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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

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S2 18. Philip and Barbara’s Deal

“As soon as you arrived at the emergency room, your mother went berserk. She asked all

the doctors to check your condition. Many people immediately gathered and covered their


Seeing Philip frown, Barbara clenched her fists. “You are lying! My mother couldn’t

embarrass me.”

Philip shrugged his shoulders lightly “What else can we do? Your mother was too panicked.

And you know what?”

He smiled crookedly again. “Your mother announced to all the medical staff that you were

in emergency because you took the wrong medicine. The funny thing is… when the test

results came, the doctor concluded that you had taken too many laxatives. Everyone

suddenly failed to hold back their laughter.”

Barbara gaped in disbelief. From her limited angle, she glanced at the couch. Only

Melanie’s legs were visible.

‘Mom can sleep well after causing such a stir?’

Barbara closed her eyes holding back annoyance. Slowly, she turned her back to Philip.

She had lost her face in front of the man.

“As I remember, it was really funny. Moreover, the nurses who took care of you looked

disgusted. I can imagine how tormented they must have been while cleaning you up.”

“You!” Barbara turned around with a grimace. “Once again you mention it, I will really kill

you. And if that news reaches Louis and Emily’s ears, you will go straight to hell!”

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Philip stifled his laughter. However, his eyes were still teasing. “That’s even more

impossible. I’m a good person. I can’t possibly go to hell.


On the other hand, you and your mother should be alert. Repent before it’s too late.”

Barbara’s tears began to gather. She couldn’t hold back her anger any


Realizing that, Philip quickly raised his finger. “But if you ask me nicely, I can keep it a


Barbara felt at ease a little, but the frown on her face remained unchanged. “Are you


Philip nodded casually. “Yes. Try asking me nicely. Use the words please and thank you.”

Barbara fell silent for a moment. As her lips opened, her tongue had difficulty forming

words. “Please… don’t bring up tonight’s incident again, especially in front of Louis and

Emily. Thank you.” Her voice was broken and soft.

Philip smiled proudly. “Good. I promise not to tell this to anyone, including the twins, as

long as….”

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Barbara widened her eyes. “You dare give me conditions?”

“Shh!” Philip pointed his index finger again. “Listen first! Or I don’t want to keep this

incident a secret. Do you like being a trending top with the hash tag stinky?”

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Barbara hissed. While closing her eyes, she cursed incoherently. He head jerked against

the pillow.

“Fine.” She finally opened her eyes again. “What are the conditions?”

“You have to be sweet to Young Master and Young Lady.”

Barbara was stunned. “What for? I got this terrible night because of


“Then you have to be prepared to be called Aunt Stinky.” Philip


shrugged his shoulders as if it was no big deal.

Barbara clutched her head. She couldn’t imagine having a nickname

like that for life.

“Okay! I won’t be rude to them anymore. Satisfied?”

Philip smiled sweetly and nodded. “Good. It wasn’t in vain that I languished in the car for a

few minutes with you.”

“You promised, Philip!” Barbara’s index finger was raised.

Philip folded his lips inward and locked them with his fingers. “Okay. I won’t do it again.”

“If you violate, you will have to be my slave for life.”

Philip suddenly narrowed his eyes. “I’m not ask for that.

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sure you ca I have been contracted by Young Master and Young Lady for an indefinite

period of time.”

Barbara snorted. “That’s none of my business. If you violate it, I will destroy you.”

Philip sneered. “Okay, no problem. Anyway, that won’t happen. I can keep my promise.”

Sighing tiredly, Barbara looked away again. She still couldn’t believe the deal she had just

made. In her heart, she could only hope that her mother would not give her conflicting

orders or else her pride would. be finished.


The next day, Barbara was allowed to go home. When she arrived at the Harper’s

residence, the twins immediately greeted her.

“Welcome back, Auntie.”

“We are happy that you have recovered.”


Louis and Eintly gave their best smiles. However, Barbara remained


“Why are you herre Shouldn’t you be working?”

Louis shook his head. “Philip said Auntie was coming home this

afternoon. So, after setheol, we went home first.”

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“Yes, we’re afraid you’ll be sad if there’s no one to greet you. Mommy and Daddy are still


-Melante rolled her eyes. “Stop your charade. Now get out of the way!

Barbara needs to gespléanyodfirest.”

“Is Auntie still sick? Withink Auntie has completely recovered. Then come on, Louis! We

have cohesh Auntie.”

Louis and Emily were abouthoot take Barbara’s other hand. Before they could touch it,

their tiny fingers were pushed aside.

“Don’t touch my daughter! She’sssstadiecause of you. I won’t let you hurt her again.”

Still with furrowed eyebrows, Barbara glanced at Melanie. She was a little uncomfortable

that her mother treated her like a hurt chile

I’m not that weak, Morn. Please dont lenticarnass me,” she w

just protect you from these little devils. Why are you embar

While Barbara sighed in resignation Emilystared wide-eyed

man who had just arrived.

Phop! You said Auntie had recovered. It turns outsite is still we Hnow about you carry her

back to her room?”

As: Phitip raised an eyebrow, Barbara stammered, Wwiny bid you tell himao? Lean walk by

myself!” Without realizing it, herratiteeks turned

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Without wavaning for anyone’s response, Barbara walked towards her room. Melatonie

was stunned and Philip was amazed. Only the twins remained chgegen to help her walk.

Come on, Auatial el cold our hands! You’re still weak. What if you fall?”

Yes! Besides, Audine already smells good! We don’t mind helping


‘I can do it mysed Baronbare secured her hand and stepped faster. It seemed like she was

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playing tag with the twins.

Witnessing that, Materialet out a faint sigh. “What’s wrong with Barbara?” After a mornare

praf silence, she glanced at Philip.

“Have you poisoned my dadaughter’s mind?”

Philip gasped. “Me, Malera?PoPoisoned? Poisoned how?”

Melanie snorted in annoyance.efferom now on, you can’t get close to her. Understand?”

The arch of Philip’s eyebrows greve whigher. Before he could answer, Melanie had already

walked awayay.

Why am I being blamed again?” Philip grumbled before sh his head quickly. “Mother and

daughter araboboth strange.”

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With a flat expression, Philip followed. Howevever, seeing the t standing in front of the

door, his eyebrowsvar arched high again.

Why are you here?

bouts and Emily’s shoulders drooped languidivily.

We were kicked out.”

Grandma said we disturbed Auntie’s peace.

hito grimaced. “There’s no need to be sad. If other peopople don’t


appreciate your kindness, they are the ones who lose. Now, how about we go to the


The twins’ eyes suddenly lit up. “Thats a grereadidea, Philip! Have you prepared our office


Yes. Miss.”

hthen let’s go!”

Maile Philip and the twins left the mansion, Melaracjentook care of arortala painstakingly.

She changed Barbara’s clothes and wiped her feceveven though her hands were busy, her

speedt never stopped.

rankis is really too much. He already knew you were siciclo but he sent ose jevovo demons

here. Doesn’t he want you to recover guicickly?”

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