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Lord Shadow

Chapter 1575 Mortal
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Chapter 1575 Mortal

While the whole world is waiting to see what Death Monarch would do, he is actually right now is in a secluded forest in one part of the world.

He did not wear his robe.

Instead, he is half naked, with no clothes covering his body. He wears a ragged pants and he now has a beard.

The sound of rivers could be heard and the chirping of birds mixed with the sound of nature around him.

Azief takes a deep breath. He is now sitting on a boulder. Beside him, there is a fishing pole tied to the rock.

Yes, everyone has been speculating what Death Monarch is doing.

Who would have thought that Death Monarch right now is fishing in a forest, half naked, wearing ragged pants?

The forest whispered with the soothing symphony of nature's sounds—a chorus of birdsong and the gentle babbling of nearby streams.

Azief gaze right now is fixed on the fishing line he had cast into the water, a simple and unassuming pursuit.

He waited, patient and unhurried, for a fish to take the bait.

There was no rush, no urgency.

He knew that, with a mere thought, he could command the fish to leap into his hands.

Yet, instead of such a display of power, he chose to embrace the natural flow of life.

In this moment, he sought clarity—a respite from the maelstrom of events that had unfolded in the past month.

Azief mind had found a peculiar sense of serenity, a calm that descended like a gentle mist over his thoughts by doing these simple mundane things.

It was as if the cacophony of the world had dimmed, and a profound, indescribable contentment enveloped his heart.

He contemplated this elusive sensation, realizing that words, however eloquent, could not capture its essence.

It defied easy description, defying definition or categorization.

Instead, it is a state of being, a harmony between his inner self and the world around him, a quiet but profound equilibrium.

It is not like he become fully content but it? is that kind of feeling

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Like you have eaten and had your fill and for a moment, there is only that slice of happiness of that moment lingers on and make your heart and mind calm

And he needed that.

For Azief, peace and tranquillity often seemed like distant dreams.

His life has been and probably will always be a tumultuous journey, marked by the deaths of many and countless harrowing ordeals.

He himself had killed so many people that he had lost count

What he yearned for, more than anything, is a simple day of peace.

However, such moments proved elusive when you are the most formidable being on Earth.

It wasn't just the constant stream of challengers seeking to test their mettle against him.

The weight of the world seems pressed upon him

"Pandikar force me to this path" he mutters sometimes. But as years goes by, he could no longer use that excuse.

After all, he had matured enough, that he no longer blames anyone. Of course, when the blame is not his, he would not take it but he learns how to accept that some things happened because of his decision and not others.

But all of these are distractions.

These distractions often impeded his relentless pursuit of strength, the quest that had driven him for so long.

Peace to him…..is like a lone star shining in the darkest of nights.

People might say, you are already the strongest in the world, why do you act like there is someone chasing you from behind if you did not pursue strength?

But these people that say such a thing does not know the dangers that lurks in the universe, the supreme beings, the Chthonian monsters, entities that are not all benevolent and kind roaming in the Universe, ready to pounce when it sees weakness

In this vast and unforgiving universe, strength is a necessity.

Azief understood that the pursuit of power, at least for him is a matter of survival.

He knew that the moment he let his guard down, the moment he stopped striving to be stronger, the universe would seize the opportunity to unleash its malevolent forces upon Earth

"Earth grows to fast and too much. It would be a surprise if some beings would not target it"

Like a predator that seek for its prey, and earth is like a shining lantern in the void of a dark forest.

Those same people that ask that question did not see that outside of Earth, there is all kinds of threats.

The Multiversal Convergence had irrevocably altered Earth's status in the cosmic order.

It was no longer an isolated, insignificant blue planet lost in the vastness of space. Instead, it had become a beacon, a shining signal to the rest of the universe that it now possessed the potential to rival other galactic systems.

And when you are shining that bright, it is like informing to the universe, that you are there. And that is not a good thing.

This newfound prominence is a double-edged sword.

While it hinted at Earth rising power, it also made the planet a target for countless cosmic threats that lurked beyond.

The universe, with its myriad of civilizations, advanced species, and ancient beings, now saw Earth as a potential rival, a realm to conquer or dominate.

It meant that the world is no longer sheltered from the grander conflicts of the cosmos, and the dangers lurking beyond its atmosphere were now more real than ever before.

But for now, Azief didn't want to think about all of these problems.

The troubles and challenges that spanned the globe, the intricate webs of political intrigue, and the cosmic threats beyond the stars could all wait.

For now, it was just him and the tranquil stream, the rustling leaves, and the patient anticipation of a fish nibbling at his bait.

The soothing sounds of nature provided a symphony that eased his mind, if only for a brief respite from the complexities of his extraordinary life.

In the simplicity of that moment, Azief found a rare slice of peace,

Simple problems, simple worries

Azief had absorbs all of his energy into his own body and then seal it.

One of the abilities of a Divine Comprehension leveler, is that they have full and total control of their energy.

That means they could unleash their energy into a mass of energy that could covers planets? and they could use that to seal their own energy and that is what Azief had done to himself.

In this state, he is no longer? Death Monarch.

He is just Azief, a man seeking respite from his extraordinary life.

It was as if he has shed the heavy armor of his power and was allowed to exist as a simple being, unburdened by the weight of his own strength.

And instead of flying all over the world, and looking and eradicating the remnant of the Crime Alliance, Azief seal his own energy and become like a normal person.

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Probably no one in the world would think of such thing.

As for this area that he is in, of course, this forest that he is in is still in Pandemonium.

It is just far from any civilizations.

Azief had deliberately chosen this remote locale for his retreat.

While the rest of the world buzzed with activity and intrigue, this forest remained tranquil, free from the presence of real monsters that had once terrorized the land.

Those titanic beasts that had once roamed these woods were no more, vanquished by Azief own hand before he settled here.

It was as if he had vanished from the world's view, and most people could only speculate about his whereabouts.

Many assumed he might be deep within a cave, his form cloaked in meditation, drawing upon the very essence of the world to advance his power.

However, that is not what really happened

Instead, he embraced simplicity in its purest form.

In this secluded haven, he could feel the natural rhythms of the Earth and felt the energy of the Heaven, the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind, and the murmuring of nearby streams.

The forest, for all its tranquillity and picturesque beauty, was far from a haven of absolute safety.

From the very moment Azief ventured into its depths, he was plunged into a struggle for survival.

His self-imposed energy seal had stripped him of the godlike powers that had defined him for so long.

Here, he couldn't conjure matter from thin air or shape the elements to his will.

Instead, he had to revert to the basic instincts of survival—seeking shelter, searching for a clean water source, and hunting for sustenance.

In essence, he had to rediscover how to exist in this world as an ordinary mortal.

The world he was now a part of was one teeming with life, from the smallest insects to the grandeur of ancient trees.

Yet, it is also a world fraught with danger.

Azief found himself constantly on guard, keenly attuned to the rhythms of nature and the threats it concealed.

He crafted makeshift tools from fallen branches, honing his survival skills with each passing day.

In this endeavour, he rediscovered the satisfaction of simplicity, the thrill of a well-earned meal, and the sense of accomplishment that came from overcoming nature's challenges.

So, while this forest might appear as a fantasy realm of serene beauty, Azief daily existence is a testament to his resilience and adaptability.

In this tranquil yet unforgiving environment, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery, shedding the trappings of godhood for the raw, unfiltered experience of life as a mortal.
