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Lord Shadow

Chapter 1484 Three Against One
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The scene shocked everyone.

The sword that seems unstoppable was stopped.

And the moment that tip was caught between her fingers the clouds above them dissipated, the roars of thunder disappeared and the lightning could no longer be seen

The sword stimulated heavenly phenomenon. Block the sword, block the heavenly phenomenon.

The Warrior look at Amaterasu.

Even though it has the same face as Hikigaya, it lacks emotion and soul.

So, Amaterasu just look at it with a cold eye but there is no hatred. Because this is not the real Hikigaya.

But destroying this avatar…. surely would weaken Hikigaya a bit. And as long as she could weaken him bit by bit….it would help

The warrior did not panic. His sure-fire killing method was blocked. Any other person might feel angry and frustrated at this failure

But the Warrior simply twist the sword.


The sword broke.

It shocked everyone watching

The warrior did not hesitate to break his sword at all.

The tip of the sword falls down to the ground, the warrior kicks the ground and he retreated backward like someone attached a string behind his back and pulls him back.

Mister Moscow flick his fingers and a wind arrow shot toward the Warrior.

But the Warrior throws a hidden weapon, the wind arrow dissipates and returns back as wind.

'Stab!' he shouted.

But how could he stab? There is no weapon. This is the same question in everyone mind that is watching the battle

But then to everyone surprise, a sword appears in the Warrior hand…. like an illusion. And this sword is ethereal at first, translucent like it is made using mist

But then this ethereal, translucent sword slowly become solid. Unreal become real. Illusion become reality.

This is the kind of mystical abilities that Hikigaya is most adept at.

And a stabbing motion was executed. The space around the handle and top of the sword spirals and the space break.

Sonic boom erupted; a powerful force exploded out from the sword rushing toward Amaterasu.

Amaterasu laugh and she waves her hand to the left.

The force that is rushing toward Amaterasu changes shape, looking like a large handle of a sword that is able to pierce everything in the world

The trail of the sword distorts space and time around it but as the sword is about to stab Amaterasu, her waves of the hand deflect it to the side.

The powerful sword move was deflected, half of the force of that sword dissipated and the other half falls toward the sea.

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The sea area exploded and the water vaporized into gas before turning into atom particles that could not be seen by the naked eye.

'Attack him right now!' Mister Moscow yelled from behind. The Warrior seems to be drained but there is no panic at all in the eyes of that Warrior.

This is the opportune moment to strike.

And Amaterasu would not let go of such chance

Amaterasu held up her mirror and the brightness of the sun exploded out from the mirror

Hikigaya frown when he saw the mirror. In his eyes, there is circles and symbols and lines.

And these circles, symbols and lines is helping him analyzing the mirror and the more he analyzes the more he frowned

'Is it a replica or the real thing born anew? Divine class...is really an interesting kind of class'

Hikigaya muttered to himself.


The shockwave blast exploded everything in ten-kilometer radius from her. The only unaffected places are the area of the platform and the streets behind the platform.

But other than that, almost all of the standing building around the execution platform was vaporized.

Hikigaya avatar was thrown a hundred meters away.

The dust rises up and the entire space around the battle scene distorted.

Even with the high ability of the White Owl recordings devices, it is hard to see anything on the screen right now

Even those who watches this battle in the island also find it hard to see what had happened.

They were shocked that Amaterasu had such power.


A gust of wind suddenly swept all the dust and the waves of power that distort space calmed down

And then they see the effect of that attack

The destruction was so though that it looks like the entire area of the battle is clean.

'I never thought that the Crime Alliance has such a fighter. It is clear they hide very deeply' all over the world, such word is uttered by people looking at this battle

However, there in the battlefield, the Warrior is still standing

it is not that easy to destroy an avatar of a Divine Comprehension leveler…even when they are weakened.

Even a weak tiger is still a tiger.

Amaterasu eyes landed on Hikigaya who is sitting on the third level of the platform.

The fighting intent in her yes is obvious to all. She looks at how composed Hikigaya is, sitting on his throne

It felt like he is looking down on her. Even after her attack, the true body is still calm.

'I will pull you down from your throne and brought you down to my level.' She hated that gaze of Hikigaya. That lazy-looking-down-on-all-creation kind of gaze.

Like he is better than everyone else. Maybe, this is just her feeling. But that is enough for her.

Even if Hikigaya did not look down on the world and od not look down on other people, she is sure and convinced that he looked down on her

And this is the truth.

Hikigaya smiles. And her smiles only seem to irritate her more so he laughed.

The more irritated she is, the better, he thought

'This will be interesting'

The Warrior is bleeding in many places but he waves his hand and another sword appears.

This time, there is not only sword that accompany him. Behind him a spear appears. And there is a saber on his right waist.

All of them looks ethereal and translucent before becoming solid in a matter of a few second.

Amaterasu focused her eyes on the warrior and then as the wind of the sea blows, they kicked the air


The battle between Amaterasu and Hikigaya commenced completely.

A sword intent rises toward the sky, piercing everything above. Light beams exploded and vaporized everything in its path.

The power of the elements was stimulated and sharp gales of wind appears and cut down everything.

Flames appeared out of nowhere, blown by the wind, the flames become bigger and bigger before exploding

All manners of destruction could be seen

A large explosion sounded from the city square and the sky above seems to be scorched and, almost a second later in the sky, there is s scene of Amaterasu fighting Hikigaya avatar.

There is a blur of images, an afterimage of these two. First, they fought around the platform

Then they attacked each other and as they fight, they rise up toward the sky.

However, this fight was so swift and so fats, that the moment you hear the explosion, you suddenly see them in the sky.

That is how fast their movement are.

And even now, the attack that they inflicted against each other could only be seen in blurry images as one could not see where the fist strikes, where the feet kicks and where the attack comes from and where it is going.

Only those who are on their same level could see the moves that they are doing against each other. Seed Forming levelers at least could see glimpses of the attack. But anyone below that could only see blurs.

The sword swings so swiftly it creates afterimages and cut the clouds and everything in between into pieces.

Amaterasu uses the mirror to deflect Hikigaya attack and sometimes attack her on her own

Amaterasu has an advantage and that advantage is that she does not fight alone.

From afar, Mister Moscow rain down element toward the platform.

Flames, sharp gales of wind, water that tries to restrain, thunder and lightning as an attacking strike, all of the elements that are present around the platform attack this avatar of Hikigaya.

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Then there is also Martinez.

Unlike Mister Moscow, he flew up and he also began to engage in a fight with the Warrior, his battle ability finally revealed.

The fact that he could keep up with the Warrior speed is amazing enough but he could also sneak few strikes in.



Each strike of these fighter, whether it be from Amaterasu or Hikigaya created aftershocks and shockwaves that spread out

The longer they fight, the more its spread out.

Amaterasu each attack is filled with mystical abilities, like the Sun heat on her fist, or the ability to void attack using the mirror, elegant and artful

but Martinez fought like a bull.

His physical ability is revealed and each time he punches and the strike hist the Warriors, a part of the Warrior flesh dissolve

It dissolved like it is being poured by hot acid

There is a reason his title is the Dissolver.

But Hikigaya avatar could handle himself well.

Even though, he is beaten and his flesh is being eroded by the acid-like attack by Martinez, he is still there in the sky, fighting three people at once.

Mister Moscow element attack, sing the worldly laws and the worldly elements to restrain, to avoid, to attack.

The thunder that come down is deflected by him. The sharp gales that rush toward him is destroyed by punches and kicks.

Then there is Amaterasu who uses her abilities to the fullest. She attacks when there is space to attack and when the Warrior attacks, she uses the mirror to void the attack.

But even amidst this, the Warrior could still evade most of Amaterasu attack

The world right now could not help but think that they misunderstand a bit about Hikigaya.

It turns out, he is such a good fighter.

The image of Hikigaya has always been a mysterious Archmage that uses illusion to confuse the mind of his enemies.

But this is the first time people see Hikigaya fight like a warrior. Of course, even though this is just his avatar, it is also a part of him.

Amaterasu attacks him from the front Martinez attack him from behind but wherever they attacked from, the Warrior manage to deflect, counter and defend every attack

Their battle creates a stir and those who watched it could not help but see a heroic side of Hikigaya.

His avatar is like an immortal warrior.

Even though he is burned in his chest, and his back is full of meat that is dissolving by each second, he swings his sword without hesitation, showing no signs of pain at all

Each time he swings his sword, there is a trail in the sky.

It is the sword intent that cut off space and time. But the effect is not as powerful as Jean method

Considering that the avatar is only in the Disk Formation realm, it is understandable why his power is not that overwhelming

But even with all that, it is still a very intimidating power for Amaterasu, Mister Moscow and Martinez
