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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear-Novel

Chapter 692
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Primme’s Sister Ronne Part 3

“You shouldn’t even think of forcibly stopping the process. Because if you do that, the magic in his body will be released indiscriminately, and he will surely die.” (Bellung)

Bellung then said that to keep Ryan alive, they would have to keep the magic power flowing to Ryan.

“So much magic power, where does it cfrom?” (Ronne)

“Huh, there are many inhabitants in the town, right? I got it from them.” (Bellung)

A scene of the town cto my mind.

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A town in which everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.

He said that he collected the magic power from residents of such a town.

I asked, “Were they not residents of your town?”

Bellung laughed atand said everything in this town belonged to him.

He was crazy.

Now he was no longer an innocent person who liked to see and enjoy things about me, but an ugly human being.

“And don’t even try to ask for help from others. If, if you do….” (Bellung)

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Bellung pulled out a knife and thrust it into the side of Ryan’s head.

“If you kill Ryan, you will not be able to see me.” (Ronne)

“Well, if Ryan escapes, I will never be able to see you again either way.” (Bellung)

To Bellung, Ryan’s rescue and death meant the sthing.

After this day, Bellung beca demon.

He drove out all of his subordinates who had any complaints against him, so only those who listened to him remained in the house.

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The town was spied on, and there was a great deal of dissatisfaction among residents with Bellung for forcibly collecting their magic power.

But Bellung continued to ignore them.

As a result, more and more people left the town, and the adventurers who had been defeating monsters also left. With that, a problem arose.

To take away magical power, one needed magical stones. With the decrease in the number of adventurers, the supply of magic stones becinsufficient.

If Ryan could no longer be supplied with magic power, he would die.

Bellung orderedto give my power to the knights so that they could defeat monsters in place of adventurers.

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Research had shown that if I mixed Ryan’s magic power with mine and gave it to them, they would becstronger. The problem was that the power would disappear if I did not give it to them regularly.

I didn’t want to use Ryan’s magic for the knights to obtain power, but I had to comply to protect him.

I would appear before the knights and give them power.

The knights were skeptical at first, but when they saw that they had becstronger, they were grateful and started calling themselves fairy knights.

The empowered knights started hunting down monsters on behalf of the adventurers, and they were able to secure a steady supply of monster magic stones.

And as the knights becstronger, no one could openly stand against Bellung. Those who had complained in front of his mansion were silenced and were banished.

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When anyone was discovered talking ill of Bellung in the shadows, they would soon disappear with news of them being sent outside town.

The joyful atmosphere of the town when I first visited was gone, and it becgloomy.

What was I doing?

I wanted to throw everything away and run away.

But I couldn’t do it.

I gave up thinking, and tjust kept on passing.

Meanwhile, Bellung’s research on fairies continued, and so did the effect of my fairy power on the knights.

Since continuing his research was in exchange forto see Ryan, there was no way forto decline.

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“I want to see Primme.” (Ronne)

I picked up a handkerchief.

Primade this handkerchief for me. I also made one for her and we exchanged them.

I’m sorry.

“Primme… I miss you…” (Ronne)

I wanted to see her smile.

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But I could never see her again.

I couldn’t take that man to the fairy forest.

Clutching my handkerchief, I felt Pricloser than usual.

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Holding the handkerchief, I could feel Primme.

I grasped the handkerchief again.

No way…

I closed my eyes and concentrated.

I could feel that Priwas nearby.

Was she in this town? 

No, it was much closer.

No way, in this mansion? 

I jumped out of bed.

Where was she? 

I looked around the house and found Primme.

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Did she call the way here to look for me? 

When I saw Primme’s face, I started to cry.

I would like to see her, but I couldn’t leave.

I have been a bad fairy.

I couldn’t face Primme.

Ah, you can’t go in that room.

Primme, who did not know what I had been through, went into Bellung’s room.

If Bellung found her, she would be in big trouble.

I looked into the room from the small window where Prientered.

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Priwas looking at my painting.

It was a picture ofthat Bellung had painted himself.

He was obsessed with me, but if he knew that Priwas here, Primight end up like me.

Just then, I saw Bellung coming toward me.

Primme, get out of here.

Even though I knew he couldn’t see Primme, I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he saw her.

Bellung entered the room and stopped in front of my painting.

“You are mine.” (Bellung)

I feel sick.

Bellung sensed something and started to walk around the room.

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Perhaps he noticed Primme? 

Bellung had also been working on a study to see all fairies.

If his research was completed, and he could see Primme, she would be in big trouble.

Bellung was walking near where Priwas.

I did not know what to do, but I had to somehow protect Primme.

Primanaged to leave the room and escape.

Bellung also looked where Prihad run off to.

I moved in front of Bellung so that he wouldn’t follow Primme.

“Oh, Ronne, you were there?” (Ronne)

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“Yes, I was here. I was just messing with you.” (Bellung)

I guess he was convinced by my words because he extended his hand to me. I stepped onto his hand, and he looked pleased.

Bellung was unaware that Priwas in this room.

I resist the urge to go after Priright away.

“It’s always beautiful to see you.” (Bellung)

“Thank you.” (Ronne)

Then, after a few moments, he let go of me, perhaps satisfied.

I went to see Ryan to calm myself down.

“Ryan, my sister clooking for me. What should I do?” (Ronne)

But there was no reply.

Ryan remained sleeping since then.

He was emaciated and kept alive by magic.

In my heart, I knew I should not let him suffer like this, but I couldn’t leave him to die as well.

“I wish I could hear Primme’s voice.” (Ronne)

I thought about it a lot and finally decided to go see Primme.

Priwould not leave until she found me. If she cback and Bellung found her, she would be in big trouble.

At night, I left the house unnoticed by Bellung and the knights. It was dark outside and the town was quiet.

I looked for Primme’s location, relying on her handkerchief.

This was it.

A slightly larger building… From the sign, it must be a building where people stay.

I wonder if it was this room.

Primme’s handkerchief allowedto know that she was staying in this place.

The window was closed.

Using wind magic, I lifted the lock upwards and released the clasp.

When I entered the room, I found two people and small bears sleeping together on the bed. And Priwas sleeping in a small basket.

She’s with humans?

Could it be that they could see Primme? 

At first, I took out sleeping powder from my pocket and sprinkled it on the sleeping humans.

This should keep them asleep even if we make a bit of noise.

I approached Primme.

She was sleeping well.

I haven’t seen my sister’s face in a long time.

I was happy to know that she call the way here to look for me.

But I couldn’t respond to Primme’s feelings.

“Primme, wake up!” (Ronne)

“Ugh, who?” (Primme)

She didn’t wake up.

“Con, wake up.” (Ronne)

“Oh, sister!” (Primme)

She opened her eyes and was surprised to see me.

“Primme, it’s been a long time!” (Ronne)

“Sis, why are you here? I chere looking for you.” (Primme)

I knew she had call the way here to look for me.

I was so happy.

“Yes, I know you did. You cto that mansion the other day, right?” (Ronne)

I resisted the urge to hug her.

“Did you notice me? Then why didn’t you cout? No, it doesn’t matter. Let’s go home, sister.” (Primme)

I would like to go back to the fairy forest with Prijust like this. But I couldn’t go back.

“I chere today to tell you that I’m not going back, so you go back to the fairy forest by yourself.” (Ronne)

“Sis!” (Primme)

If I told Prieverything, the kind Priwould try to help me.

If that happened, that man might find her.

Just as I was about to ask her to give up, the person who was sleeping in the bed woke up.

“What do you mean by that?” (Yuna)

It was not a person who got up, but a bear.

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No, it was a human girl dressed as a bear.

“I thought I made everyone inhale the sleeping powder so that they wouldn’t wake up.” (Ronne)

How did she manage to get up?

The girl dressed as a bear called out the nof the other girl as well as the bears sleeping next to her.

I think I would have also called those bears – Swaying Bear and Hugging Bear.

She was an interesting girl.

I wonder if this girl dressed as a bear was Primme’s partner.

“Ronne, I believe. What do you mean by you’re not going hwith Primme?” (Yuna)

“It’s just as I said. I’m staying here.” (Ronne)

“Why do you say that, sister? If you are being held captive by humans, why are you not trying to escape with us?” (Primme)

I shook my head.

If I could go home, I would. But now that Bellung and I were connected, I couldn’t go back to the fairy forest.

“I have someone important here, so I can’t go back with Primme.” (Ronne)

“Sis!” (Primme)

Prishouted, but I ignored her and turned my attention to the sleeping girl with the bear in her bed.

From a moment ago, I could feel a faint connection with this girl.

When I mentioned this to Primme, she toldthat the handkerchief I made for her went inside this girl’s body. How did that happen?

Either way, it didn’t matter.

“I see. Well, okay, Primme, get out of this town and go back to the fairy forest. And forget about me.” (Ronne)

I said to Priin a dismissive way, for her to at least hateand leave.

I wanted her to get out of this town as soon as possible, even if she hated me.

I also warned Prithat her partner might get sick because she might be deprived of her magic power later tonight.

That was about all I could do.

The effects of having one’s magic power taken away varied from person to person, but I could only hope that Primme’s partner would not be affected too much.

Primme’s eyes were teary, and she was depressed at my words.

I wanted to hug her, but I couldn’t. I wanted her to return to the fairy forest as soon as possible and forget about me.

If I stayed here any longer, I would end up crying, too. However, when I was about to leave, Primme’s partner stopped me.

I couldn’t leave like this, so I answered her questions that made sense to me.

“You’re the one granting the Knights power, right?” (Yuna)

“Yes, I am.” (Ronne)

“Why do you give power to the knights?” (Yuna)

“To collect magic stones.” (Ronne)

“Why are you collecting magic stones?” (Yuna)

“To gather magic power.” (Ronne)

“Why are you collecting magic power?” (Yuna)

“So that he doesn’t die.” (Ronne)

It was to prevent Ryan’s death.

That was the only reason I worked so hard until today.

I didn’t know how long it would last.

I wanted to run away many times. But when I saw Ryan sleeping, I couldn’t run away.

“Not to make the knights stronger?” (Yuna)

“I’m done talking. I have nothing more to say.” (Ronne)

I was not going to leave with you guys even if we talked more.

“One last thing. What if we force you out of this place?” (Yuna)

Primme’s partner moved.

I used that moment to turn around and escape outside the room.

She seemed like a kind partner.

She call this way to bringback for my sister.

If that man found out about Priand her, he might do the sthing to her as he did to Ryan.

If that happened, Priwould be very sad.

So, please get out of this town as soon as possible.

Cto think of it, I thought I had turned off my magic power with Ryan so that people wouldn’t see me, but that girl dressed as a bear was able to seeand was talking to me.

No way, that should not be…

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