skill]

Summon’s Blessing

Insect: [Endurance], [Agility]

Beast: [Strength], [Attack]

Bird : [Agility], [Intelligence]

Grass: [Mana], [Luck]

Stone: [Strength], [Endurance]

Fish : [Intelligence], [Mana]

Summon’s Special Skills


H-rank: [Hop]

  • Just jumping around

G-rank: [Provocation]

  • Provoke enemies into a rage state

F-rank: [Suction]

  • Absorbs the enemy’s power It does not increase its own power

E-rank: [Scales]

  • Puts enemies to sleep

D-rank: [Spider Thread]

  • Stops/slows down the enemy’s movement


H-rank: [Run]

  • Just running around

G-rank: [Dig]

  • Dig a hole with a radius of 30 centimeters and a depth of 1 meter
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F-rank and above:

  • Damage dealt is 15 times that of a normal attack


G-rank: [Voice Imitation]

  • Can imitate the voice of anyone if you know his/her name and have heard their voice before

F-rank: [Transmission]

  • Not verified as there was no one to tell
  • Stay tuned for any new information

E-rank: [Eagle Eye]

  • Can see anything in an area with a radius of 3 kilometers
  • Can’t see anything beyond obstacles
  • Can only be used during the day or in places with light

D-rank: [Night Vision]

  • Can see anything in an area with a radius of 3 kilometers

You can’t search beyond the obstacles The skill only activates at night


F-rank: [Aroma]

  • Reduce mana recovery time from 6 hours to 5 hours

E-rank: [Grass of Life]

  • Restores 1000 health when used
  • One time use

D-rank: [Mana Fruit]

  • Restores 1000 mana when used
  • One time use


  • At all ranks, increases it’s [Endurance] by 1.5 times


D-rank: [Splash]

  • Increases evasion rate against physical and magic attacks

Summon’s Name and Appearance


H-rank: Denka

  • A slightly big Grasshopper

G-rank: Pyonta

  • Frog, about as big as a bullfrog

F-rank: Chu

  • Leech, size of a volleyball when curled up

E-rank: Swallowtail

  • Butterfly, has a one-meter wingspan

D-rank: Spyder

  • Spider, 1.5 meters big


H-rank: Chousuke

  • Rat, about the size of a gerbil

G-rank: Mogusuke

  • Mole, about the size of a small dog

F-rank: Pochi

  • Dog, about the size of an Akita dog

E-rank: Tama

  • Sabertooth Tiger, Height 1.2 meters, Length 2 meters

D-rank: Bear

  • Bear, 2.5 meters tall


G-rank: Chappy

  • Parakeet

F-rank: Poppo

  • Pigeon

E-rank- Eagle

  • Eagle, 2 meters wingspan

D-rank: Hollow

  • Owl, 1.5 meters wingspan


F-rank: Appy

  • Apple with arms and legs

E-rank: Mametarou

  • Pea with arms and legs

D-rank: Jagabata

  • Potato with arms and legs


E-rank: Kabeo

  • Wall, made of stones with arms and legs, 1.5 meters tall

D-rank: Bron

  • Medieval European style Copper armor
  • 2 meters tall with a 2 meters long and wide shield


D-rank: Harami

  • Salmon, about 2 meters long

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Skill Level Up Log

-1 year old, acquired Grimoire, <Summon> level 1, can summon H-ranks

-1 year and 10 months old, <Summon> level 2, acquired <Synthesis> skill

-3 years old, summoned G-rank (after having enough mana)

-5 years and 11 months old, <Summon> level 3, acquired <Strengthening> skill, can summon F-ranks

-7 years and 9 months, <Summon> level 4, <Inventory> skill acquired, can summon E-ranks

-9 years and 10 months, <Summon> level 5, <Sharing> skill acquired, can summon D-ranks

Mana Consumption For Each Skill

<Summon>, <Inventory>, and <Sharing> consume no mana.

<Create> depends on the summon’s rank

 H-rank: 2

 G-rank: 5

 F-rank: 10

 E-rank: 20

 D-rank: 50

<Synthesis> is fixed at 5.

<Strengthening> is fixed at 10.

<Synthesis> Combinations

Bird: Insect and Beast

Grass: Insect and Bird

Stone: Bird and Grass

Fish: Grass and Stone

Number of Magic Stones Required

From rank E-rank onwards, magic stones are required for <Create> and <Synthesis>. E-rank magic stone is required for summoning E-ranks and likewise.

Insect: 1

Beast: 1

Bird: 1

Grass: 5

Stone: 9

Fish: 15

Change in Status and Blessings due to <Strengthening>

Level 1: +10

Level 2: +20

Level 3: +50

Level 4: +100

Level 5: +200


 You can store anything that fits through a 30cm square area.

Items in <Inventory> at the end 2nd Arc

  • Food for at least one month (dried meat, dried potatoes, bread, mormo nuts, etc)
  • One pool of water
  • Fire magic tool
  • Burning torch
  • 300 kilograms of firewood
  • Blanket
  • Spare clothes
  • Mithril Sword, Dagraha’s Rapier
  • Dagger

<Sharing> Performance

  • No mana required
  • Every 200 [Intelligence] allows one more slot in <Sharing>
  • Sight and sound can be shared (taste was not tested)
  • Summon must be within 50 meters range to initiate <Sharing>
  • <Sharing> can be disabled even from a distance of more than 50 meters.
  • A summon connected via <Sharing> can be converted into a card even if it is outside the 50 meters range.
  • The card is automatically stored in the holder if a summon is carded outside the 50 meters range. (For more details refer chapter 75)

Effect of [Intelligence]

 The [Intelligence] of a summon varies depending on its species and rank. If it’s [Intelligence] is low, it will not listen to instructions. However, it can still activate special skills.

  • If one has 100 [Intelligence], it can listen to commands
  • If a summon has 400 [Intelligence], it can work with other summons (hypothetically)

TN Note: This and the last chapters are two of my favorite chapters in the series. Now I don’t have to search for characters and summon names in various chapters.

Though it’s kind of my fault for not making a glossary.

Translator’s Corner

This is my another of my favorite chapter for the same reason obviously.