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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 89 A New Identity
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Hugh was the first one to react, "Right. You would need a new identity, to move around."

Kyran nodded.

"Stella told me she plans to introduce me at the banquet later as someone related to one of you," he started. "If I appear as a mage who can use arrays, then my identity would either be a relative or an apprentice of one the Blacksmith Order."

Kyran said and looked at Noir and Sigma.

Sigma immediately scowled.

"Believe me, I don't want to either. But its better than me being related to the other members and also have a relation with the Black Order," Kyran said after seeing Sigma's scowl. "It involves too many people relation and it will be harder to forge an identity that can't be easily questioned."

Initially, Kyran thought of using Nar's identity and have the Mercenary Hall provide him an identity as a mercenary specializing in Array and combat. However, Nar's 'face' was created by Nolan, and Kyran did not know when he would return. So Kyran decided to get another identity to use when working with The Conclave. Besides, he thought of using 'Nar' as another identity that only he and Nolan knew. Because there were dangerous things he needed to do, and if he used the identity given by The Conclave, if an accident happened and exposed his relationship with them, it would not be suitable for his plans.

"In that case, I know exactly the identity you can use." Noir said with a meaningful smile.

When Stella heard him, she immediately nodded approvingly.

"That's right. We can use that," Stella said with a smile.

Kyran looked at her questioningly and asked, "That? Not 'him'?"

Stella looked at him and nodded, "Yes. Because that identity is actually fiction."

"Oh, you mean that!" Malia also reacted.

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The other members also realized what Noir and Stella meant and nodded their heads in agreement.

Noir smiled and explained, "To give you an introduction. An Array Specialist is a very rare profession. It is even rarer than a Saint Alchemist. Thus, there are a lot of clan patriarchs and noble family leaders who wants their genius family members become a disciple of an Array Specialist. Because Having an Array Specialist in a clan is a great asset. To explain further about this profession, an Array Specialist is not only good in array creation, but also in weapon crafting and refining. If a clan has even one specialist, then it will be much easier for them to create an exclusive weapon that can boost their clan members' power."

Noir then made a worried expression and continued, "And so many nobles and clan leaders had come at our Blacksmith Order to request for their children to become my and the rest of the Order's Master Smiths' disciples. Fortunately, because of a decree made by the Royal Army that an Array Specialist can only have one disciple at a time. As long as we submit a name of a mage we had taken as our disciple, we can easily refuse the requests of these leaders."

Kyran's brow creased after hearing another one of the Royal Family's absurd decrees. It was clear they did not want The Conclave to have many Array Specialists because of what they might pose to them.

"I was unable to submit a name for a long time, but a year ago, the Lord told me she would help create a fictional disciple for me so I can finally refuse all the requests I received."

"I see," Kyran nodded, finally understanding why they referred to it as 'that' identity.

But after hearing Noir's story. He felt a little disappointed. He wanted to ask Noir about arrays, but he noticed how reluctant he was on getting a disciple. He knew that as a Master in Arrays, Noir probably did not want to teach just anyone. Kyran even thought of asking short-term discipleship to get Noir to teach him the basics. But now.

"Can I ask why you didn't want to accept a disciple?" Kyran asked.

If he knew Noir's reasons, he might still have a chance to convince him.

As soon as Kyran asked this, the expressions of most council members turned foolish. Especially Sigma, whose complexion also turned gray.

Noir's expression instantly became hard, and his answer surprised Kyran.

"All those people coming to me and bragging about their children being a genius. Humph. Genius my ass. All they know is talk. They don't even know basic array calculation and even thought it was simple as long as they know magic array calculation! Ignorant fools! Magic array is different from Array creation! They don't even know that basics and they expect to be taught by someone as esteemed as my self?"

It appeared! Noir's dark side!

The rest of the council members could not help but sweat at the indignant tone from Noir's voice.

Any topic about arrays and discipleship was Noir's reversed scale. Those who made light of Array were Noir's enemy. Especially those who claimed to be an unrivaled genius. Although Noir was also hailed as a genius in Array, the truth, he was not. He only loved studying arrays. After many years of studying array as if his life depended on it, he finally made a name for himself. Few knew how much Noir failed at array creation and formation in his younger days. And with all those failures, he finally succeeded and got to where he was now. However, only one person  recognized his efforts even before he made a name for himself. That person was the previous Lord of the Tower.

"Right," Kyran replied after a short pause while blinking twice.

Noir gave him the impression of a calm and wise elder. Who would have thought he also had this side of him. Kyran was not complaining, though. Noir's attitude just proved how much he takes Array seriously.

As he remembered, Noir was a Grand Master, almost touching the threshold of the Exalted. And once he becomes an Exalted, it was only a step away from becoming a Magus. Were all those nearing the level of Magus developed strange quirks?

Will Kyran also have one? The thought made him shiver.

Seeing Kyran shiver, Noir misunderstood, and he immediately cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry. I got a little carried away," Noir apologized.

"It's fine. You are only expressing yourself," Kyran said. "I understand that not everyone appreciates Array Creation. But I agree with you. Being a genius doesn't automatically qualify a person to be an expert in Arrays. What matters is their willingness to learn."

Kyran's words made a significant impression on Noir.

He could not explain why exactly, but he felt as if he and Kyran had something in common.

Noir nodded, "Yes... that's right."

He paused. A complicated expression flashed for a split second on his face. However, it was immediately replaced by a determined look. He said, "You know, I can teach you about Arrays. This way, if you ever need to prove yourself as my 'disciple', you will have something to show them."

Kyran's expression immediately brightened. He contemplated how to convince Noir to teach him about Arrays even without becoming his genuine disciple, and now he offered it himself.

"Thank you. I won't take much of your time. I just need an hour," Kyran said.

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However, this declaration almost made Noir snapped.

Sensing that Noir misunderstood his words, Kyran immediately added, "I meant one hour in real time."

Hearing this, Stella also understood and followed up. "I will help with my magic."

Real time? The Lord's magic?

All of them understood what the two meant.

"Right. Of course, with the Lord's help, an hour in real time will be equivalent to more." Noir said in realization.

"Yes. Since we have a tight deadline, I can only spare an hour. I didn't say that because I'm not taking studying Arrays seriously."

Noir laughed, "It is find. It is this old man's fault for misunderstanding."

On Kyran's left, Stella frowned a little after hearing his words. The deadline they had was only because of the materials they needed for the defensive array of the Tower. Noir could teach Kyran after that. Why was he in a hurry?

'Is he planning to leave?' Stella wondered. The thought saddened her. She looked at Kyran's profile and felt a sudden pain in her heart.

She knew he had not given up on saving his clan. But she thought he would stay in the Tower until they found more information about his clan's status. It seemed when she left him inside her study; he was not only studying magic but also planning for his next moves.

"We got sidetracked. Let's get back on topic," Kyran said after he and Noir had an agreement.

The rest of the council nodded.

"After the transportation of the materials, I will prepare three days at most for the hunt. Since the forest beasts you needed is also located in the south, I will first visit the Chaos Palace to get the bark of the Duali Tree. After that, I will hunt those forest beasts in one day. At most, I will only have a day left to get the rare stone. So I do hope you will be able to get the information about its exact location when I get back. Although there will not be much time left, I only need to get close to the stone, and take it. Then I will return here at once. I don't plan on getting entangled with the Templar Code's people."

When they heard this, they all heaved a sigh of relief. At least Kyran was not planning to enter the Templar Code's place rampantly.

"Alright. We will get you the information," Vaness agreed.

Kyran nodded.

"That covers an overview of my plan to meet the deadline. What other things you need to be clarified?"