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My Farm System: Reaching The Top In The Parallel Earth!

Chapter 45
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The way that Claude spoke causes Rezen to raise his eyebrows in doubt

“Brother, why does it sound as if I wouldn’t see you for a long time?” Rezen said, his tone containing a hint of sadness

“I have to go back to the Capital” Claude replied

In this world, there are four continents namely Southern, Western, Northern, and Eastern that have one country each. The Country that Rezen is in is the Eastern Continent and the Capital is called Osmath City

The Capital is a few cities away from the Greenwood City and if Claude is going back there then that really means that it would be hard for Rezen to meet him again

‘And here I thought I could extort more benefits from this sugar dadd– friend’

“Okay, I understand” Rezen replied, his mood hitting rock bottom



“For now, the Ratois Mountain is safe and the same as before again. But I still think that there is a problem in that place. If you really won’t move out from here then I hope that you inform me as soon as you noticed anything weird or abnormal”

Since Claude and his subordinates were not in the Mountain anymore when Rezen went there, he thought that the mountain is safe again but there might actually still be a hidden danger?

Rezen hoped that was not the case as he planned on using the Mountain as a farm for his ‘experience points’ (lottery tickets and blessing points)

“Okay! I will do that! Promise!”

Rezen hoped that the mountain is safe but there is also part of him that wants to notice anything abnormal to report to Claude that might return because of that

“Alright, good. Here, this is my phone number and this one is the number of my subordinate. If you need any more seeds, you could call and ask him for them” Claude said as he handed two pieces of small cards to Rezen that gladly accepted them

He had already made a deal with Florine and Rain but more seed suppliers and spirit plant customers are always welcome!

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“Thank you, brother!”

“It’s nothing. Good luck and keep safe, I have to go now”

Claude nodded his head to the silent Zero before walking away. He really was in a hurry and almost did not notice the artificial human

Rezen waved the good brother goodbye. It felt like he just lost a good friend

“Zero, go take a shower first” Rezen said, his shoulders hanging low


When Rezen returned to his bedroom, he rubbed the void storage ring for a bit before checking the contents

Just like what Claude said, there are thousands of seeds inside and also stacks of books

There are books of various elements but they are mostly of the sun and water elements considering that those two are the types of magic that Claude had seen him using

“Hmm, oh right, I still haven’t had the farm absorb the corpses yet. I hope I get more of that long and delicious mysterious banana. I like them more than I like peaches… hmm, why do I feel like that sounded inappropriate?”

Rezen soon threw his sadness away as he excitedly went to his farm to have the system devour all the corpses

There were around 200 of them, mostly at ungraded and 1st fusion rank since Rezen and Zero hunted in the area where the low-level magic beasts are located and also because they are the most abundant

But before that, Rezen decided to check something first, and just as he had expected, the blessing points that he needed to acquire a blessing increased again!

The first time, it was 100 points then it increases to 300 points when he was a 1st fusion rank mage. And now that he is at the 2nd fusion rank, the number increased yet again!

Rezen now needs 700 points for a single blessing!

Considering that a 2nd fusion rank beast would earn him 7 points, the system really wants Rezen to kill 100 magic beasts of his rank!

“In the future, I have to grind first before leveling up” Rezen vowed through gritted teeth while letting the system absorb all the corpses

[Ding! Congratulations to the Host for obtaining lottery tickets x197 and Blessing Points x213. Current Blessing Points 214/700]

Rezen hasn’t even reached half the required blessing points although, from his previous balance of 1 point, it rose to more than 200 points!

This greatly pained his heart. He forgot this rule of the system when he was hastily increasing his rank

If he remembered that then this would not happen, he would have Zero help him hunt for magic beasts for at least a week before ranking up!

“System, use all the lottery tickets” Rezen ordered with a sigh

[Ding! Using lottery tickets x197]

[Ding! Congratulations to the Host for obtaining recovery pills x196 and 1 mysterious peach!]

“Fuck, this drop rate is really broken! Even the most vicious gotcha game has a higher odds of winning the jackpot!” Rezen cried out miserably, deciding that the entire week ahead of him would be for hunting magic beasts for experience points

Rezen let the recovery pills stay in his storage and he decided to eat the mysterious peach on the spot

The only redeeming thing about today’s recharge is the quality of the peach. It would let Rezen learn another 2nd fusion grade spell!

He just hoped that it would not be water-type. He would like it better if the spell would be of sun or earth type as he can also use this chance to upgrade his other gems

The only reason why he didn’t do so was because of his lacking comprehension. He couldn’t fuse his sun-type mystic gem and upgrade it to the 2nd fusion rank

As for the earth-type mystic gem, it remained at the ungraded level

Now that Rezen’s elixir field can hold 6 mystic gems at the 1st fusion grade and 6 mystic gems at the 2nd fusion grade, the pressing matter in the meantime is to upgrade his current gems

The familiar tantalizing scent of the mysterious peach wafted in the air and assaulted Rezen’s nostrils

Since he was already a bit hungry, the peach made his stomach grumble and Rezen started devouring it

The taste is exactly as he can remember and soon, a flood of information entered his brain directly

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[Ding! Congratulations to the Host for learning the 2nd fusion grade spell: Bloodsucking Vine!]

Rezen’s body trembled, his face showing inexplicable emotions as if he wanted to cry

“Why are the spells so random? Can’t you just give me spells that I can use with the available mystic gems that I have? System, why are you doing this to me?” Rezen sobbed

The Bloodsucking Vine is a plant-type spell and currently, Rezen cannot use it

He has enough resources now to condense a plant-type mystic gem considering he didn’t give all the spirit plants he planted to Florine and Neil. However, the thing is, Rezen is already tired of constantly eating rainbow clementines until his stomach almost explodes every time!

Sure, he has enough ‘slots’ for now but that is only on the premise that he doesn’t plan on upgrading his existing mystic gems into the 2nd fusion grade or higher

If not then he has to eat thousands of rainbow clementines to once again upgrade his elixir field

“Sun, earth, water, plant… what would be next, the moon? System, are you trying to force me into creating a whole ass planet?” Rezen complained mindlessly but after he realized what he had said, he raised his eyebrows

“Hmm? That can’t be it, right?” Rezen muttered before throwing the matter at the back of his head

The mysterious peach is not enough to satiate his hunger and he entered his house again where Zero just finished showering

“Hey, do you know how to cook?” Rezen asks

He can cook at the very least edible dishes but he is not at the level of a chef

He saved one of the bears that he personally fought for personal consumption. Rezen heard that magic beasts’ meat tastes really delicious, especially the higher level ones

Only now does he have the chance to try them and he hopes that the bear meat would be prepared by someone with capable hands

“I don’t, master, but I can try to learn” Zero replied and Rezen just shrugged his shoulders

“Forget it, if the meat is really good then even if we messed it up, it should still taste delicious”

With that decision, Rezen searched for a meat recipe on the internet that would also use the vegetables he had grown on his farm and he exchanged the beef meat with bear meat

Anyway, they are both meat. Replacing the beef would not be illegal, right?

The dish that Rezen decided to cook was ground bee-, no, it should be ground bear meat and cabbage

The main ingredients were cabbages and the meat but it also contains tomatoes and Rezen decided to add in his potato (not the metal ones)

As for dessert, there were the cherries that he planted that didn’t turn into bombs. Rezen has high hopes for tonight’s dinner