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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

Chapter 280
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S31 23. Conspire

“Conspire?” Philip sighed in disbelief. “They are your grandchildren and great-

grandchildren. Isn’t it natural that I take them to meet you? Especially the twins. Louis and

Emily are very excited to meet you.”

“Nonsense!” Diana’s breath roared again. Her clenched hands started to tremble.

“You think I don’t know? You’re the same as those Harper people. It’s not me who has

changed, Philip, but you! You’re the one who’s infected with cunning and greed. Don’t

make it worse with your charade.”

Philip pulled his head backward. After getting up, he whispered,” What’s gotten into you,

Grandma? Since yesterday, you’ve kept mentioning that Frank and Kara were acting. Now

me? You think the memories I told you before were fake?”

Diana gritted her teeth. She got up then started pushing Philip.

“Go! I can’t stand you anymore! Go!”

Philip sighed in disbelief. He stepped back, just to give himself some distance. “You kick

me out?”

Unexpectedly, Diana raised her index finger. Her jaw throbbed. “Put the mask away! I

don’t need it. Please stop and admit it, Philip! You came here for an apartment, right? You

brought those people here for the payoff.”

All Philip’s muscles froze. His eyes weren’t even blinking. “Where did you get that


Diana laughed in pain. “Are you surprised? Same! I was surprised too. I really didn’t expect

that an innocent boy would grow up to be as


petty as you.”

Philip swallowed bitterly. His head shook. “That’s not true. What you heard was wrong.”

“You still want to deny it?”

“It’s true that I was offered the apartment, but my intention to bring

Frank and his family here was not for it. I don’t even mind if the apartment doesn’t be


Diana took a breath, about to speak. However, Philip’s palm rose, asking for a pause.

“I knew what it’s like to be alone. That’s why I thought you also harbored that feeling. I

thought by inviting them here, your longing could be relieved. I just wanted to unite a

family that had been separated for a long time.”

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Diana laughed again in pain. “My life is fine without them. You still don’t get it?”

Suddenly, Diana pushed Philip towards the stairs again. “Now get lost. Get out of this

house! I don’t want anything to do with you and your friends anymore. I don’t want to see

your face anymore.”

However, Philip was fixed at his position. He was still trying to find a way to break down

the misunderstanding.

Diana became even more furious. She hit Philip harder, and screamed louder. Her noise

made everyone gather on the front porch.

“Grandma? Oh my God,” Abigail caught Diana’s arm and pulled her away from Philip.

“Grandma, calm down.”

“I can’t stay calm, Abi. As long as this ungrateful brat is still in my house, I won’t stay


Everyone was confused. They gaped and exchanged glances. Only



Sophia smiled faintly before approaching Diana.

“Grandma, please control yourself. Your blood pressure will rise if you keep being like this.”

She stroked Diana’s back.

“But he won’t leave, Sophie.” Diana pointed her index finger at Philip. Then, her sharp

eyes swept across the people on the other side. “And they’re still bothering me. How can I

possibly calm down?”

Sophia sighed. Gently, she pulled Diana into a hug. “Calm down, Grandma. Let me take

care of them later. Now, take a breath. Control your emotions.”

“I want them gone, Sophia. I can’t stand it.”

Sophia nodded. While giving a code to Abigail, she led Diana to walk inside.

“Please get some rest, Grandma. Leave this matter to me. You said that there’s nothing I

can’t do, right? I can absolutely solve it.”

Diana nodded weakly. The, she walked slowly, passing the others without glancing. Her

eyes occasionally closed.

“Mommy, is Grandma sick? Her face is very red,” Emily whispered when Diana was out of


Kara stroked Emily’s chubby cheek. “Yes, it seems that Grandma’s high blood pressure has

recurred. Let’s pray that she gets better quickly, hmm?”

Emily nodded. Meanwhile, Barbara and Frank approach Philip.

“Philip, are you okay?” Barbara touched her lover’s arm.

Philip smiled wryly. He pinched the bridge of his nose, massaging it for a moment. “Sorry,

our conversation didn’t go well. Grandma just hated us even more.”

Frank massaged Philip’s shoulders. “It’s okay. She is indeed difficult


to deal with. But what made her so angry?”

“He said I had changed. Petty, greedy, full of charades. I don’t know

who told her, she said I brought you here for the sake of the


The twins stared wide eyed. They glanced at each other then

swallowed hard. Barbara also showed the same reaction.

“Could it be that Grandma heard our conversation yesterday then she

misunderstood?” she muttered.

Frank furrowed his brows. “I don’t think so.”

“You guys talked about it?” Jeremy inquired.

Barbara nodded. However, before she could tell the story, Louis stepped forward.


The boy pinched his trousers. His brows were slightly furrowed. A second later, Emily was

standing next to him. The little girl couldn’t, stop playing with her own fingers.

“We’re sorry. Looks like Grandma Diana was angry because of what

we said.”

Frank raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean, Buddy?”

The twins exchanged glances for a moment.

“Last night, while putting the dishes in the sink, we met Sophia. We chatted for a while.

Then, she asked about Philip’s mission.”

Emily nodded. With his head slightly lowered, her eyes looked

rounder. “Sophia asked us to spill the bean. At first we refused. But because she said she

was a friend and was willing to help, we told


Everyone fell silent. Philip pinched the bridge of his nose, Jeremy scratched his temple,

while Frank sighed in disbelief.

“Now we know who is responsible for Grandma’s madness.”

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Emily became increasingly shrunken. Her eyes started to water. “Will we be punished?”

She bit her lip.

Louis’ eye bags also thickened. “We’re sorry, Daddy. We have

interfered in adult matters. We intended to help. But it turns out, the problem just got

more complicated.

Kara rubbed the twins’ backs. She wanted to calm them down, but before she spoke, Frank

grabbed the chance.

“Hey, it’s okay. It’s not your fault.” Frank reached out his hand, joining

in comforting the toddlers.

“But Grandma misunderstood because of us.”

“Grandma Diana wasn’t there when you told the story, right?” Frank raised an eyebrow.

Louis shook his head. Frank widened his smile.

“That means Grandma Diana didn’t get the information from your mouth. It’s not your


“What if it turns out that Grandma Diana overheard?” Emily asked, uneasy. “We are still

guilty. We deserve punishment.”

“What exactly did you say, Twins?” Jeremy inquired.

“I said Grandpa Rowan gave Philip a mission. If he can bring our family together with

Grandma Diana, he will get a very large apartment,” Emily explained.

“Then because Sophia asked, I added that Grandpa Rowan wanted to give Grandma a lot

of gold. Maybe after Grandma signed something,



Philip would be declared valid for completing the task,” Louis


“Are our words wrong?” Emily bit her lip.

Frank blinked. He realized that lying was not the right way to lighten

the twins’ hearts.

“It’s not wrong. It’s just that it’s a little ambiguous for people who don’t understand the


Louis and Emily curled their lips downwards. Their chins twitched, suppressing the


“We’re sorry,” they muttered softly.

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