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Lord Shadow

Chapter 1581 History of the Rings
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Chapter 1581 History of the Rings

Erika immersed herself in contemplation, a silent sentinel guarding the secrets of past, present, and future.

Her role as the Great Oracle transcended the mundane concerns of everyday life.

Her thoughts, veiled in the aura of her divine knowledge, danced through the corridors of fate and destiny.

However, amidst her solemn reflections, an uninvited visitor materialized, a godly presence unbeknownst to the world.

This divine encounter was shrouded in the deepest secrecy, a revelation that, if unveiled, would undoubtedly send shockwaves all over Earth

The World Government, the Republic and the other world powers would surely be wary of an uninvited visitor from another planet.

Odin after all, is a leader of a different galactic system. But Eriak and Odin both knows that it is not something you blabbed about.

Beyond the temple, below the mountain of that temple,? the world spun on, its inhabitants pursuing their own aspirations and endeavours.

Some sought to craft new worlds of their own, each with its unique tapestry of hopes, dreams, and ambitions.

The common people, meanwhile, navigated their lives, focused on the immediate challenges of survival and the promise of a better tomorrow.

For beings like Erika, Loki, and Yewa Hafar, who possessed certain knowledge of the future, their plans is? more complicated, layered and the plans is like laying down chess pieces in a chessboard that have so many different rules

Each one of them is choosing their chess pieces. And putting these chess pieces in places and position where it could be used later.

They recognized that the unfolding of events that will happen is interwoven with countless threads of destiny.

Connected, tangled, disconnect, untangling.

Armed with knowledge that transcended the boundaries of time, they sought to manipulate these threads, steering the course of fate towards outcomes of their choosing.

And while all of these people having their own plots and scheme, Azief, the main focus of all the figures in the dark, is still in his tree house.

In his tranquil treehouse nestled amidst the embrace of nature, Azief remained engrossed in the contemplation of the ring.

"So, it is this kind of thing. It would not make sense until this crystal appear" he thought

And this left him with a bad taste in his mouth

His gaze fixated on the faint scratches etched into the ring surface

And he shakes his head, a smile that does not look like a smile carved on the corner of his mouth

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"Could it be…..this is the word? Hope?"

Then he took each and every ring and line it up to make sure it speels Hope in Ethernian.



He mutters in Ethernian and he could feel something. Like a resonance of something

"Could it be this is the key?"

He thought to himself

Azief history with these ten rings is very complicated.

Azief examined the ten rings before him.

These rings had been with him through countless trials and tribulations, each a testament to his journey and his ascent to power.

Yet, in this moment of revelation, he couldn't help but feel a profound sense of unease.

The rings were not just ordinary artifacts; they were Ethernian in nature.

The realization sent shivers down Azief spine, for Ethernian artifacts were often tied to destiny and fate.

He felt it this the most. Even though he is not sure yet, he is convinced that this ring must have some kind of destiny and fate tied with the Ethernian

They carried an otherworldly resonance, as if the very fabric of the universe had a plan for them.

As he traced the intricate engravings on the rings, memories resurfaced—memories of battles fought, alliances forged, and sacrifices made.

It was as if he had been a pawn in a cosmic game, manipulated by forces beyond his comprehension.

And now, he grappled with the unsettling thought that his entire journey had been orchestrated, that every triumph and setback had been part of a grand design.

It is a realization that challenged his sense of agency and free will.

Azief has always been a man of action, forging his own path and defying the odds. The idea that his destiny had been scripted by unseen hands felt abhorrent to him.

He wanted to be the master of his fate, not a puppet dancing to someone else's tune.

But the truth of the rings' origin and their connection to Ethernian weighed heavily on him. He knew that he couldn't ignore this revelation.

he does not like it.

Maybe, if his fate and destiny is like Arial in that vision the Creator shows him, it would not be something that he would struggle so much.

Arial become the vessel of the Creator and he is basically the Creator right now.

Azief thoughts swirled like a tempest within his mind.

The weight of his impending destiny pressed upon him, and he couldn't help but wonder if the rings, despite the trials he endured to obtain them, were merely stepping stones laid out by a higher power.

with the revelation of their Ethernian nature, these rings become symbols of a fate he had yet to fully comprehend.

He clenched his fists, his knuckles whitening with the force of his emotions.

The future he had glimpsed was not one he desired, but it was a future that seemed inexorably tied to these rings and the mysterious forces behind them.

Azief had seen his future. The possibility of what will happen to him. And it is not something good

So, he would rather fight destiny and fate. He look at the ten rings and said to himself

"The journey to gain these rings was not easy," he mused, his voice filled with frustration. "But if they are nothing more than tools of destiny, if my actions have been guided by a higher hand, then what have I truly achieved?"

Azief knew that he couldn't simply accept this revelation passively.

He had always been a fighter, and this revelation presented him with the greatest battle of his life—the battle against fate itself.

He called it Eternal rings.

Ten Rings that once ruled the Universe.

Eternal Rings that will not be smelted with the Thunder of Retribution. Calling upon the Ancient magic, ruling all creations.

The way he got this ring was when he was trapped in the Seres world

That is the beginning of cause and effect of him and the Seresian world

The Seresian world, a place that Azief had ventured into during his adventure, was like a realm of nightmares brought to life.

Its very existence defied the natural order, and its inhabitants were creatures that seemed to have leapt from the darkest corners of folklore and mythology.

These were beings with twisted forms, horns, and features reminiscent of demons as they were often depicted in Earth's many cultures.

Azief life in the Seresian world had been harrowing.

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He had been thrust into a realm where the rules of reality had been distorted, and every step he took was fraught with peril.

The denizens of this world were not mere figments of imagination but living entities, each more nightmarish than the last.

It was within this nightmarish realm that Azief had found one of the ten rings—a ring that was both a source of power and an enigma. The acquisition of this ring had marked the beginning of a complex interplay of cause and effect, one that intertwined his destiny with that of the Seresian world.

While he might have been considered the strongest in his own realm, his status as an Energy Disperse stage leveler held little weight in this nightmarish domain.

The Seresian world was ruled by formidable entities, Asura-like beings whose power far surpassed anything Azief had encountered on Earth.

Each of these beings wielded an authority and strength that was unparalleled, making them the undisputed rulers of their realm.

Azief had entered this world as a relative newcomer, armed with determination but lacking the immense power that the Seresian inhabitants possessed.

In a world where having achieved the Energy Disperse stage was barely noteworthy, he had found himself facing challenges and adversaries of staggering might.

The Seresian world presented a stark departure from the natural order familiar to Azief.

In this realm, the sun itself shone with an eerie blue light, casting a surreal glow across the landscape during the day.

The skies were bathed in this otherworldly hue, creating an atmosphere that felt alien and unsettling.

But it was during the night that the true transformation of this world became apparent.

When darkness fell, the moon would rise, but it bore no resemblance to the gentle, silvery orb seen on Earth.

Instead, the moon in the Seresian world is a deep, blood-red, casting an ominous and foreboding atmosphere over the land.

Within this nightmarish realm, Azief had embarked on a perilous adventure.

Disguised as a slave, he had infiltrated a group led by Seresian Demonic Princes, formidable beings who held authority in the Seresian hierarchy.

Their destination was an ancient ruin, a place of mystery and danger guarded by a Rakshasa, a formidable malevolent entity known for its cunning and power.

Of course, when he first follow these people, it is not because he knows that he would get the ring

Instead, it was more like a gamble.

He wanted to find a treasure and as a slave at that time, he really did not have a choice.

As he ventured deeper into the heart of the ruin, Azief had encountered a series of challenges, each more treacherous than the last.

His wits, resourcefulness, and growing mastery of his own abilities had been put to the test as he navigated the intricate traps

The most challenging was to show himself as weak and made these demons also believe that he have no way of fighting them.

And not to arouse suspicion.
