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Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 58 - 21
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This is the time after Ziel drove Clara to the silver tower. Clara with a blushing face looks at Ziel walking towards the red tower. She looks at him until his figure disappeared.

Clara then goes inside the silver tower and looks for the place where the first test will be held. But because the tower is so wide, Clara has a hard time finding it. Then she tried to ask the person she met inside the tower.

"Excuse me, do you know where the room for the new student's first exam is? Even though it's listed in the manual book but I don't know where the exact location is." Clara asked a girl who looked the same age as her. She has navy-blue hair and yellow eyes.

"You just need to walk straight. Not far from there you will see a room with a 'first exam room' sign on it." The girl kindly showed Clara the place for the first exam..

"Okay, thanks for the hint you gave." Clara bowed her head slightly to the girl.

"You're welcome. If there's nothing else, I'll go first." The girl immediately left Clara and seemed to be in a hurry. Clara felt guilty seeing it.

She walked according to the directions the girl had given to her. It wasn't long before she arrived at the place where the first test would be held. When Clara entered the room, she was shocked, because the room was almost full. Then she looked for a place where she could sit in the room.

Clara finally found a place that looked deserted and only a girl sat there. She did not know why the seats around that girl were not occupied by other prospective students. She's the girl Clara saw during registration yesterday. The girl with long black hair silenced the registration hall because of her arrival.

Clara walked over there and intended to sit next to her. But she felt strange gazes from the people around her. Since she didn't know why Clara just ignored them and continued walking towards the girl.

"Is this chair empty?" Clara asked the girl who was just silent.

"Eh... Ah yes, it's empty. But are you sure you want to sit here?" A beautiful and melodious voice rang out from the girl's mouth. But she looks surprised and confused because someone wants to approach her.

"Of course. Or should I not occupy it?" Clara was slightly stunned when she saw the girl up close and heard her voice. The girl's skin looked extremely white and smooth, black eyes like onyx gems and long straight black hair like the darkness of the night. Even her voice calmed Clara's heart. But Clara was worried that she wasn't allowed to sit there, she looked around trying to find another chair. But she saw several prospective students looking at her with worried and sympathizing looks.

"No, it's not like that. But... Don't you feel anything?" The girl worriedly asked Clara.

"Hmm... What do you mean?" Clara tilted her head in confusion at the girl's question.

"I mean, is there something strange about your body condition?" The girl was a little surprised by Clara's response.

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"I feel fine. So can I sit next to you?" Clara smiled and asked her back about the empty seat next to her. Because Clara felt more and more gazes at her as she stood up and chatted with the girl in front of her.

"Ah... yes I'm sorry. Please." The girl was confused seeing Clara smiling and looking fine.

"Thanks. Ooh, I forgot to introduce my name. I'm Clara Castilene. You can call me Clara. I'm glad to be your acquaintance." After sitting down, Clara immediately introduced herself to the girl.

"Castilene? You mean you're the daughter of duke Castilene of this kingdom?" The girl is a little surprised because Clara is the daughter of the nobles of the Neigal Kingdom.

"You know? Yes, I am the daughter of Hazell Castilene. But my father said I can't bring my status here. Hmm... May I know your name?" Clara looks a little excited because someone knows her family.

"I... My name is Iris Neigal. You can also call me Iris. I'm also glad to be your acquaintance." Iris gave a smile and politely introduced herself.

"Neigal? You are Princess Iris Neigal!? I apologize for my rude behavior, Your Highness Princess!" Clara was shocked after hearing the girl's name. She remembered how she had spoken before and was afraid that she had offended Princess Iris. Due to her slightly loud voice, she invites back the gazes of those around her. But this time what she saw were the confused faces of those people.

"You said it yourself, didn't you? That you shouldn't bring your status into this academy. So you don't have to be so polite. Please call me Iris. Because I don't have any friends the same age as me. So I'd be happy if you spoke more casually to me." She said it with a smile even though her face looked sad.

"Alright... Then... I... Iris. Nice to meet you." Clara still hesitates to speak too casually to the Princess of the kingdom her father serves.

"Nice to meet you too Clara. Did you come to apply to the academy by yourself? As far as I know, that it's quite far from your area to come here." Princess Iris smiled widely, a smile that even the flower gardens were embarrassed about. You can see a happy face from her. Clara was mesmerized for a moment at that smile even though she was the same woman.

"No, I came here with my aunt who is also a teacher at this academy and my servant." Clara answered honestly.

"You have an aunt that becomes teacher here? And you came with your servant? You mean is he just accompanying you or is he enrolling in this academy?" Princess Iris looks enthusiastic talking to Clara she showers her with questions.

"Ahaha... Yes, I have. To be precise she is an old friend of my mother. And my servant, Ken I mean. He enrolled here too." Clara chuckled at Princess Iris' enthusiasm.

"Ah sorry, I'm too happy because I haven't had a conversation like this with a girl my age." Princess Iris felt that she was too excited to talk to Clara.

"it's okay iris, I'm glad you think like that." Clara smiled widely at Princess Iris' attitude. She was also no different from Princess Iris. Because she'd never chatted like that with a girl her age.

The two of them continued chatting while chuckling and ignoring the stares from the people around them. When 2 people suddenly appeared on the podium stopped their chat. Clara was surprised to see one of the two people. Because she is Clara's aunt, Beatrix Artvika.

"Welcome prospective students of Piqmentia Grand Academy." The person who spoke was a young man with shoulder-length red hair.

"We are the ones who will supervise your exams. I am Beatrix Artvika and he is Reid Brandon." Beatrix and Reid currently wear the same uniform that Christof and Kalya wear. It looks like it's the uniform that teachers at the academy will wear.

"Alright, let's start our test right away." Reid snapped his fingers and the exam paper appeared in front of the prospective students.

"Iris, good luck!" Clara cheered on Princess Iris beside her.

"You too Clara." Iris smiled in response.

"Exam begins." Beatrix's words signify the exam has begun.


The first test has been completed. After finishing their 15-minute break. Currently, Princess Iris and Clara are in the second exam room. One by one the prospective students were called forward to measure their strength. Not long after that, Princess Iris's turn finally came.

"Iris, good luck." Clara holds Princess Iris' hand encouraging her before she leaves.

"Thanks, Clara." Princess Iris smiled at her and walked over to the mana measuring device. The prospective students gave her a path, or rather they avoided her. Princess Iris's face, which was once happy, became gloomy.

Beatrix who saw the exchange between Clara and Princess Iris became confused. Because she knows what happened to Princess Iris and how it affects other people.

(This is weird, is it possible that her mana doesn't have the same effect as before or she has a magic tool that seals his mana's radiance perfectly. No, from the reaction of the other prospective students, being close to her is still very dangerous. Then what's weird here... Clara?)

Beatrix speculated in her heart. But after she thought, only one answer made sense. There's something strange about Clara so she doesn't get the effect of Princess Iris' mana.

(I'll ask her later)

While Beatrix was thinking, the value of princess Iris' mana measurement appeared.


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"Pass... Next." Reid who was initially dumbfounded by the results of Princess Iris immediately came to his senses and called out to the next participant.

Clara looks with a big smile congratulating Princess Iris and holding her hands. Princess Iris' gloomy face turned into a happy one. Finally, after a long wait, Clara's turn come. She walked towards the measuring device, she immediately put his hand on the crystal ball. The hairpin on her head shined unnoticed by others.


"What!?" Beatrix who saw it was shocked. Because she knows very well that Clara has just become a senior mage. But the value from the measuring device gave her indicated Clara was already halfway to the Magic Master.

"Pass... Next." Reid who didn't know anything just nodded and recorded Clara's value on the magic tool in his hand.

(I'll have to take the time and talk to her later!)

Beatrix muttered the same thing in her heart.


After the second test is over. Princess Iris and Clara are currently undergoing their third exam. They both passed because they could last until their exam time was up. Since the two of them were both mages, they were doing long-range combat inside while stalling for time until it ran out.

It wasn't long before their third test was over. Reid and Beatrix immediately left the place leaving the prospective students behind. Clara and Princess Iris walked together out of the silver tower.

"Iris, are you going back to your inn?" Clara asked Princess Iris on her way out of the tower.

"I don't know. How about you?" Princess Iris looked around her. People along the way out of the tower dodge her.

"Ah... I'll be waiting for ken. He said he would pick me up." Clara's face suddenly turned red when she remembered what happened this morning.

"May I come with you?" Princess Iris subconsciously said that. Once she realized what she had said she wanted to take back her words. But Clara answered first.

"Of course. But you have to be patient. Because he's a quiet and cold boy." Clara nodded slightly in response. But Princess Iris looks worried. She was scared when he was close to her. That person will be affected by her mana. Moreover, he seems close to Clara. Princess Iris is afraid that Clara will be angry with her if his servant is hurt by her. She doesn't want it to happen again.

When both of them were waiting in front of the tower. A boy with black hair approached them. Princess Iris didn't know why, but she felt something strange about her when she saw the boy.

"Ken!" Clara's voice brought her back to reality.