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MMORPG: Rebirth of the Shadow Mage

Chapter 157 - 157 The Second Wave
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157 The Second Wave


The army of skeletons was crawling out of the earth, the sound of their bones scraping against the ground sending shivers down the spines of those within the city walls. The skeletons used their bony arms and legs to propel themselves forward, their empty eye sockets trained on the players standing onto the walls.

The city was a fortress, its walls towering over the surrounding countryside, offering protection to its inhabitants. The players within had changed their roles, swordsmen and other melee damage dealers stood at the front line, their weapons at the ready. Behind them, archers and mages lined on the walls, their arrows and spells at the ready to rain down upon the enemy. The air was thick with tension, each player waiting for the skeletons to make the first move.


Suddenly a skeletal horse emerged from the earth, its bony legs churning up the soil beneath it, and its empty eye sockets were now alight with two fiery red orbs that seemed to smolder with an unquenchable hatred.


As the players looked on in stunned horror, one of the skeletons stepped forward and grabbed the spine of its standing comrade, pulling it out with ease, making the other skeleton die instantly. In a shocking display of strength and cunning, the skeleton then shaped the spine into a deadly sword and mounted the skeletal horse.

The players knew instantly that this was no ordinary enemy, but the boss of the second wave, and they steeled themselves for the battle to come. With weapons at the ready, they prepared to fight their way through the swarm of enemies and bring an end to the skeletal horseman, since it’d probably give them a lot of contribution points.

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A chorus of rattling bones echoed across the battlefield as the Horseman led his horde of skeletons forward. The clatter of bony feet against the hard earth, the clanging of weapons and armor, created a chorus of death that filled the air.

The sun was slowly setting, casting long shadows and bathing the landscape in a warm, golden light. The red flames in the Horseman’s eye sockets burned brighter, his bony grip tightening on his spine-sword as he looked at his army marching towards the city.

Swish... Boom...

The archers stood atop the city’s walls, raining arrows down upon the approaching army of skeletons. With practiced ease, they aimed and released each shot, striking down skeleton after skeleton. The mages beside them also worked tirelessly, casting spell after spell, each one exploding with devastating force and wiping out entire ranks of the undead army.

Despite the barrage of magic and arrows, the skeletons marched on, undeterred. Their ranks were thinned, but they still pressed forward, driven by some unseen force.

As the two forces drew closer, the players on the ground prepared themselves for the inevitable clash. They brandished their weapons and took up their defensive positions, bracing themselves for the impact.

The collision was brutal and immediate. Skeletons swung their weapons with bone-crunching force, while the players countered with their own skills, parrying and evading with surprising agility. The sounds of clanging metal and shattering bone filled the air as the two sides clashed in a brutal dance of death.

Some players were caught off guard by the strength of the skeletons, their weapons knocked aside as they stumbled backwards. Others, however, were more than ready, unleashing devastating combos that caught the skeletons off guard and sent them crashing to the ground.

Despite the players’ valiant efforts, the skeletons continued to press forward, their relentless assault taking its toll on the players’ lines.

Amidst the chaos of the battle, three figures emerged from the crowd. The first was a demon, his confident smile belying the immense power he wielded. With his glowing great-sword, he shattered the bones of his enemies with ease, his strength far surpassing that of even the strongest skeletons. It was clear to all who saw him that he was a high-level devourer sub-class demon, a fearsome warrior to be reckoned with.

The second figure was a female Orc, wielding a massive scythe that she used to cleave through the ranks of skeletons with brutal efficiency. Her movements were graceful and deadly, her weapon tearing through her enemies as if they were made of mere plastic.

But even these two powerful warriors paled in comparison to the last figure. Standing atop the wall, a black-winged elf commanded the attention of all who laid eyes upon her. Lightning particles coiled around her body, making her look like a star in the gathering dusk. Her wings were extended to their full length, displaying their massive size and delicate beauty. Despite the hood that obscured her face, those who dared to peer inside were momentarily taken aback by her stunning appearance, their cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

These three warriors stood out among the many players battling the skeleton army, their strength and skill earning them the respect and awe of all who witnessed their feats.

Ava and Eli had long since given up on finding the elusive traveling merchant within the elven forest. Their only hope now was to buy some sort of identity-concealing item within the city, but their plans were abruptly interrupted by the frenzied cries and shouts ringing out from the massive city walls.

As they approached, they saw throngs of NPCs rushing towards the staircases that led to the bunkers, and they quickly followed suit, eager to see what was causing all the commotion.

By the time they arrived at the walls, the first wave of the mysterious event was already over. As they glanced at the system messages, Ava and Eli exchanged knowing glances, small smiles playing on their lips.

Despite not having come to the city specifically to participate in the event, they were more than happy to reap any extra rewards that might come their way.

As Eli made her way towards the battlefield, Ava took to the air, her wings carrying her effortlessly to the top of the city walls. Her sudden appearance almost caused a few players to lose their balance, but Ava paid them no heed. Despite the glares aimed her way, she knew that their attention would soon be directed towards the approaching skeleton army.

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She watched as the archers launched their arrows, raining death upon the horde below. Then, it was time for the mages to work their magic. Ava felt the familiar rush of Mana coursing through her veins, gathering in the palms of her hands. With a flick of her wrist, a brilliant lightning spear appeared, crackling with energy.


With a graceful arc, she hurled the spear towards the enemy, and the results were devastating. One unfortunate skeleton was impaled, and the lightning spread through the horde like a chain reaction, destroying a dozen more in its wake. Ava’s display of power earned her a chorus of gasps from the other players.

From her vantage point atop the city walls, Ava watched as Eli made her way through the battlefield, cutting down endless skeletons with ease. Determined to protect her friend, Ava focused her magic, sending bolts of energy flying towards the enemy to cover Eli’s back.

Although there were other players on the field, they were not so kind as to offer their aid. Ava could see their greed in their eyes, their fear of being overtaken by a stranger in the contribution points rankings. Yet, Eli pressed on, undeterred by the selfishness of those around her.

As Eli approached the skeleton boss, a small group of players followed in her wake, eager to claim the glory for themselves. Ava wanted to shake them off, to clear a path for her friend, but she couldn’t. The rules of the event disallowed friendly fire, and she was powerless to intervene.

In the heat of the moment, one player lunged forward, overtaking Eli and swinging his sword in a massive arc. His aim was clear: to shatter the horseman’s skull and claim the contributions points for himself.


In the span of a heartbeat, everything changed. The player’s head rolled off his shoulders, his lifeless body collapsing to the ground with a thud. None of the players had even seen the skeleton’s blade move, but the blood that now coated its surface told the tale of the player’s fate.

Eli’s eyes narrowed, her gaze fixed on the red-eyed monster. The other players, sensing the danger, squeezed behind her, trying to avoid the gaze of the skeleton boss. The tension was palpable, each player holding their breath as they waited to see what would happen next.


Suddenly, the skeletal horse flexed its limbs and began to advance towards Eli. Despite her best efforts to intimidate the creature, it seemed unperturbed, continuing its steady march forward.

Eli swung her scythe wildly, hoping to deter the monster. But it was to no avail. The skeletal horse remained unfazed, its glowing red eyes fixed on its target.
