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Infernal Hero

Chapter 468 1 Leaf
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Chapter 468 1 Leaf

Yang Hongdao didn't say anyone's name in the end. The only thing Gu Tianyou could be sure of was that this person was definitely not Wang Xian. If it was Long Xing Society, a well-known opponent, there was no need to hide it like this.

Gu Tianyou carefully recalled the entire journey from the Yang mansion. He felt as if he had neglected something, but he couldn't remember anything for a moment. The more he thought about it, the more he couldn't remember it, so he didn't think about it anymore.

He took out the phone and called his stupid apprentice. He told him that your uncle was too wary of his master, but your schoolwork was at a critical stage and could not be delayed. The Ye Clan's kung fu was not the same as his master's, so he invited a friend to come over and guide your kung fu on behalf of me.

Ye Xuhui had been grounded for several days because of the previous incident. These two days, the ban had just been lifted. He had taken the initiative to contact Gu Tianyou once before. It meant that the Ye Clan was currently in a situation of fire and water, so he could not leave Seventh Aunt no matter what. She tactfully expressed that she couldn't follow him for the time being.

This Ye Xuhui could endure it, his perception was not bad, his talent was also very good, and his plasticity was extremely strong. What Gu Tianyou admired the most was that this child was very emotional. This was especially rare in the Ye Clan, which was filled with people's self-esteem, and in this era of heroes everywhere.

Ye Xuhui was very happy and kept asking what kind of person was this Eighth Master Long? Why hadn't I heard Master mention it before? Gu Tianyou told him that this expert was a Great Warlock from the Xuanmen Northern Sect. He had also dabbled in kung fu and was a person who had obtained the Grand Dao. He was more than enough to guide you in your cultivation.

After making an appointment, Gu Tianyou transformed into Long Zhiyuan and found Ye Yuan.

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Ye Yuan was the residence of Ye Zhai. The people of southern Fujian were famous for their love of building houses. Ye Yuan was built on the back of mountains and valleys, with a vast pattern. In front of him was the sea, with high mountains on his back. On his left hand was the natural wondrous scenery of the Azure Dragon exploring the sea. His right hand built a White Tiger Temple on the mountain and created a feng shui bureau to climb the tigers. Mountain shade, water energy, and dragon-tiger aura condensed into one house, and the style and spirit of the house was far from being comparable to that of the Yang house. action

Everyone yearned for the emperor and general, but throughout the ages, the people who had been swept away by the waves were all those romantic figures from ancient times. Only generations of clans and hundred-generation houses were truly rich and honorable inheritances. When the population base reaches a certain degree, there will naturally be a large number of talents. For example, even though Long Xing Society's seven great families were filled with heroes and heroes, and they had experienced countless tragedies of extermination, they were still undefeated, relying on this one hundred generations of inheritance.

In the past, Hongwu Zhu Yuanzhang had killed Chen Youlang, Zhang Shicheng, and the nine races. But in the end, it was precisely these two people who played an extremely important role in the Swallow King Jingnan.

The real luxury clans weren't strong at the moment, but at the hundred generations. The Ye Clan was on this road, and they were just on their way.

Spring in Ye Yuan was perhaps much more beautiful than spring anywhere else in the world, because even if there were such a large garden in other places, there were not so many five-colored flowers. Even if there were so many flowers, there were not so many people. Even if there were so many people, there was definitely not such a colorful garden.

The orange blossoms in the southeast blossomed in April, and at this time, the peach blossoms in Ye Yuan had not fallen yet. It was a good time for spring flowers to bloom and fill the courtyard with fragrance.

There were many grudges between wealthy families, and if there were many people, then there would be a lot The Ye Clan was divided into three rooms in Ye Wentao's generation. By the time Ye Shaogang's generation continued to open branches, they were already six cousins. None of them were ordinary people. The reason why Ye Shaogang gave the position to Ye Luoshu back then was not only because of Ye Xiaoqi's ability, but also because he wanted to avoid fighting for a chair in the same room. Ye Luoshu was a girl, sooner or later, she had to go out, so she wouldn't interfere with the interests of the other bedrooms.

There were already 38 siblings in Ye Xuhui's generation. Among them, Ye Shaofeng was the one who had given birth. Ye Xuhui's father had no ambitions, but he was a lecherous big stallion. He had started his stallion career since he was a teenager. The eldest daughter, Ye Jing, was already thirty-five years old when she was in her early fifties. The eldest son, Ye Xudong, was also thirty years old. The youngest child was still in infancy. Including Ye Xuhui, this old man had a total of twelve children.

Ye Shaogang was engrossed in metaphysics, never marrying for his entire life, and his mental ability was unparalleled amongst the younger generation. Because without a descendant, selfishness would be lessened. Naturally, it was easier to control this clan than others. His sudden return caused the already slack clan to reunite.

The one with the highest seniority in Ye Garden was Ye Wentao's widow, Old Madame Chao. Ye Luoshu's mother. In other words, this matriarch could be considered a character. She was originally Ye Wentao's secretary in her twenties and forties, and she followed him until he retired. Later on, Ye Wentao's wife passed away and married into the Ye Clan regardless of the age gap of eighteen. After that, she married her husband and taught her son to manage the rear residence. She was truly a hard-working person in the clan.

The Ye Clan was a patriarchal clan. Many rules strictly followed the Confucian tradition. Although they were incompatible with the real world outside the mansion, they were always carried out in the mansion like golden and iron laws. Only two women had blossomed in this clan after decades of ups and downs. It was Old Madame Zhao and her daughter.

After Ye Wentao's death, Ye Wenlong and Ye Wenlue, two men of the literal generation, did not look favorably on this sister-in-law, who was younger than them by more than ten years. However, it was this woman who pulled Wang Jiqing over twenty years ago and helped Ye Shaogang lead the Ye Clan to the shore in time to change the world and lead the Ye Clan to a higher level in that rainy and stormy era in the southeast. Thus establishing a stable development period of nearly 20 years.

Ye Luoshu was Old Madame Zhao's only flesh and blood in the Ye Clan's mansion. Although she hadn't made much achievements after becoming the Sect Leader of the Ye Clan, she hadn't made any major mistakes. The storm outside the Ye Clan had nothing to do with her. Long Xing Society wanted to control the Fujian-Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce, forcing the Ye Clan to fight against Gu Tianyou. However, before the evil dragon could be driven away, it attracted another ferocious tiger. The situation had developed far beyond her control.

Ye Wenlong and Ye Wenluo were both relatively simple martial artists. Adding on their age, they could hardly come up with any ideas. Old Madame Zhao didn't want Ye Luoshu to carry the family, so she was focused on finding a good husband for her daughter. Wang Baichao was her ideal son-in-law. The other four were Ye Shaotang, Ye Shaozheng, Ye Shaoqi and Ye Shaofang. Apart from Ye Shaotang, the other three had the same thoughts as Ye Shaofeng. They took a step back and surrendered to Long Xing Society.

Now that Ye Shaogang had returned, there was only one voice left in the Ye Clan. On the day of reunification, there was nothing else he could do except to drive Wang Baichao and the others out of the Fengzhou Guild Hall and talk jokingly with Gu Tianyou and Mei Yu about how to retreat from the strong enemies. He was silent. No one knew what this unfathomable Ye Clan's boss was planning. Everyone was watching and waiting.

… … … …

The place where Ye Xuhui lived was relatively inconspicuous. Huaxia people's dwelling place was poor in the west and noble in the east. Nanyang and Beiyin, this unlucky child, who had no mother and no father, lived in the northwest corner of Ye Garden. He lived in a small courtyard with the gardener, chef and cleaner. Although he was known as Ye Jiu Young Master, his treatment status was similar to that of the workers at home.

Gu Tianyou's pseudonym was Long Zhiyuan. He couldn't decide for himself if he wanted to move in, so he went to consult Ye Luoshu first.

Ye Luoshu came, her hair touching her waist, her eyebrows lowered, the corners of her eyes and lips seemed to be filled with sorrow, as if she was feeling pity when I saw her. Compared to the helpless and angry woman in the Fengzhou Guild Hall a few days ago, she was now less helpless and more worried. Compared to the painstaking Ye Clan Sect Leader in her memories, at this moment, she had an even more graceful and touching feminine aura. She was even more beautiful.

The beauty of women is colorful, Zhaojun coming out is great beauty, Daji charm is seductive beauty, swallow dance is light beauty, noble woman drunk is simple beauty, concubine don't overlord is heroic beauty, Xizi hold heart is sad beauty. Ye Luoshu had a kind of miserable beauty on his body. His nose was like the eyes of a distant mountain, and a few strands of messy hair covered Fen Dai. It was very easy for men to have the desire to protect him.

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"Mr. Long is from the north?" She looked at Gu Tianyou carefully as soon as she met him, and then said in a Qilu accent.

It was a shallow probe, Gu Tianyou said, "I've heard a long time ago that there is a beautiful sect leader of the Fujian-Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce. She won't let anyone have her hair cut off. Her character and talents are all top-notch figures in this world. Today, I have to see Long Zhiyuan of the Northern Sect of the Xuanmen Sect. He was entrusted by a friend to teach a few trinkets to a friend's disciple. Please forgive me for disturbing him abruptly."

These words were utterly inconsistent with the expression habits of modern people, but they were very consistent with the tone of a Taoist expert who had been nurtured by traditional culture. The Eight Elements Disguise Technique dressed up as a god and disguised as a ghost. Apart from the Ghost Axe Divine Art of Transformation and Transformation, the most important trick was to figure out and imitate the speech and behavior characteristics of all kinds of people.

Ye Luoshu's slight probing was only out of caution. With Gu Tianyou's phone number and Ye Xuhui's protection, it was basically impossible for Long Zhiyuan to be a spy sent by Long Xing. As for Heaven's Blessed City, she had an inexplicable trust in that man in her heart. Perhaps it was because the man in Qinzhou didn't do anything to her last time, or perhaps it was because of the warm gaze and hard shoulders of the man in the Fengzhou Guild Hall.

Although mother told her, this kind of man is the most terrifying, eat people is to eat your whole body and mind. This kind of man you can't control is actually the most suitable lover. If you want to entrust him for life, he is definitely not the ideal partner. Ye Luoshu actually approved of Old Madame Zhao's words, but the emotions in her heart made her instinctively resist this statement.

Moths flame in order to embrace the light and warmth, life is the process from life to death, isn't it? Who knows how long it will be in a lifetime? How meaningful would this life be if only a hundred years were wasted in darkness and cold?

Ye Luoshu waved his hand and said, "Mr. Long, you don't have to be so polite. You came all the way here to teach Xuhui skills. Although you were entrusted by others, you have benefited the Ye Family. You can be considered a benefactor of the Ye Family. You can stay in Ye Garden and ask for anything you want. As long as it is provided by our Ye Family, you will feel at home."

Gu Tianyou said, "There's no need to be too troublesome. You only need to eat three meals and sleep with your nephew."

Ye Luoshu said, "The courtyard here is simple and crude, but it is better to be quiet. I will let other unrelated people move out. Please do not hesitate to make any demands on your daily household."

She was very polite, even a little verbose. She seemed to have something to say, but it was hard to say. Gu Tianyou read her mind and guessed her thoughts. He secretly sighed in his heart that it was another troublesome karma. "Brother Gu told me about Miss Ye when he came and asked me to tell him in person."

"What does he have to say to me?"

Gu Tianyou said, "The horizon is not far away. Jianghu is always there. Goodbye to you. May Miss Ye be happy and healthy. There is no need to think of him."

Ye Luoshu lowered his head and sighed, "He said that the horizon is not far away, Jianghu is always there, and there is a time to see him again, but I don't have so much time to wait for him to come. My mother's 72nd birthday is in two days, and the entire Ye Garden is busy with this matter. My brother has already made up his mind and will announce my marriage on the birthday. For the sake of the Ye Family and mother, I cannot refuse." At this point, she suddenly raised her head and stared at Gu Tianyou. "Mr. Long, I can't get through to him. Can you help me pass on the news to him?"