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Museum of Deadly Beasts

Chapter 463: The Startled Tan Lin
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On the stone bench outside, Li Xinqi started talking about how miraculous Tan Lin's victory was.

"Good gracious, Tan Lin is so lucky that Mr. Zhong wants to see her. He's not planning to take her in as a disciple, is he? Th-this can't be! I'm so jealous! If that's true, then she has to buy me a meal! A meal at the most expensive restaurant in Heavenly Spiral City!"

Lin Jin merely smiled and paid no mind to Li Xinqi's ramblings.

He was currently enjoying the scenery of the academy. There was a lake nearby, and although it wasn't exactly huge, its surface was covered with lotus leaves. Whenever a breeze came, not only would it cool him off, but the air would also be filled with the fragrance of the lotus flowers, a scent which put his mind at ease immediately.

Leaving other factors asides, the environment here at Heavenly Spiral Academy was delightful. Lin Jin even considered staying here for a while should the opportunity arise.

Whilst Lin Jin was enjoying himself, Tan Lin was inside a second-floor study in the Beast Appraisal Pavilion, respectfully listening to the question a smiling old man was asking her.

Just as Lin Jin expected, Tan Lin was smart enough not to have revealed the cheating during her competition. When Mr. Zhong asked about how she arrived at her conclusion, her answer was that she just happened to have come across a similar piece of knowledge in the Beast Encyclopedia. She also made her deduction based on several other beast appraisal books.

It was practically a flawless answer.

Even Mr. Zhong didn't get suspicious.

"This is such a commendable achievement for your age. You mentioned that you had a strict upbringing. Is your father a beast appraiser as well?" Mr. Zhong asked.


Tan Lin quickly answered, "I am from Jade Dragon Kingdom. My father used to study here in Heavenly Spiral Academy as well and he's currently a Rank 3 beast appraiser of Jade Dragon Kingdom's Beast Appraisal Association. His name is Tan Xun."

"Tan Xun! Haha, so you're his daughter." Mr. Zhong's response startled Tan Lin. It sounded like Mr. Zhong was actually acquainted with her father.

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"Sir, do you know my father?" Tan Lin asked carefully. Mr. Zhong nodded. "Back when Tan Xun was still studying, I had taught him before. Although I didn't officially take him in as a disciple, he left a huge impression on me. He was a young man with great potential, but I never expected his daughter to outdo him years after he left this place."

Right now, even a fool could tell that Mr. Zhong was pleased with Tan Lin and had high hopes for her.

Tan Lin didn't show it but she was thrilled on the inside.

Suddenly, Mr. Zhong asked, "Tan Lin, it's been more than a month since you've been studying here. Are you currently studying under a designated teacher?"

'Here it comes!'

Tan Lin immediately got excited.

Trying her best to keep her composure, she answered, "I am still taking public lectures for now and have yet to study under a designated teacher."

"Would you be willing to study under my guidance for several years?" Mr. Zhong asked with a smile.

Tan Lin took a deep breath. Forcibly suppressing the excitement in her tone, she willed herself to respond calmly, "I'd love to!"

A few minutes later, Tan Lin came downstairs.

She had practically skipped down the last few steps because she was just that happy. Truth be told, she never imagined that the day would come when she could learn directly under Mr. Zhong.

This was an opportunity that many wished for but couldn't obtain.

On the first floor, Mr. Wang was still waiting there. He knew that Mr. Zhong would accept Tan Lin as his disciple, so he approached her the moment she entered his sight.

"Tan Lin, congratulations."

Mr. Wang was being very ardent.

"Hello, Mr. Wang!" Tan Lin returned the greeting. She wondered if her gaffe earlier had been noticed.

"Just call me Wang Xin. Now that you've become Mr. Zhong's direct disciple, you'll definitely advance to Rank 3 in the future, perhaps even Rank 4. There's no need to be so formal when we talk," explained Wang Xin with a polite tone.

Judging by his tone, he was treating Tan Lin as an equal.

And that certainly surprised Tan Lin.

"Just come to me if you need anything. I always serve Mr. Zhong so we'll be like family from now on." Wang Xin didn't say more as if his intention was just to befriend Tan Lin.

As a matter of fact, things were more complex than that. He was only an assistant lecturer, someone of inferior status in the academy. Since Tan Lin was well adored by Mr. Zhong, befriending Tan Lin should be the right move to advance his career.

After bidding the teacher farewell, Tan Lin found Lin Jin and Li Xinqi sitting outside, enjoying the breeze.

"Tan Lin, you're buying us dinner!" Li Xinqi got up to greet her friend.

"Stop fooling around!" Tan Lin replied. It was obvious how close she and Li Xinqi was. Then, she went over to Lin Jin and gave him a formal bow. "Thank you, Appraiser Lin!"

Lin Jin knew the reason for her gratitude.

Judging by Tan Lin's countenance, it seemed like she had just struck gold. It had been a matter of chance but Lin Jin was still happy that Tan Lin got this opportunity.

He handed her Tan Xun's letter, and with that, Lin Jin had completed Tan Xun's request.

Tan Lin opened the letter to read it with visible excitement. She even got teary and Lin Jin could understand why. Being so far from home over an extended period of time was bound to make anyone homesick. It was only natural that she had such a reaction having received a letter from her father.

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It had been such a long time since Lin Jin and Tan Lin last met so the two good friends began chatting. Tan Lin asked about Maple City and Lin Jin explained how everything was going well.

Then, she asked him about his purpose here.

After all, Lin Jin couldn't have come all this way just to deliver a letter.

"Oh it's nothing, I just wanted to take the advancement assessment, but since Jade Dragon Kingdom does not possess the authority to conduct that exam, Appraiser Tan Xun recommended me for a Rank 4 qualification here at Heavenly Spiral City."

Lin Jin had spoken so casually as if this wasn't even worth mentioning. Yet, Tan Lin and Li Xinqi found it so incredible that it was more shocking than thunder itself.

"Advancement to Rank 4?" gasped Li Xinqi before Tan Lin could say anything.

She didn't believe it.

Advancement to Rank 4 was not child's play for a beast appraiser. Even in Heavenly Spiral Kingdom, there were only twenty-odd Rank 4 beast appraisers, and every one of them was highly respected.

To her, Rank 4 beast appraisers were too far out of their grasp.

Tan Lin was just as shocked but she knew Lin Jin and understood her father even more. Since her father had written the recommendation letter, it only proved that her father and the entire Beast Appraisal Association of Jade Dragon Kingdom acknowledged Lin Jin's capabilities. They figured Lin Jin was worthy of a Rank 4 title.


Otherwise, that recommendation letter wouldn't have come into existence

It wasn't taken lightly either. Should Lin Jin prove to be incompetent during the assessment, not only would he lose face but the entire Jade Dragon Kingdom would also be humiliated.

Aware of the risks, Tan Lin studied Lin Jin carefully. She also remembered how Lin Jin helped her cheat earlier to win against that dreadful woman, Jiang Fengfeng.

Indeed, Lin Jin was qualified enough to be granted a Rank 4 title.

However, she had no say in whether he was worthy, neither did Tan Xun. It was up to the Rank 4 beast appraisers of Heavenly Spiral City's Beast Appraisal Association to carry out their judgment.