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I Am The Luna

Chapter 198
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Chapter 0198


| reach home, shifting and transforming into human form before | slip inside and hurry upstairs to the bedroom

that Sebastian and | were going to take. | flip open my suitcase, rummaging inside.

So much has happened and with no staff here, everything isn’t even unpacked as | have not had the time. | pull

on a gown before | pick up my phone and select Atticus’s name, pressing the call button.

Please pick up...

It rings a few times before he answers it.

“Hello?” he asks. His voice is thick from sleep, and | know I've disturbed him.

“Sorry, you were sleeping, and | called so late...” | say quietly.

“No, it's ok. You can callanytand that offer still stands if you've changed your mind about Sebastian.”

| roll my eyes. “Really, Atticus?”

He lets out a throaty chuckle. “It was worth a shot, so what's going on, is everything alright?” he asks, and | hear

rustling as he seemingly gets out of bed.

“Yeah, somewhat. | have a question about the Sable Triquetra. What are their marks like? | mean, are they the

sas ours?” | ask.

“That's an interesting question. Why do you ask? Did something happen? Or did you see someone?” he asks


“Just answer the question, Atticus. Please.”


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“I don’t really know. | think they are pretty much the same. I've not read anywhere that the symbol is different.

Why do you ask, Zaia?”

| sigh, feeling uneasy. Sebastian’s mark was sharper... and in the opposite direction of the V, but again, the

symbol can be seen from any angle...

“I went to visit Sebastian a little earlier, and he has a mark that looks. like ours, but where ours is an inverted Vv,

hisisaV... and...”

And the SublTriquetra is complete... what could this mean?

| don’t say that part out loud. I'm not brave enough.

He's silent before he speaks, and | can tell he’s choosing his words carefully.

“What do you mean you saw a mark now? You two were married

before and as much as | don’t want to think about that, you must have seen it at spoint, correct? Unless

you're implying that it's


“It’s on the back of his neck and, rest assured, it was not there before,” | say, pacing my room.

He's silent for a while.

“Atticus?” | ask.

He sighs. “I was just thinking about what | told you the other night, that either way, regardless of what side you

choose, both Triquetras will be completed.”

He's thinking the sas | had thought...

Deep down it makes sense, but | wanted him to tellanother solution, another reason why it could be there.

, you're saying Sebastian is the last piece of the Sable Triquetra?


Then they're doomed because he'll never choose them!” | say firmly, not wanting to even think of that as a


Please Goddess! There has to be something else! Another reason for


“No... | don’t think he will choose them,” he sighs softly. “But this isn’t good. We don’t know what this really

means. Sebastian is strong, da mn | won't ever admit this to him, but he is stronger than | am. If he is a Sable,

then we're in trouble. The other two Sable members are powerful to-"

“Why are you talking like he’s about to join them? Goddess! That will not happen. That can’t happen.” | won't

think that into existence.



| sigh as | drop onto my bed.

“He said when you, Valeria and | formed that triangle that night, he heard a voice that said wildcard... | don’t

want to be in denial, but can it be that a sixth person was chosen simply to complete the Sable Triquetra? But it

doesn’t mean it makes him bad, right? Like he can’t ultimately be forced to join them?” | ask quietly.

There's silence, but | wait patiently, praying he'll say no.

Deep down I'm terrified... but | don’t want to believe that. I just don't...

“I really don’t know and can’t lie to you about it,” he finally says, and | close my eyes.


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“But he won't choose them,” | say quietly, yet firmly.

Because he is mine... he’s one of us


“Yes, but | think that’s something you need to talk to him about, the mark, and what it might mean. We don’t

know how these things work, Zaia.

We can't risk it, can’t risk being around him because you may only see the side of Sebastian that he allows you

to see, but he can be dangerous,” he says quietly.

| sigh softly, nodding, although he can’t see me. “Thank you... | will.”

We end the call, and | drop back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling.

Does Sebastian already have an inkling? Maybe that’s what it is?

Is that why he said what he did and was acting so cryptic?

turn onto my side, feeling hopeless

| don’t feel so strong... I'm pushing myself to keep going, but if something happens to Sebastian... if he’s

somehow pitched against


The thought of it makes my stomach churn.

Please let it not be so....

| grab my pillow, hugging it to my chest as | lay there.

| reach one high, then hit a thousand lows.

How do | keep going?