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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master-Novel

Chapter 536 A King needs his Queen
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Chapter 536 A King needs his Queen

The moment Rudra had the crown placed on his head , all the elites lost their mind , as cheers and champagne flowed through the streets of Purplehaze city like water.

Rudra also felt goosebumps arise on his body , as he saw everyone in the room standing and clapping for him , as even the tier 5 existances in the room were standing in applause.

When Rudra looked at his boy Karna , the two just grinned at each other without saying a word , as both of them were overwhelmed with emotion and needed a moment to get hold of their vocal cords again.

When the cheers died down a little , Rudra finally raised his hand for silence as he said " Thankyou pope for doing me this honor. I hope I can become a righteous king who will be fondly remembered by my people ".

The pope smiled in response , as the church officials like the paladins and cardinal Lee all politely tapped their weapons or feet in applause of Rudra's commitment to the church.

But this was just formality for Rudra as after that he really said something that he meant from the bottom of his heart.

He said " Today there are many distinguished gentlemen present here , hence let me declare it here itself that although i am the king of this new territory , my kingdom will always remain a part of the Hazelgroove Empire and a pillar of Emperor Cervantez's infinite glory".

As he said this he looked at Cervantez who gave him a warm smile as he glanced towards the lizardmen king with a smug expression , as he made it clear who was the boss around this place , as the lizardmen king only snorted in response.

Rudra continued " This position is given to be by the trust of the millions of citizens of the previous Nineclouds kingdom , and i assure you all , i will not dissapoint as your leader! ".

Rudra made a bold statement , as cheers to his commitment could be heard from the common masses outside .

Rudra continued " Although i am the king , this position is definitely supported by my guild and it's incredible guild members , as let me be frank guys , without you all i am a nobody ".

Rudra said emotionally , as the camera zoomed in on his face.

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Rudra bit his lip , trying to hold back his tears , however his speach had already moved the guild members to the verge of tears as everyone wept with joy.

Rudra said " Today this crown although i wear it , it is indeed a crown on the head of each and every Elite , as the achievement of one is an achievement of us all.

And this crown was achieved by all of us working together , hence even though I wear it alone . It is a symbol of our guilds strength and not mine's alone.


Rudra said with energy as he had a fire in his eyes now.







A shout that resounded all throughout Purplehaze city , as loud as the sound of a missile explosion could be heard , as thousands and thousands of elites screamed the guilds slogan at the top of their lungs in a synchronous voice!

All the distinguished people sitting inside the church felt the slogan vibrate the very ground they stood on , as the unity of the guild was on full display , impressing the various kings and guild leaders.

Every guild leader had a dream to make such a cohesive and United guild , however none of them were even close to making an organisation as pure as Rudra's , as they could only watch on in jealousy at the incredible show of affection and cohesiveness by the elites , wishing they could do something similar with their own guilds.

Rudra nodded , as the elites cheered his speech as he took a slight pause.

Afterwards Rudra said in a deep voice as he looked towards the sky " But you see guys , every king must have a queen no? , And although i am the king , i don't have a beautiful , capable and loving wife to be my queen .... ".

Rudra paused , as everyone who knew Rudra had a crush on Ruby turned to see her expression with excitement , as naturally Ruby started to turn red in anticipation of what was to come next .

Naomi who was also watching on , could only smile and hang her head down, as she knew that this was coming for a long time and could only accept it with a open heart.

Rudra continued " But worry not , because i have indeed found a woman , who is incredibly beautiful .... Incredibly capable and also in love with me , as i am with her".

This declaration made everyone who did not know who rudra was talking about feel confused , as all the kings saw this situation developing with interest. ????????????????????????????. ᴄ????m

Rudra said " Although i fell in love with her the moment i saw her , at the time I was a nobody , and she was a princess hence even though I could admire her from a distance , i was not worthy enough to even talk to her ".

Rudra said sadly , as he sighed.

" However fate had different plans for me as , with time i rose through the ranks and had the pleasure of having a few conversations with her .... Winning her heart in the process " .

Rudra said with a hint of pride in his voice as he scanned the room.... Everyone had their eyes glued to him as they had complete focus to his speech .

Rudra said " However at the time I was a lieutenant of the glorious Hazelgroove army and still not worthy of asking for her hand in marriage , as a princess should only be brought as a queen and nothing less ".

Rudra declared as he saw the expression on the face of the king of vanaheim who nodded in approval . Being a father he approved of Rudra's thinking.

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Ruby was blushing red at this moment , as she saw Rudra through shy eyes , anticipation building in her heart as to what would happen next.

Rudra said " Call me old fashioned , but elopment and the like does not sit well with me , as marriage is a connection of families for me and not just a connection of two people ...

Hence through hardwork and persistence , i now stand as a king , worthy of asking her hand in marriage ".

This statement caused many murmurs to occur between people , however mama and father Rajput who were watching this on live TV swelled their chests in pride as they approved of the education they imparted to their child.

However Rudra's next statement made them puke blood as they watched on in horror as to his antics as a completely unexpected situation occured .

Rudra went down on his knees as he took out the hidden box in his coat pocket as he opened it to reveal a beautiful blue diamond fitted on a ring , worth atleast several million gold coins as he said in an emotional voice " King Of Vanaheim , esteemed sir , please allow me to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage , for i am blindly in love with your daughter from the moment i first laid my eyes on her.

Ruby , you are the moon of my life and the light which guides me through darkness. I swear to love you forever and ever , soo please do me the favour of marrying me ...".

There was dead silence in the room , as only Rudra's laborious breathing sound could be heard , as everyone focussed on Ruby and the king to grasp their reactions.

Should Rudra be rejected here infront of soo many people it would be an utter humiliation , however looking at Rudra it was clear he was not afraid of anything.

Ruby too wanted nothing more than to run to Rudra and fling herself into his arms and say 'YES ' , However for respect of her father she wanted to atleast see his reaction first.

If he disagreed she would still say yes , however if he agreed it would make her even more happier than she already was.

Hence she looked with expectant eyes at her father the king , who was baffled by the situation , as he had absolutely no idea of this development or the fact that these two here were in love.

Everything now depended on his answer , as everyone waited for a response.

/// Guys today can be a bonus chapter day as we only need 50 more GT to hit the next target!

Let's get it today itself and have a nice bonus chapter ....

Also if you have not already read my new book rise of the dragon emperor , why not give it a go? It already has 45 chapters and is a story even better than this one , i am sure you all will love it! ///