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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 342: Cattleya Stramius
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<Cattleya Stramius POV>

Within my barracks, I opened up a letter.

It had been brought by a messenger from Mira earlier.

Looking at the letter, I couldn’t help smiling.

At the moment, my barracks had been cleared out of people.

The only other person inside the barracks would be the current leader of the Holy Knights, Machia Renaufia.

Machia, who had been receiving reports around the entrance of my barracks, approached.

[Your Majesty, the Queen, I have something to report.]

[Like I said, when it’s just the two of us, it’s fine to call me Cattleya. Calling me “Your Majesty, the Queen” is so formal that it sends chills down my spine. No matter how one’s position may change, what they are inside remains the same.]

[Ah, yes…… Cattleya-sama.]

[Very well. Now then, any new developments?]

[No…… There’s still no sign of Ayaka Sogou’s return at the moment.]

[Fumu. The deadline is drawing near.]

A deadline specified by Ayaka.

She had requested us to stop advancing until that deadline.

[I’m not sure how far this mixed forces without Ayaka-san can go but———– well, it’s fine.]

[What do you mean?]

[Come closer.]

I beckoned her close, and pointed to the letter.

Following my instructions, Machia looked at the letter.

[Why don’t you tell me what was written in this letter?]

[ ? It seems to be…… a passionate plea for surrender.

Thereupon, Machia seemed to have noticed something.

[Seras-sama’s handwriting.]

At those words, I smiled.

[That’s right. By the way, the way these letters are written shows that they are definitely Seras’ handwriting…… but don’t you think there’s something peculiar with these letters?]

[Now that you said it……]


Some parts of the letters seemed to be bolded, seemingly making them strangely stand out.

[This is called “letter picking”.]

[Letter picking?]

[It’s a little cryptic game where you pick up the letters with peculiar characteristics, to which another sentence emerges. It seems that Seras remembers our little game well.]

It’s not just her handwriting……

If she’s using this way of writing, I am sure this letter was written by Seras.

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[In other words, Seras didn’t write this to urge Cattleya-sama to surrender?]

[Yes. Pass me writing tools.]

I wrote down the “picked up letters” on another piece of paper……

As I gradually wrote it down though, the playfulness I had in mind disappeared.

With the tip still on the paper……

[I may have to scrap the plan for our Neia’s army to retreat if I am captured.]

[Cattleya-sama———– being captured?]

Machia seemed surprised at the words I muttered.

Well, the only two people who know about this idea are Cattleya and Seras.

No, since it’s Seras we’re talking about here, she might have revealed this to that Fly King.

Putting down my pen, I sat back on my chair.

[Fufu…… I suppose I have also gained Seras’ trust huh.]


[That child never even dreamed that I would betray her.]

Lowering my gaze down to my crossed legs……

[Seras is just…… pure to the core. And———–]

The former princess of the High Elves who I grew up with like sisters.

The eyes of people tend to be drawn to her extremely good looks.

However, her greatest beauty lies in her purity.

From the time we met, Seras was pure and very straightforward.

On the other hand……

I lost my purity of mind and acquired vileness.

However, I think this difference between us is my weapon.

This disposition is necessary for the daughter of Neia’s Holy King.

In fact, this disposition had been useful when there was unrest in the royal court.

I did teach Seras the etiquettes of the underworld.

However, Seras’ inner core remained pure.

[I suppose there was a part of me that was saved by Seras’ purity.]

Having such a thought in mind, I chuckled.

[Though I say that, her innocence is a double-edged sword. However, that’s why I wanted to protect Seras. The fact that there are people in this world who maintain their purity like her has become an invaluable hope for me.]

“Though I may have been a bit overprotective”, I added with a sigh.


[I think we were saved by Seras-sama too.]

Machia said, her eyebrows lowered and a wry smile on her lips.

[We Holy Knights may look dignified, but we are by no means pure and upright. Of course, even though we’re not hostile with each other, when there are so many of us in a group, there may be unpleasant aspects that arise from being of the same gender…… Cattleya-sama did say that it’s sometimes necessary to show such unpleasant aspects to each other without hiding them but……]

A small smile on my lips, I urged her to continue.

Thereupon, Machia turned her thoughts to the past, a small smile also on her lips……

[However, when Seras-sama was here, everyone had a different attitude. It’s as if———- They don’t want to show an attitude that might leave a bad impression in front of this person. No…… I guess I too am like that. I wonder what is with that myself? As Cattleya-sama said, yes, I think I feel like…… I felt saved when I was with Seras-sama.]

Hearing her say that, my eyes softened and I felt the smile on my face deepening.

Thereupon, Machia looked startled, a blush creeping up her cheeks.

[Her purity———- Or perhaps, her virtuousness holds such power. You could say that it has a purifying effect on those around her.]

That is why impudent people who want to defile such a being exist.

My lips regaining their usual small smile, I leaned back against the backrest.

Crossing my legs the other way around, I intertwine my hands on my lap.

[If she says such a thing that much…… I might as well bet on it.]

My goal is the protection of Neia.

To protect Neia’s people.

To regain how the country was like with my hands————- with the people’s hands.

Even now, I fight to protect the country I had just regained.

All for Neia’s sake.

Bakuos’ invasion of Neia was originally something held back by Vysis.

Because Vysis was displeased, that restraint disappeared.

This was something I heard from Seras when we met again at the Anti-Demon White Castle.

If we continue flattering the Goddess and keep her in a good mood, I will be able to protect my country.


The fact that I’ll have to continue watching over that whimsical Goddess’ mood hereafter————

……is somewhat aggravating.

[However, if it had just been Seras, I wouldn’t have taken this bet.]

[ ? ]

[However, he now stands by Seras’ side after all———–]

That man.

[If that man thinks that there’s a chance of winning…… then maybe I should take him up on that bet.]

[Was there any solid evidence to back his words up?]

[Bets are bets precisely because one isn’t certain about their results.]

Pondering about this for a moment……


[Y- Yes.]

[Have the mixed army gradually fall back to the east.]

[……Would the other forces agree to that though?]

At her words, I smiled.

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This time though, instead of a blush, I could see Machia shuddering.

[In this mixed forces without Ayaka-san…… the other factor recognized as the one that changed the overall situation in this battle———— Who do you think it is?]

[O- Of course, everyone is aware that it was all thanks to Cattleya-sama.]

[Fufu, why thank you. That’s right…… The reason why I was so frantic in demonstrating my “competence” was precisely because I wanted to make it clear that this mixed army is functioning thanks to me.]

Now that Ayaka Sogou is gone.

The mixed forces will not be able to maintain the frontline if they lose me.

No, in fact, in this mixed army……

There’s no one who can see the entirety of the situation and move everyone other than me.

The majority of the people should have come to that realization already……

“That this is all because Cattleya is here.”

Even the original plan———— of having me become the hostage of the enemy……

The more I prepare this environment, the more effective it will be.

[Doesn’t everyone already think…… that my instructions are the result of careful consideration and planning?]

[Indeed…… Cattleya-sama is now in control of the mixed forces……]

The army led by Duke Polarie is the force of the Goddess’ Alion.

However, he trusts me, who had rushed in as reinforcements and one of the contributors for pushing back Mira’s army.

[There’s still some uneasiness regarding Urza’s army but…… even if they were to oppose this decision, it would be no match against the three countries of Neia, Bakuos and Alion.]

Urza’s soldiers in the mixed army have already been considerably beaten down by Mira’s army.

They were already quite exhausted.

That’s why, thinking of the current situation, I fearlessly smiled.

[The position of a Queen is certainly a formal and burdensome position…… but being the representative of a country also increases the power of my voice. It’s unlike when I’m the Princess of a country. Now then, in this mixed army, which army had someone that can act as a representative of their country?]

[Only our Neia……]

[The authority of the position of Queen is very convenient in a situation like this.]

“Ayaka Sogou will not return as an ally.”

It’s also significant that this is confirmed by the information Seras passed to me.

In any case, lightly calling Machia’s attention to me……

[First, use various reasons to have the mixed army keep on retreating. So that Mira’s army will eventually catch up with ours, we’ll adjust the speed subtly in a way that isn’t obvious. And once the situation is ready———— our Neia army will follow Mira army.]


That retreat may cause Vysis to raise questions and come check on the situation herself.

That’s all good too.

She will go out of her way to come out from the solid stronghold of her own camp.

Machia asked.

[What will the armies of other countries do if our army defects to Mira’s side?]

Hearing her question, I gave her a smile as warm as the sun.

[Of course, we will negotiate with them to become our allies, won’t we? Taking my personal feelings into consideration, I don’t want to be in opposition with them, especially with Gus-dono, his Black Dragon Knights, or Duke Polarie. However, if the worst comes to worst, we may have to fight them as enemies. That being the case though, the mixed forces will have to fight against Mira’s army without me.]

<Author’s Notes>

I was thinking of updating next week by May 19th (Friday).

The will be from Touka’s POV.