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Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 722 ‘Friends’ from the academy
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Chapter 722 ‘Friends’ from the academy

?[Eon's POV: ]

"Repeat it nine times more!" Anna shouted while slapping my head with her hands… her hands that were not little anymore. Thᴇ link to the origɪn of this information rᴇsts ɪn novelenglish.net . Firᴇ(.)nᴇt

She was sitting on my shoulder, making me do squats as a punishment and there was this thing I had to say while doing that.

"I am a bad brother, I did bad things, I should be punished."

"More sincerely!"

I know for a fact she learned these words and this specific kind of weird punishment from mom and dad… but I should leave it for now.

She was smart so she will understand what these words, said in a little different context, would actually mean to someone's partner during their private time.

"I am a bad brother. I did bad things. I should be punished."

"That's it! Keep going~!"

This sounded so weird coming from her innocent mouth I didn't know how to even tell her just how inappropriate it sounded. But then again, bringing this up would only mean I was the one thinking these inappropriate things.

'I will have to bring this up when mom and I are having our own private talk later today.'

She was a little girl who knew little about the adults she spends most of her time with, but she would learn it later. Hopefully, much later.

"Alright! Your punishment is finished, big brother~! You can put me down now~!"

She slapped my head again and with a helpless smile, I spun her room three times before using wind magic and making her fly in her room like we used to do before.

We used to play a lot before I went to the academy however, it has been a while since she experienced flying like this.

"Heheheh~! Big brother~! This feels even more fun for some reason~!"

My control over the elements also increased after my origin awakening so I was able to control the elements in a more efficient way now and on top of that, the personal spells that I created were even more 'realistic' than they used to be.

'The winds felt more real now, like, when I used the spell (: Float) of the wind attribute, the winds that were produced were so gentle that it actually gave the feeling a person was actually floating or flying in this case.

"You will be able to fly on your own in the future, little one."

The flying around the room wasn't going to be much fun since this place was small and alredy filled with many things like the dolls of all our friends that Zoe must have told her about.

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"I will be able to fly~?! Really~?!"

"Of course. Angels can fly naturally since they have wings, no?"

"Hmm? But I don't have wings though… will I have wings when I am a grown up like you and sister Elle?"

She didn't deny the angel part, hehe.

This was unexpectedly cute of her.

"Who knows? Perhaps you will, perhaps you won't. It depends on how well you practise and do all the things you are supposed to.

Being a good girl and staying the just the way you are right now might help with it, but if you don't do the sword training and the physical training, you might not have them."

"Whaaaaaat?! But that sword training is soooo difficult! Grandpa tells me to run around the garden, do weird exercises, and I even have to swing sword hundreds of time everyday!

Why can't I just read books and do magic like daddy and big brother?!"

"Because it's important, darling." I hugged her and took her out of her room as we had many people to meet.

'It seems like she didn't like physical training much.'

But I can tell her endurance and mentality as good as mine.

Swinging her sword for 'hundreds' of time everyday was just the start for her.

'When my master taught me, I had to Perfectly shoot tens of thousands of arrows at moving targets every single day.'

And I had to shoot them one at a time so the kind of training I had went through was nothing less than hell.

'She has seen me train Carla, Alf, and Rein so she knows we do more intense things than she was doing right now, but until now, she had never realised how difficult what we do actually was.'

I made Carla swing her sword in perfect motions thousands of times during our training sessions until the core basics of sword, sword form, breathing, and muscle movements were engraved in her very bones.

Same for Alf.

'He had to draw the same spell circles until he had perfectly mastered every single stroke, every line, and every pattern on it. And he had to do it until he gained a perfect understanding of what he was working on.'

He then had to reverse engineer the spell all on his own. And he had to do it in every single session without any kind of break.

'Carla was always left physically exhausted while Alf's head stopped working for a few moments after he was done with his spells.'

The kind of training they had received from grandpa and others on one side, the kind of training they had to go through because of me was nothing easy.

It was hell for them, but the only reason they were going through that kind of hell was all for their own good.

'They wanted to get better and stronger. And they did get better and stronger after every single one of those hellish sessions.'

It was difficult, but they were world renowned prodigies of the golden era so they can at least endure this much.

And, since it is inevitable, Anna will have to go through that kind of training under me as well. Actually, the kind of training she will have to go through under me after her awakening will be much, much more difficult than what the two of them or Chry or the others had to go through.

"Anna is special. More special than any of us. That is why if Anna wants to have her wings and fly on her own, or do cool things like me and others, Anna will have to stay true to what is being taught to her until she can learn from me directly-"

"Big brother will teach me?! Really~?!"

She shouted exactly when I opened the door to the main hall of our house and surprised every person present there.

Especially Nes.


She was so stunned she actually jumped and fell down after missing her landing.

"Hmm? Ohhh! Someone fell down! Big brother! Put me down! Someone fell!"

Quin was being clumsy since this was her first time being in this place, this new environment, this place where her friends had grown up in; however, it wasn't that unusual that she fell down after a surprise.

At least, we who knew her closely knew that much.

"Sister?! Are you hurt anywhere?!"

Anna ran up to her as soon as I put her down and started asking her if she was alright with a worried look.

"I… I am okay…"

And as I knew when Quin as well as everyone else saw my Anna, even with her special crystal eyes hidden, they were all enchanted by her beauty.

"Are you really alright? Please stand up first. Let's sit there."

Med had seen her before and Anna knew Med as old Lion grandpa's granddaughter so they were acquainted, however, the rest of them including Dereon and our villainess regressor Ezra.

Even Nova had an unexpected blush on his face when he saw her.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, unaware of any of them, Anna helped Quin and took her to a nearby chair, sat her down and checked for any signs of wounds.

Thankfully, she didn't find any.

"Huuu. Looks like sister is alright. Do you feel any pain?"

"No I don't… I am perfectly fine, Miss Anastasia."

"Why is sister call me Miss, hehe. You are big sister and big brother's friend right~? Then you can call me Anna~."

Quin wanted to hug her, lol. Everyone wanted to.

My little Anna was just that cute after all.

"Alright then~. Can you stand up big sister? Or should I call everyone else here?"

"W-what? No! It's fine. I'm alright so let's just go to them."

Anna met Quin first, but she still had everyone else we still had many others to introduce to her.

"Alright Anna~!"

With Zoe, Chry, Carla, Alf, Rein and me on one side, with her in my arms, we started introducing everyone she had only ever heard about from the others.

'She already knew the stories about us from our time in the academy, but even though this was her first time seeing all of them for the first time, she showed no hint of knowing much about any of them.'

She also didn't show how Rein and I were someone that already knew about all of them closely.

She made a promise to us and she was keeping it better than any nine year old should have been capable of.

"So, first of all, the one you just helped. This one here is Aleequinn or Quin as we call her. The amazing captain of one of the houses, like yours truly~." Zoe introduced.

They were our 'friends' from the academy so we were going to introduce them one by one to her, and as for the ones who were here after winning the random draws, it would be the same for them.

They were also part of someone's house so the people knew them well.

Anna was excited to greet all these people she had only ever heard about from the others. Especially the first friend we had made in the academy. The one she unknowingly helped a while back.

"You are sister Quin~?! The one with cooooooool spirits that started the thank you tradition~?!"

She has been wanting to meet with her since the time we told her how she attacked us with a fountain of water on our first encounter.

'She found her cool for some reason and the fact that she didn't even know the language that we speak had surprised her even more.'

She admired her. And now, she was before her.