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King Of Limbo

28 Chapter 28
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"Not yet, I want to exchange a few words with our guests on the lower floors" These were Aron's words as he answered Jin, before standing from the table and turning to leave.

Jin simply gave him a knowing nod and leaned back into his seat before placing his legs on the table relaxingly.

"Well all the best with that, interrogations have never really been my strong hold. Aristocrats tend to upset me more than I should be." Jin added before yawning and stretching his arms in a tired manner. Aron only nodded at this before leaving the room entirely and heading towards the lower floors.

As he made his way through the halls and stairs of the ship that resembled what one would expect the interior of a lavish mansion to look like.

Even the lower floors that stored cargo had an exceptionally well decorated interior that could rival any lavish mansion's event's hall.

But Aron had no interest admiring the beautiful craftsmanship that surrounded him. No, the only thing that had Aron's interest where the two women that sat leaning against a wall, Anastasia and her maid.

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"..." it didn't take long for them to notice Aron's presence and look in his direction as he made his way towards them.

The maid in particular seemed especially agitated by Aron's presence and moved closer to Anastasia as if shielding her from him.

"Good, you're awake." Aron stopped a few inches away from the outer rune layer of the glyph which had dim glow, with these in place they didn't dare try anything haphazardly.

Once she saw Aron stop and look down at her, Anastasia showed an angered look as she felt he truly was looking down on her, her pride immediately caused her to stand and walk two steps which brought her mere inches away from the inner rune layer of the glyph.

"I warn you, release me now before you make things any worse for yourself. Do you even know who you're dealing with?" Anastasia spoke in a calm collected tone towards Aron who simply looked at her as if she were amusing to him.

Given her status it wasn't odd that she was confident even during this situation.

"Spare me the threats, wether I release you or not I can't reverse the damage done. Quite frankly the only reason I didn't kill you before is because you could be useful." Aron crossed his arms and titled his head slightly as he explained his intentions towards Anastasia plainly.

His words struck Anastasia hard as she tried to reach for his throat but found her hand stopped by the barrier. She looked down at the runes in anger before quickly raising her head, only to see Aron showing a small smirk.

"What are you going to do if I refuse to corporate? You may be safe now but if you so much as scratch me, my family will go to any lengths to see you dead, you don't look suicidal so I know deep down you won't hurt me. I will admit however that you're skilled so if you agree to join me all this can be overlooked, instead of death you'll gain wealth and fame or whatever it is you seek." Anastasia offered or threatened before showing a smile of her own but Aron remained calm and unfazed. He instead simply let out a sigh while shaking his head at the girl.

"You say join but it's no better than serving you isn't it? Whatever, let's put that notion aside for now as that's not the reason I came here. All I want is for you to answer a few questions for me." Aron kept his hands crossed near his chest and began pacing to and from the edge of the barrier, while speaking in a calm tone. This only served to unsettle Anastasia, which was precisely what he wanted.

Her status, her threats and even her confidence didn't seem to faze him so she began to worry that he wasn't some normal contestant. He could very well have been sent to purposefully attack her after all her and her family had their own share of enemies.

"If your aim is my family secrets then I won't utter a word no matter what you do. So do your worst, I just hope you can handle the consequences." Anastasia replied confidently making Aron come to a halt, he simply now looked at her with a blank expression making her mind constantly wonder what he was thinking.

'He keeps on bluffing, I'm sure of it. It isn't impossible for a commoner to be well versed in magic but he looks no older than my brother. He must have some sort of backing.' Anastasia began to question herself constantly within her mind. Fear of the unknown slowly bubbling up inside her mind. Soon she began to take his looking at her as mockery and snapped at him.

"What is it you want? Speak clearly already!" Anastasia yelled out angrily, even causing her maid to look at her oddly as it wasn't common for her to lose her cool. When she noticed this, she quickly tried to recompose herself but not without making Aron realize something as he he took a few steps closer towards the barrier.

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"Image is very important towards aristocrats if I remember correctly. One wrong act and your reputation could be ruined for life, it must be hard living life under such constraints. I applaud you all for this, so if you wish to keep your reputation clean then I suggest you answer the few questions I have to ask, I assure you I have no interest in your family's secrets." Aron offered plainly and simply before stretching out his hand towards Anastasia's stomach.

Anastasia instinctively shuffled back when she saw him do this and put up her guard but a split second later, she felt her insides rumble madly. She immediately held her stomach and gave deathly glare towards Aron who showed a small smile.

"Oh? No need to give me such a horrid look, I've given you options. Either answer my questions or have your bodies functions run mad, I can't imagine the look your peers and servants will give after finding you wallowing in your own filth for days. Ridicule, shame, loss of respect, I can already picture so many things that would come about as a result. Well? What shall it be? answer my questions? Or should I leave and let you be? I wouldn't want to be around for what follows."

Aron's patience was wearing thin as he wasn't even asking for much but Anastasia's stubborn nature just didn't seem to give way, so he chose to give her a little push.

​ Aron's threat had Anastasia wide eyed, he had already set her mind on a trend of overthinking with his earlier probing, so when he suddenly brought her body to the state it was now in she had no time to thoroughly process. Panic slowly rising in her mind every time she managed the result of not doing what he asked.

It was clear after exchanging a few words that Anastasia wasn't as rash as the earlier group of aristocrats Aron encountered. She at the very least looked like she thought situations through so if it weren't for her underestimating her opponents and leaving the work of dealing with them to her servants then the situation may have been different. She new this and it was part of the reason she felt angry and ashamed at the state she was now in.

"How dare you! I will have you killed if you do such a thing!Stop this immediately!" Anastasia opted to try and threaten in a desperate attempt as she felt she could no longer control her bodily functions but Aron never once seem fazed.

"I very much doubt that, it's already embarrassing having a member of their family not only lose to a commoner but to be left wallowing in their own filth. Would it not only serve to embarrass them more if they sought revenge against a single commoner for that act? Maybe or maybe not, I'm willing to take the risk but question is are you? I'd answer quickly if I were you, time isn't on your side." Aron responded casually with a smirk while feeding Anastasia bland scenarios that had no real ground.

"Fine! Fine! I'll answer your questions!" She hurriedly spoke bringing a smile to Aron's face. Her body was in a state of disarray so no matter how hard she tried she couldn't see a way out aside from agreeing.

"Finally cooperating, good. Now for the questions..."